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Board of Selectmen Minutes 02-12-08
Board of Selectmen      
February 12, 2008


Curt Plante
Kenneth F. Troup
Jodi Ross, Town Administrator
Linda Day, Town Secretary       
The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m.  They attended the Advisory Committee meeting from 7:30 to 8:45 p.m.  and then proceeded with their meeting.
Present:  Advisory Committee members David Lindsay, Burt Shnitzler and Bob Czekanski

Mr. Spratt, NRSD facilities manager informed the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee that the water storage tank for the 1922/1952 sections of the Emerson School has a small pin hole leak in the bottom of the tank due to rusting.  Mr. Spratt is seeking funding from the town for this repair.  If the tank fails there will be no potable water at the school.  Skillings and Sons has recommended that the tank be replaced versus repaired.  Skillings and Sons quote was for $18,792 which included the replacement of the existing tank with two small bladder tanks at $6,500 per tank and the removal of the old tank, the option of a fiber glass tank for $200 each and the installation of a pump switch.  A quote was also received Sontag Pump in the amount of $14,500 for the installation of a steel tank. Sontag Pump’s quote did not include the installation of the pump switch or the removal of the old tank.    Mr. Spratt stated that two other vendors he contacted were not interested in quoting the job.  

The Board requested that Mr. Spratt seek three quotes on the same services (i.e. installation and removal of tank, type of tank, pump switch).  The Advisory Committee agreed to schedule a meeting on Friday evening or Saturday morning to approve the transfer request.  Mr. Spratt will forward the quote information to Ms. Ross and Ms. Day for distribution to the Advisory Committee prior to their meeting.

Mr. Spratt will also talk with the water operator to see if an in-line cartridge type filter should also be installed.  

Present:  DPW Harold Brown and Administrative Assistant Shelly O’Toole; Capital Planning Committee members Kerry Hoffman and Frank Chiodo

190 – Building:  The total budget request for 190 Buildings was $78,450.     It included incidentals for the Fire Station, Town Barn, Police Station, Town Hall (including additional lighting for the parking lot), Finance offices in Emerson School, Salt Shed and Person’s Park, and $28,750 for maintenance.   It also included $12,000 for floor replacement in several classrooms at the Florence Sawyer and Emerson School.  There was a question as to whether this floor replacement qualified as a capital expenditure.  The lease agreement between the Town of Bolton and the NRSD will be reviewed by the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee.  

293 - Traffic lights:  The total budget request for 293 traffic lights was $4,700.  
294 – Tree Warden:  The total budget request for 294 Tree Warden was $49,905.00.
421 – Highway:  The total budget request for 421 Highway was $701,534.    The salary and wages line items did not include COLA.  The following accounts showed reductions from FY08 to FY09:  overtime account was reduced from $26,700 to $15,000; telephone account was reduced from $7,000 to $5,000; stickers were reduced from $1,200 to $1,000; Parts and supplies were reduced from $15,000 to $12,000.  

422 – Highway Improvements:  The wages line item was increased from $10,000 to $12,000 to include police details.  A total of $225,000 was requested for local improvements including line painting, street sweeping, catch basin repair, crack sealing, drainage, signs, guardrail replacement, road patch, roadside mowing, poison ivy spray, Spectacle Hill culvert and hot top and associated materials.   A list of roads to be paved in FY09 totaled $214,000.   The roads included a portion of Wattaquadock Hill Road, a portion of Long Hill Road, a portion of Farm Road, and the entire length of Wheeler Road and East End Road.   If Chapter 90 funds were not received all the roads would not be paved.  

Mr. Brown stated that he will not be able to fix the culverts and pave the roads for the requested $225,000.   

423 - Snow and Ice:  The budgeted $180,000 for snow and ice for FY08 has already been spent.  Mr. Brown was previously authorized to overspend the snow and ice budget by an additional $50,000 and is already running $16,000 in the negative.  He will be requesting authorization for an additional $50,000.
Mr. Plante stated that he has estimated 35 snow events this year compared to 12 snow events last year.

424 –Street lights:  This account was increased from $7,000 to $8,000.

433 – Transfer Station:  The total budget for the transfer station is $224,100.  $87,658 was taken in for transfer station stickers and $8,713 was taken in for recycling. Trash disposal prices have gone up.  The DPW will be going out to bid for trash disposal in March.  Ms. O’Toole did a survey of surrounding towns related to the price of transfer station stickers and we fall in the middle for the pay as you throw program.   Mr. Plante questioned whether we should increase our transfer station sticker prices if costs continue to increase.  The Selectmen address the transfer station stickers on an annual basis and will address any increases at that time.  The trash disposal line item includes $20,000 for a hazardous waste day.   Towns that make a profit allow commercial haulers.  This would require additional buildings and trucks.  

491 – Cemeteries:  was level funded at $13,000.
Derby Field Renovations:  Mr. Brown stated that the Parks/Recreation Commission and the School District would like to see the Derby Field renovated for playing fields.  This project was put off last year because of the construction of the wastewater treatment plant.  A portion of Derby field is presently used as a playing field but could be extended to the area where the pole barns are located.  Mr. Brown stated that the expenditure would be close to $100,000 for the renovations of the field which would include loam, leveling, grading, and re-seeding.  The Park/Recreation Commission would like an irrigation system which would be an additional cost.  Mr. Troup noted that a third of the field is presently used as a playground and questioned whether the field could be reconfigured in a way to allow for both activities to occur without disturbing the soccer field.  Mr. Brown will meet with the Park/Recreation Commission to discuss a plan.  Mr. Spratt will find out whether the field is needed now or if it can be done later.  Costs associated with this project also need to be determined.

New Truck:  Mr. Brown originally proposed an article for $130,000 for the purchase of a new truck.   He stated he has three trucks in poor condition.  His new proposal is to purchase two used trucks for $130,000 to meet his needs for FY09 and then in FY10 purchase another used truck.   Mr. Brown has a total repair budget of $65,000 that he stated he would not be able to reduce with the purchase of the used trucks.  To date he has already spent $11,000 on repairs.  Mr. Brown’s proposal seemed logical to the Capital Planning Committee members present.
Mr. Troup questioned whether there should be one article for the purchase of two trucks or if there should be two separate articles for each truck.  Mr. Plante proposed that the article be written in a way to allow for the purchase of a new truck or the option to purchase two trucks.  It was recommended that the repairs line item be in the 421 Highway account and not in the snow and ice account.   

Gas Cleanup:   The original request for $60,000 for the continuation of the cleanup of the gasoline contamination on Town and private land was reduced to $45,000.  Mr. Brown will take $15,000 from existing funds to begin closing the monitoring wells to comply with DEP requirements.  Mr. Brown stated their hope is to also remove the filters from the Katsis property.

Septic replacement on DPW Barn:  The barn has a cesspool that is pumped on a regular basis at a cost of approximately $1,200 per year.  It was agreed to continue to pump.  Therefore, article will be deleted from the ATM warrant.  

Pond Park Fence:  The present fence along Main Street is rotting. The concrete is also cracking.  Mr. Brown stated that a decorative aluminum type fence will cost an estimated $7,000 and a rod iron type fence would cost $15,625.  Mr. Brown will do more research on various options and costs associated with the repair.
Mr. Brown stated that with the present equipment it took 18 man hours to clear the sidewalks of a storm with 3 inches of snow.   Mr. Brown proposed a Bobcat for the cost of $28,000 to remove snow from the sidewalks.  Mr. Brown will draft an article for the purchase of the proposed Bobcat.   

DPW Van:  
Mr. Brown stated the transmission went on the 1984 van donated by Lloyd Woodworking and requested permission to dispose of the 1984 van.   He would like to put money into the 1998 chevy truck to use as a utility truck for the buildings.   The Advisory Committee will address this request for disposition of the van at their next meeting.  

Minuteman’s FY09 budget has increased over $100,000.  Mr. Markham, Assistant Superintendent-Director will be invited to the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on February 21, 2008.

Worcester County Retirement:    WCR reported health figures have come down approximately 9%.

Ambulance Bid:  On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted their intent to award the ambulance contract to Greenwood Emergency Vehicles, of North Attleboro, MA.   (Gerken – yes, Troup – yes, Plante – yes)

Water supply cisterns in town:  Ms. Ross reported that we have four cisterns in town with electric pumps.  (Quail Run, Danforth Lane, Fox Run Road and Rocky Dundee Road)   Mr. Rogers of Rocky Dundee Road has been paying the electric bills but has recently provided the town with bills totaling approximately $60.00 to be paid.

Nashoba Regional High School FY09 budget:  The Superintendent is requesting an 8.25% increase in the overall school budget which is 11% increase to Bolton’s assessment.
The budget includes 13.4 new positions including $18,104 for a Grade 7 French and Spanish teacher, $125,000 for administrative space, and other requests that did not have any costs associated with them as yet.   Mr. Lindsay provided various budget scenarios and the impact on Bolton’s assessment.   Mr. Troup agreed to draft a letter to be sent to the School Committee expressing the concerns of the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee regarding the proposed 10.98% increase in Bolton’s assessment.
Superintendent Michael Wood and the School Committee members will be invited to attend the Tri-Town meeting to be held in Stow on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 to discuss the proposed budget and its impact.

Meeting adjourned.  9:55 p.m.