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Board of Selectmen Minutes 07-09-08
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Curtis Plante
July 9, 2008                                                    Kenneth F. Troup                
                                                Jodi Ross, Town Administrator
                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

#09-01a          $65,825.17
#09-01   $22,090.86

Present:  Kaffee Kang of Kang Associates, Inc.

Ms. Kang provided a comparison of town halls with population that ranged from 4,200 to 27,200 and town hall sizes ranging from 5,200 square feet to 30,000 square feet.  This comparison clearly showed that we do have a need for more space for our town offices.  If we used both the Town Hall (4,500 square feet) and Houghton building (3,500 square feet) the buildings would be average in terms of size.

Ms. Kang provided a copy of the questionnaire that was filled out by employees to help arrive at the space needs program.   Based on the information provided a space program was developed that required 6,633 square feet.

Ms. Kang presented plans for both the Town Hall and Houghton Building.  The plans were based on the minimal amount of work required to accommodate the space needs.  Ms. Kang stated that the average office size is 8’X8’ but that her plans were based on 6’X6’ offices.  The town hall plans provided for offices on the second floor which included offices for the Treasurer and Accountant’s office.  The first floor plan provided for space for a vault, kitchen, restrooms and conference rooms to avoid the need for an elevator.  The land use offices (Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Planning Board and Building Inspector) were located in the Houghton Building on the 1st floor with the second floor being used for conference rooms and storage.   

Mr. Plante questioned whether a certain percentage of renovations would trigger the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.  Ms. Kang stated that the ADA is a federal statute and the Massachusetts handicap code requires handicap access for the public only and does not address the staff.   It was Ms. Kang’s opinion that if the functions of the 1st and 2nd floor were different enough there would not be an issue with the Massachusetts Architectural Board.  Ms. Kang’s opinion is that an elevator would be a benefit and resolve a lot of problems.  The cost of an elevator would be approximately $250,000.  She also noted that chairlifts are not allowed for the full height of the building.  

The historic significance of the building also needs to be taken into account.   The Historical Commission would be more concerned with the exterior of the building than the interior.  

Mr. Troup questioned the specifications for the vault and suggested the possibility of a vault being located on the second floor of the Houghton building and at the town hall to meet the needs.  He suggested an addition off the back of the town hall for a vault.  Ms. Kang stated that there is only one manufacturer that meets the Secretary of State requirements for a vault. The vault needs to be able to stand by itself even if the rest of the building were to fall down which means the best place to put it is on the 1st floor.  

Ms. Ross stated that employees preferred to have everyone located in one building.  Mr. Lindsay, Chairman of the Advisory Committee would like to see the Houghton Building plans redesigned so that the conference rooms are located on the 1st floor.

The cost of renovations for both buildings would range from $1.5 million to $3.5 million.  
Mr. Lindsay did not feel that there was anything that could be done now because of the Public Library renovations and Public Safety Center projects that are in the works now.

The Board of Selectmen agreed to review the information provided by Ms. Kang and defer discussion to a later date.

In the meantime, the information will be posted to the website for public input.

Mr. Al Maurer requested permission to erect five (5) 24” X 24” temporary show signs on ground stakes along roadways in Bolton on August 30, 2008. The location of the signs will be at the Route 495 No. at Exit 27 – Route 117 off ramp; Route So. at Exit 27 – Route 117 off ramp; Route 85 at intersection of Route 117; Route 110 No. at intersection of Route 117 and Route 110 So. at intersection of Route 117.

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve this request.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes)

Building Inspector:  Ms. Ross reported that Building Inspector Frank Krysa will be retiring from the Town of Bolton.  At this time they did not feel the need to expand this position, and therefore on a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to advertise for the 15 hour per week position to replace Mr. Krysa.  

Both Mr. Plante and Mr. Troup acknowledged Mr. Krysa’s services to the Town of Bolton stating that he has been very helpful and a pleasure to work with.

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to pay David Drugge the minimum rate of $24.61 of the building inspector’s grade while he is acting building inspector.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes)  This decision was based on the town policy adopted to compensate employees during department head extended absences.

Town Administrator letter of resignation:  With deep regret and a sigh, on a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to accept the resignation of Town Administrator Jodi Ross effective August 8, 2008.  Ms. Ross is leaving to take the Town Manager position in Westford.  

The Board of Selectmen agreed to hold off on advertising for the town administrator position until a consulting firm has been hired to help with the search.  

Ms. Ross informed the Board of Selectmen that the initial compliance certification was approved by the MSBA and that the district is now eligible to submit the final draft if we wish to do so.  The Selectmen discussed the MSBA application process and are interested in learning if there is anything regarding repair of the buildings, or any capital needs for the buildings (for example converting offices into classrooms) that can be put into a Statement of Interest.~ Ms. Ross will follow up with Supt. Wood regarding this.

Library Construction Committee:  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Panny Gerken to the Library

Construction Committee, term expiration upon completion.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes)

Board of Registrar:  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Susan Miles to the Board of Registrar, term expiration June 30, 2011.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes)

Council on Aging:  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Emma Herbison to the Council on Aging, term expiration June 30, 2011.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes)

Forest Warden:  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, to appoint John Stephenson, as Forest Warden, term expiration June 30, 2009.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes)

Reserve Officer:  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Juan Ramos, Reserve Officer, term expiration June 30, 2009.

Ms. Ross reported that Town Clerk Pamela Powell is looking at the annual appointment process to see if it can be streamlined.
On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to adjourn at 8:13 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Linda L. Day