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Board of Selectmen Minutes 05-07-08
Board of Selectmen      
May 7, 2008

Panny Gerken
Curt Plante
Kenneth F. Troup
Jodi Ross, Town Administrator
Linda Day, Town Secretary               

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Police Chief Alfano, Mark Giunta, Chairman of the Public Safety Building Center Construction Committee, Advisory Committee members David Lindsay and Randy Dinjian

The executive session meeting originally scheduled this evening was canceled.  The meeting to discuss the request of the Toll Brothers to remove the age restriction due to current housing market was also removed from the agenda because an official request had not yet been received by Town Planner Jennifer Atwood Burney.  

Mr. Giunta stated that the Public Safety Center Construction Committee (PSCCC) received three proposals in response to the RFQ for the architect for the design services for the public safety center.   Mr. Giunta stated that they were all very well presented and based on review of the proposals by the PSCCC, the committee recommended that the Board of Selectmen proceed with contract negotiations with Jacunski Humes Architects, LLC for the public safety center.  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted their intent to contract with Jacunski Humes Architects pending successful negotiations.  (Gerken – yes, Plante – yes, Troup – yes)

Mr. Plante stated that he was less than satisfied with the exterior designs previously presented and that he could not agree to go forward if that same design was proposed.  Mr. Plante stated that he would like to see something that emulates the rural character of Bolton.   Mr. Giunta stated that the best description he heard was one made by Ms. Ross, Town Administrator who said “make it look like it has always been there”.   Chief Alfano stated that the design was not cast in concrete and his point was well taken.  

Overall the annual town meeting went very well.  The hand counting taken by counters went a little slowly.   Selectmen were pleased to see Mr. Anker, Moderator back off on the no clapping rule.  Selectmen asked about microphones at the back of the auditorium.
Mr. Troup questioned whether there was anything to be done on Golden Run Road based on the town meeting vote not to support the article.  Ms. Gerken stated that the reality is the berm and the catch basin did work well to solve the drainage problems on Golden Run Road.   Mr. Plante was not willing to support any money being spent on the Golden Run Road problem based on the town meeting vote.  

Mr. Troup questioned why the annual town meeting warrant for Lancaster and Stow is closed later than the Town of Bolton’s warrant.  Bolton allows for the warrant to be at the printer for two weeks and allows for the warrant to be mailed to all residents two weeks before the town meeting.  Lancaster does not mail the warrant to all residents.  They publish a brief summary of their warrant in the local newspaper and print a small amount of warrants to be left at public locations around town such as the post office and library.  The other advantage Lancaster has is one of their Selectmen owns a printing company and can therefore print the warrant in a more timely manner.  Sterling appears to be on the same schedule as Bolton and they do mail their warrant to all residents.  Information was not obtained from Stow at this time.  

The Board of Selectmen discussed the cost of mailing the warrant to all residents.    Approximately 1,900 copies are printed at an estimated cost of $1,100 to $1,450 depending on the size of the document and printer.  Special Town meeting warrants have been printed at Staples.  The cost for postage to mail the warrant ranges from $250 to $350.   Attendance at town meeting has ranged from 155 to 558 over the last seven years.

A suggestion was made to ask the residents in the next town survey or have Mr. Anker asked the audience’s opinion at the next own meeting.   Revisions to the process would require amendments to the zoning bylaws.

Mr. Lindsay, Advisory Committee member felt the warrant should continue to be mailed to every home to encourage people to be involved and informed.

The Selectmen will continue to think about alternatives.  

Community Center:  Mr. Troup reported that he received an email from the task force appointed by the Council on Aging stating that they are interested in acquiring the Smith property for a community center.  

Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan:  Christine Wallace, of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council is looking to receive comments from the town staff and officials by Friday, May 23, 2008 related to the draft plan.  Ms. Day has contacted the town staff to remind them of the deadline and obtain their comments for the Board of Selectmen.

Central Regional Homeland Security Advisory Council:  In April a letter was received from the Central Regional Homeland Security Advisory Council stating that they were unable to fulfill our grant request.~ They said that they looked at communities that were NIMS compliant as well as those communities that geographically fit our overall strategic placement plan and~Bolton has not certified that they are NIMS compliant at this time.~ Ms. Day has contacted Mr. Baum to confirm the required testing and who had taken what training thus far.  

Joint meeting of the Public Safety Center Construction Committee~and the Library construction Committee - May 15, 2008:  Ms. Ross stated that a meeting has been scheduled for the members of the Public Safety Center Construction Committee and the Library Construction Committee to talk about reaching an agreement related to the utility costs before it comes to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Plante’s opinion is that both the Public Safety Center and the Library should split the cost of all combined/shared utilities.  Ms. Gerken and Ms. Ross will attend this meeting as facilitators.  

Auditor’s Report:  The Auditor’s report was given to Ms. Gerken to review and will then be passed on to Mr. Lindsay.  The management letter is not included at this time.
On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Troup, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day