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Board of Selectmen Minutes 04-01-08
Board of Selectmen
April 1, 2008

Panny Gerken
Curt Plante
Kenneth F. Troup
Jodi Ross, Town Administrator
Linda Day, Town Secretary

The Board of Selectmen attended the Advisory Committee meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Article 4:  Fiscal Year 2009 Operating Budget – Assessor Jeff Nichols attended the meeting to request a grade increase to grade 6 for the assessors’ administrative assistant. The town’s organizational consultant had looked at the position and recommended grade 6.  The increase in the assessors’ budget would be $732.  Part of the justification for the position was that the administrative assistant does more work than when we had an in house full time principal assessor.  There were no other questions or discussions of the budget.  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the article as amended to include the $732 increase in wages for the administrative assessor.

 (Gerken – yes, Plante – yes, Troup – yes)

The selectmen participated in Advisory Committee discussions of the tax title parcel and of the force main.  Burt Shnitzler gave the Advisory Committee an overview of the Wastewater Treatment Plant meeting that morning.  Mr. Lindsay indicated that he saw great benefit in the force main going down Main Street even if it cost more money than a shared septic at the public safety building.  Mr. Plante expressed his concern about the possibility of residents (or potential new developments for example at Smith’s) wanting to hook up to the force main.  The Advisory Committee approved the force main article as well as the Chapter 97 special legislation article and the selectmen noted that they will discuss the force main further on Thursday as it is already on the selectmen’s agenda for that meeting.

Respectfully submitted, Linda L. Day