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Board of Selectmen Minutes 06-19-08
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Curtis Plante
June 19, 2008                                                   Kenneth F. Troup
                                                                Stanley Wysocki
                                                Jodi Ross, Town Administrator
                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town hall at 7:00 p.m.

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the minutes of February 12, March 13, 26, April 1, 3, & 17,  May 7 &15 and
June 5, 2008.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes, Wysocki – yes)

08-26   $97,741.85
08-26a  $288,567.86

Present:  Superintendent Michael Wood, Assistant Superintendent George King, Facilities Manager Bill Spratt, School Committee member Richard Fly and Cathy Giunta

Update on turf field:  No additional information at this time and this topic of discussion was passed over.   

Presentation of Power Purchase Agreement Program:  Mr. Plante stated that the Energy Committee was looking at creative ways of trying to save money and the idea of putting solar panels on some of our public buildings was being assessed to see if it was feasible.  The two buildings being looked at were the Nashoba Regional High School and the Lancaster Elementary School because of the roof space.  Emerson and Florence Sawyer School were both looked at but because of the amount of equipment and weight on the roofs it was determined that the engineering to get the panels on the roofs would be too much plus Emerson School was also shaded by trees that were not conducive to the solar panels.  Borrego Solar prepared a proposal for the Nashoba Regional High School and the Lancaster School to purchase the energy generated through the solar panels put on the roof and maintained by Borrego Solar.  This is an energy purchasing agreement at a locked in rate for 20 years.  After the 20 years the panels could be taken off the roof, purchased or upgraded. The Power Purchase Agreement would cost us about $51,000 the first year. About $40,000 worth of utility bills that are already being paid would be avoided.  The energy purchase agreement starts to look good about year 4 but in year 7 the energy credits go away and around year 18 we would start to break even.  
Mr. Spratt stated that there is no benefit to Bolton as the power purchase agreement is for energy that is taken off the cost of utilities of the person paying for the utilities.  

The District has saved about 500,000 kilowatts hours of electricity district wide by reducing the electrical load which generates a savings.  That savings is being re-invested in other green projects that they are doing themselves.
The School District will do further investigation to determine if this is something they would like to do.  Mr. Plante stated that there was also discussion to consider the agreement for the Library and Public Safety Building if it was feasible.  

Ms. Lama stated that the Energy Committee remains positive about the program and would find other alternatives if the School District chooses not to do this.  Mr. Spratt provided the Board of Selectmen with their energy history which has been reduced significantly by approximately 22% over the past two years which is a huge savings..  

Administrative Space at the Emerson School:  Superintendent Wood stated that they are having conversations with the Town of Lancaster regarding administrative office space.  The Facilities Committee would like the district offices to stay central to the region.  In addition they are trying to figure out what the Town of Stow is going to do with the Pompositicutt School.  If the Town of Bolton would officially let the district know about the plans for the1922 building they could look to see if that meets their needs. They occupy about 8,000 sq. ft in the 1952.  They will need 2,000 square feet in the 1952 section for classrooms next fall.  It would be tight but they could fit into the 1922.   Supt. Wood stated that Lancaster is looking for a decision from the District no later than the end of August and the District would like to have a plan by the end of December 2008 so that the three towns know what the financial implications are for the FY10 budget process. Lancaster anticipates $1.4 million to renovate the Memorial School. Emerson School is being occupied rent free but they do pay for the utilities.  
A town meeting vote would be required to enter into an agreement with the District to lease the building.  Ms. Ross stated that she has received plans from Kaffee Kang regarding the use of Town Hall and the Houghton Building for town offices.  She suggested that the Board of Selectmen meet with Ms. Kang to discuss the plans which would help to determine whether the district offices can stay at Emerson School.  Supt. Wood stated that if there was a chance of entering into lease discussions that would be enough to let Lancaster know they did not have to put an article on their fall town meeting.  

Supt. Wood agreed to put together a proposal for the use of Emerson School for review by the Board of Selectmen.

Other considerations being looked at by the district are widening of Mechanic Street to Florence Sawyer School to improve entering and existing the schools, and parking.  Mr. Plante suggested that Supt. Wood discuss egress situation with Mr. Brown, DPW as MassHighway is trying to do a study of Route 117 from Lancaster to Stow.  A suggestion was also made to look at additional parking in the area of the small ball field and relocatable on Mechanic Street.   Supt. Wood will meet with the Board of Selectmen on July 23, 2008 to discuss the administrative space proposal.

Massachusetts School Building Authority:   Supt. Wood stated that they are negotiating the compliance certification for Nashoba Regional School with the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA).  MSBA wants regional districts to be responsible for all schools, including the Pre-K through 8.  Supt. Wood stated he has not found language that specifically states that no one in the district can be given any money for 10 years if it is given to Stow.  He has their attorney and the representative of the MSBA reviewing this and hopes to have a response by next week.  Supt. Wood contacted the MSBA regarding the window for applying for the Town of Bolton’s SOI which is July 31, 2008 and there was no indication from the MSBA of the district already having an SOI.   

Another concern is that the Town of Lancaster did abandon a building in the last 10 years. It did go through an approval process and he does not feel we should be penalized.  
Mr. Plante asked whether the Town of Bolton would be compensated if they had to accept the 4th grade class from Stow.  Ms. Giunta stated that the original agreement says there should be compensation for a student that goes to school in a town that they are not a resident of.  

Supt. Wood confirmed that the MSBA does not reimburse for regional district offices occupying school space for administrative space.  

Mr. King stated that the agreement says the Town of Stow will finance the bonds entirely and will not have any affect on Bolton and Stow from a financial prospect as far as borrowing.   

Supt. Wood stated that this will be discussed at the School Committee’s meeting next week but they did not think they would sign the document until they have their questions answered.  Any additional questions or concerns will be forwarded to Cathy Giunta, School Committee member.

Televising School Committee Meetings:
Present:  Robert Johnson, BatCo member

Mr. Johnson met with the Board of Selectmen and School representatives to discuss recording of the School Committee meetings.  Mr. Johnson stated duplication of the equipment used for televising the Board of Selectmen’s meeting would be good start for televising the School Committee meetings.  It would cost approximately $16,000 which includes the cameras, electronic switch for the cameras, the audio gear and the recording device.   It does not include the broadcast system that each town uses. He was favorable to the suggestion of paying someone to do the recording.  BatCo does have funds which are Bolton’s funds and it seems logical that the other towns should contribute to the purchase of equipment.  Stow has a town government cable committee and Lancaster is negotiating with the cable company.  

Ms. Ross asked if it would be possible to have a portable camera to tape the meetings until the school district knows where there offices will be located.  Mr. Troup stated that among the concerns are the sound quality and the interest level of a single camera.   Mr. Johnson stated that it would not be difficult to move the equipment if the offices were moved.

Superintendent Michael Wood stated that they have some end of the year funds to start purchasing the equipment.  Ms. Ross stated that there is a significant amount of funds available and if the Board of Selectmen was willing to approve funds to record meetings we could have more meetings televised besides the School Committee.

Mr. Johnson stated that there are two channels in Bolton. Channel 10 for which both Stow and Lancaster have access to.   Channel 10 could be used for the tri-town channel and channel 8 could be designated for Bolton.  

Mr. Johnson agreed to provide the Board of Selectmen with a proposal for hiring personnel to increase the amount of televising and what the budget would be to do that.

Mr. Robert Johnson met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the addition of two (2) 2X6 signs with changeable letters that were mounted over the existing signs at the entrance and exit of the First Parish Church that have not been approved.  Signboards are attached to the existing signs as the occasion demands or welcome signs remain when there aren’t any occasions planned.  There is also a First Parish Church sign and a Children’s Horizon Day Care on the property.  The Selectmen stated that there are several signs along the front property line of the church and it does not look good aesthetically.    The First Parish has been a good neighbor and asset to the Town of Bolton and the Selectmen did not want the action or comments this evening taken in a negative way.  Mr. Johnson will provide the Board of Selectmen with an outline to explain the context and scope of all the signs.  The Board of Selectmen agreed to look at the site and discuss with Mr. Johnson at a future meeting.  Mr. Johnson also informed the Board of Selectmen that there is a plan to expand the parking behind the First Parish Church and would like to tie the parking into the town hall parking.  The Board suggested that Mr. Johnson meet with the Board of Selectmen when the church has finalized their plan.

Present:  Michael McCarthy, representative of Condyne Real Estate; J.R. McDonald, Senior Director of Cushman & Wakefield of Massachusetts and Daniel Artone, Regional Vice President of Enterprise

Mr. McCarthy stated that Condyne recently purchased the Bolton Office Park and they have space available that Enterprise Rent-A- Car is looking to lease.   It will involve on-site parking for wholesale distribution of used rental cars and they would like to discuss how this can fit into the bylaws to bring Enterprise to Bolton.  Cars would be registered in Bolton and Bolton would receive the excise tax.   They have a network of 35 branches in the region.  Their current office is in Acton where they garage anywhere between 200-300 vehicles annually and the town of Acton receives from $75,000 to $130,000 in revenue for the excise tax.  Once the vehicles are eligible to be sold they are brought into one central location.  to be sold.  They would like to obtain a car sales license to be able to do the dealer to dealer type sales.  There will be no retail sales, no maintenance will be done on site and the majority of sales are taken over the phone.  There will be a minimum of 300 cars registered in the Town of Bolton.  A maximum of 350 cars will be housed in Bolton at one time but typically throughout the course of the year would be 200 cars.  The excise tax revenue is received when a new vehicle is purchased.  As part of the lease, Condyne would be provided with a designated fenced off area to house the cars.  This parking area would be in the rear of the building. Mr. McDonald, representative for both parties stated the Condyne property provides for a larger regional headquarters and ample amount of parking. The lease agreement would be for 10 years with an option to be out after 7 years.   On occasion cars would be shipped in on a carrier.  3,000 cars are sold on an average annually.  300 cars registered in Bolton,

A Special Town Meeting is required to amend the bylaw to allow this type of use in the limited business district.  The Board of Selectmen offered their support of the proposal and explained that it would take a couple of weeks to put the Special Town Meeting together.  A quorum of 75 votes is required and a 2/3 majority vote would be required.  If passed it would also require the approval of the Attorney General.  

Ms. Ross stated that she was informed by Town Planner Jenny Atwood Burney that the Planning Board supports the bylaw change.  The Board of Selectmen also supported the bylaw change.

The Board of Selectmen also asked the gentlemen if they would be willing to share the cost of the special town meeting.  Mr. McCarthy stated he would have an answer to this request the following day.

Mr. Artone stated that they are looking to move from Acton because the proximity to 495 is more convenient for the region and because of the need for additional parking.  
The Board of Selectmen cautioned against additional lighting that would shine across the neighborhood.   The Board of Selectmen also recommended that information be made available regarding the frequencies of the trips in and out of the facility.  Mr. Artone stated that it was important to note that the cars will be coming out of the parking and taking a right toward Route 495.  On occasion the vehicles will come on a truck carrier.  

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted their intent to call a special town meeting on Monday, July 14, 2008 to amend the zoning bylaws (j) Activity Regulations.   (Plante – yes, Troup – yes, Wysocki – yes)

The Board of Selectmen invited Mr. Teague to their meeting to discuss the upcoming Bolton Celebrates and to be sure they are prepared for the people attending this event.
Mr. Teague does not feel the attendance will be significant.  Ms. Ross spoke with the Police Chief today to be sure he has extra officers on duties.
Mr. Teague showed the Board of Selectmen a sketch of the layout of Memorial field indicating the fireworks display site versus the area for spectators that has been approved by the Fire Marshall.  The fireworks display area will be sectioned off with snow fence across the field.  The fireworks will start at approximately 9:15 p.m. and is estimated to be a half hour.  Other activities that evening will include a band and food vendors.  

The following documentation was provided to the Board of Selectmen:   Permit to operate a food service establishment, approval from the Department of Fire Services for the fire works display site to be located on the baseball field at Memorial field, and Certificate of Liability Insurance.  

Parking will be at the Trinity Church and the schools and will be designated with parking signs.  They are working on overflow parking at Murphy Insurance and the First Parish Church.  Handicapped parking will also be designated.  Port-a-potties will be located at Memorial Field.  They will work with the Police Department to direct traffic.  

Mr. Teague also requested permission for the multiple signs that have been located around town.  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen approved the signs for the event.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes, Wysocki – yes)
Mr. Plante will take part in the dunk tank.  Powder Hill Road will also have a float in the parade.

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to make the following appointments:   (Plante – yes, Troup – yes, Wysocki – yes)

Sue Storbeck    Term expiration June 30, 2011   
AMBULANCE DIRECTOR                                      
Margy Diaz      Term expiration June 30, 2009                                                   
EMT/Fire Fighter                        
David Farrell   Term expiration June 30, 2009           

ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER                                  
Susan Latham    Term expiration June 30, 2009   
ASSISTANT ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER                Term expiration  June 30, 2009

APPEALS, BOARD OF                                       
Kay Stoner                                      Term expiration June 30, 2013   

Sarah Greenough                 Term expiration June 30, 2011   
Amy Wilson                      Term expiration June 30, 2011

COUNCIL ON AGING                
Barbara Brown                   Term expiration June 30, 2011           
Shirley Sefton  Term expiration June 30, 2011

CULTURAL COUNCIL                                        
Susan Mebrino   Term expiration August 1, 2011  
Peter Vincent   Term expiration August 1, 2011  
Donald Baum                                     Term expiration June 30, 2009

ENERGY COMMITTEE                                        
Laura Kischitz  Term expiration June 30, 2011   
Beth McGilvray  Term expiration June 30, 2011                   
FIRE CHIEF                      
John Stephenson                 Term expiration June 30, 2009

HISTORICAL COMMISSION                           
Martha Remington                        Term expiration June 30, 2011
Marshall McKee                  Term expiration June 30, 2011

Building - Frank Krysa                  Term expiration June 30, 2009   
 Asst.  David Drugge   Term expiration June 30, 2009   
Wiring –James Boodry                    Term expiration June 30, 2009
    Assistant: Peter Casello                   Term expiration June 30, 2009                           

Chris Harrington                        Term expiration June 30, 2009                                   
Diane Coolidge                  Term expiration June 30, 2009                                                               
Nathaniel Barry                 Term expiration June 30, 2009                                       
Vincent Alfano                  Term expiration June 30, 2009           
Barbara Brown                   Term expiration June 30, 2009                                   
Donna Madden                    Term expiration June 30, 2009                                           
Stanley Wysocki (Liaison)                       Term expiration June 30, 2009

POLICE CHIEF                    
Vincent Alfano                  Term expiration June 30, 2009   

Deborah Kellett                 Term expiration June 30, 2011
Leslie Breeze                   Term expiration June 30, 2011

Sheila Chmielowski                      Term expiration June 30, 2011   
Peggi Child                     Term expiration June 30, 2011

TREE WARDEN                                     
Mark Caisse                     Term expiration June 30, 2009

VETERANS AGENT                                  
Michelle Marino                 Term expiration June 30, 2009                   

VETERANS GRAVE OFFICER                                                                                                 
Harold E. Babcock                       Term expiration June 30, 2009

Bolton Rep:
Brooke James                                    Term expiration June 30, 2009

NIMS training:  Ms. Ross reminded the Board of Selectmen of the NIMS training they must complete in order for the Town to become NIMS compliant.  They were asked to complete this training by June 30, 2008 so that the Ambulance Department can apply for a grant in the amount of $15,000 for portable radios.  

Selectmen’s meeting:  The Board of Selectmen will meet on Thursday, June 26, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. to confirm the special town meeting and review the warrant.  

Force Main:  The Board of Health will be asked if they would like to host the meeting with Main Street residents regarding the force main project and the recommendation of the Board of Health that the force main be sleeved.   

BANS renewals: Renewals took place this week at 2.29% for the highway truck, the public safety computers, and sidewalks.   

Library Construction Committee:  The Board of Selectmen requested that a notice be placed in the Bolton Common looking for a volunteer to fill a vacancy on Library Construction Committee.  Ms. Gerken has expressed interest in serving on the Committee.

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to issue 40 FREE transfer station stickers to seniors (head of household – 61 and over) for FY09.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes, Wysocki – yes)

Mr. Plante reported that last week an ANR plan was put together for the property line for the Library.  The Board of Selectmen met with the Public Safety Center Construction Committee to be sure there was no impact to their proposal.  With their consent they met with the Planning Board and the Planning Board endorsed the plan which was recorded at the Registry.  At the Board of Appeals hearing the application for the special permit was withdrawn without prejudice and the Board of Appeals approved the two variances as requested.  The Library Construction Committee and the Board of Selectmen will hold a meeting to address the concerns raised by abutters at the Board of Appeals hearing.  It was also noted that the Mass Historical Society will continue to be kept in the loop regarding this project.  

Mr. Plante reported that he received a letter from a town resident asking that the town reconsider mosquito spraying in Bolton.  Bolton and Harvard are surrounded by communities that all spray.  The Board of Health had received the original request from the resident and the Board of Health suggested the resident bring it to the attention of the Board of Selectmen.   

Mr. Wysocki thanked the residents for supporting the Boy Scouts by dropping off their redeemable soda bottles and cans to the transfer station.  He encouraged others who are recycling by placing the redeemable bottles and cans in with the glass and plastics to segregate them and drop them off at the shed for the Boy Scouts.  

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen adjourned at 9:35 p.m.  (Plante – yes, Troup – yes, Wysocki – yes)

Respectfully submitted, Linda L. Day