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Board of Selectmen Minutes 02-13-07
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
February 13, 2007                                               Panny Gerken
Curtis Plante

Present:  Jeff Stefanski, Carol Horgan and Paul Brodie of Nashoba Associated Board of Health Nursing Service

The Board of Selectmen attended the Board of Health meeting at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the option of hiring a town nurse or contracting with Nashoba Associated Boards of Health (NABH) Nursing Service to replace Brooke James, our present Town Nurse who is resigning effective June 30, 2007.  The Board was provided with a list of services that NABH Nursing Services would provide that included special programs, rehabilitation services, and hospice and prevention programs. The cost of the NABH Nursing services would be $7,000 and the Town Nurse’s budget submitted for FY08 was $10,775.    Ms. James recommended that the Town contract with NABH Nursing Service stating that the elderly population is growing and changing, and she could not do all the things that Nashoba Nursing Services could offer including services that Ms. James did not have the expertise or funds for.  Ms. James stated that the Council on Aging could pick up the cozy touch while the Nashoba Nursing Services could provide the expertise and support needed.  There would be one nurse dedicated to Bolton elderly.   Our Town Nurse provides a well adult clinic once a week in Bolton and the Nashoba Nursing would provide this same clinic twice a month.  The Board of Health will continue to discuss the options to determine what they felt was best for the community.   Ms. James was thanked for her services to the community.  

#07-17   $88,851.65
#07-17a  $2,497,328.64

Present:  Tim Fiehler, Historical Society and Martha Remington, Historical Commission
The Board of Selectmen continued to discuss the South Bolton Road gift of land being offered by Gigi Bonazzoli.  According to the Assessor’s office the market value is about $177,000.  The Historical Commission is also interested in this site as it is listed on the Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey for the Bolton Station area and would be a beneficial contribution to the historical resources of town.   The Town Planner provided aerial photos of the property to the Board of Selectmen and noted that he believes the town actually owns the little the sliver between the railroad tracks and the Hudson town line is owned by the Town of Bolton.  Ms. Gerken did not see how a decision could be made regarding this property until it was determined if there was a clear title and the site was clean from any possible contamination.  Mr. Plante stated he received a quote of approximately $3,000 to 5,000 to do a soil assessment on a one acre parcel land and the title search would cost approximately $600 depending on how complicated it was.   Tim Fiehler of the Historical Society presented pictures showing the train station that was located on this property.   Mr. Troup visited the site and did not see anything that led him to believe it was a dump site.  

The Selectmen agreed the question becomes would it be beneficial to the town to have ownership of the land and who would be responsible for policing the property.   Ms. Remington recommended a preservation consultant look at the property.

The Board deferred further discussion to allow both the Historical Society and Historical Commission to do additional research and report back to the Board of Selectmen.  

Present:  Ed Engelmann, Conservation Commission member and Kevin Lord
The Conservation Commission recommended that Mr. Lord be appointed to the Conservation Commission.  Mr. Lord has lived in Bolton for 14 years and is an outdoors person.  He has been attending the Conservation Commission meetings for the last three months and participated in the discussions to revise the bylaws.  

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Kevin Lord to the Conservation Commission, term expiration June 30, 2007.   

(Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes)

Present:  Police Chief Alfano and Public Safety Building Task Force members Mark Giunta and Jeff Buffum
Chief Alfano stated that the Public Safety Building Task Force has decided that the most viable site for a public safety building is the firestation site.  If designed correctly it would provide enough space for the Fire, Ambulance and Police Departments.   Each department has presented space needs and they have determined what facilities could be shared among the three departments.  The effluent from the library and public safety building could be tied into the wastewater treatment plant.  Mark Giunta is the liaison to the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee.   The Public Safety Building Task Force members visited other police stations and joint public safety facilities for ideas on design that could be incorporated into the Bolton’s project.  

The Public Safety Building Task Force would like to move forward with choosing an architect to provide the initial design and cost estimates and proposed requesting a transfer from the Advisory Committee for approximately $13,000.  The Committee’s plan is to place an article on the Annual Town Meeting but if they are not ready will wait for a special town meeting in the fall.      The Committee stated that they will provide projected cost estimates as well as delayed cost estimates.  

The Board of Selectmen received a letter from Mr. Warren K. Colby stating that he would not give up access to his land to be used drainage.  Mr. Plante reported that he will be meeting with the Conservation Commission to discuss the idea of a berm and leaching catch basin.  He will report back to the Board of Selectmen.

Present:  Housing Authority members Eileen Griffin and David Yesue and Affordable Housing Partnership member Doug Storey

Fourteen of the twenty-eight houses on Bolton Woods Way are subject to a deed rider which requires that they be sold to income qualified families at an affordable price defined in the deed rider.  The price is defined as a percentage of the current appraised market value of the house at the time of the sale.  The method of determining the sale price is no longer used by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) because the inflation of housing values has made the calculated selling price too high to be afforded by families who qualify.    Options included exploring the idea of changing the deed riders, selling one home at market rate and keeping the delta to save approximately three other homes on Bolton Woods Way.  Mr. Storey did not feel it was worth asking town meeting to contribute $40,000 to keep the house and to lose one unit as affordable housing would not drastically affect the Town of Bolton.  He felt the bigger issue is the precedent it sets.  It was agreed that the first step was for the Housing Authority and Board of Selectmen to contact the Department of Housing and Community Development.

Present:  Cathy Giunta and Patricia Kelly, Bolton School Committee members
As a follow-up to the Tri-Town meeting held in Bolton on Wednesday, February 8th the group discussed the space needs and turf field projects presented by Supt. Wood.  The space needs included a 20,000 square foot addition to the Nashoba Regional High School to accommodate 6 to 8 classrooms and the administrative offices.  Mr. Plante questioned the space needs for the district offices noting that Lancaster has two buildings empty that had previously been used as schools that could be used for district offices.  Ms. Giunta stated that the district is looking at all options including the buildings in Lancaster.  Ms. Giunta agreed to look into this and get more information as to the cost to rehab the Lancaster buildings for office space needs.  Mr. Plante was concerned about the actual build-out space available for any future expansion at the high school outside the 20,000 square feet being discussed at present.   Mr. Troup reminded everyone that the Taggart property is still available and could possible be used for fields if the land around the high school was needed for expansion.  Mr. Plante also cautioned the funds being put into a turf field behind the school if it would eventually become space needed for expansion.  The School Committee members stated that alternative sources were being looked at for the turf field needs.  

Intersection Route 495/Route 117:  Ms. Ross informed the Board of Selectmen that MAGIC is holding some transportation workshops and asked the Selectmen if they were still interested in pursuing funding to help with the intersection at Route 495/Route 117 and Mr. Slade’s recent recommendation to look at the Route 117/Manor Road intersection with the recent development of projects in neighboring towns.  Mr. Plante also stated that he has received a request in the past for sound barriers (walls) on Route 495.  Mr. Troup agreed to attend the daytime meeting.  

Signs:  Ms. Ross reported that Chief Alfano suggested that a more professional country or colonial type sign be located at the Route 117/495 ramp to advertise the businesses in town rather than the cluster of several little signs.  The sign could include a message “Welcome to Bolton”.  Mr. Plante was not sure if this type of sign would be legal and Mass Highway would approve of the sign.  Mr. Troup stated that they have been trying to do this for the past 20 years and the problem has been who will fund the project and maintain the sign.  A few years back, Mr. Pelletier of the Nashoba Winery was interested in taking on the responsibility on behalf of all the businesses and get a group together to propose their idea, but that idea is apparently dormant as well. The Selectmen were favorable to the idea and Ms. Ross and Ms. Day will pursue he idea.

Temporary lights:  Ms. Ross informed the Board of a proposal from Mr. Brown, DPW Director to resolve the lighting situation at the Town Library as a result of a resident that slipped on ice and was injured.    The proposal is to place temporary post lights to shine on the parking lot at a cost of $4,000.   It was too early in the design process to design permanent lighting fixtures and the Trustees therefore voted to support the temporary light proposal.  The Board of Selectmen recommended that landscaping lights be placed along the edge of the driveway where the existing electrical outlets already exist.  

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve and execute the decision for the Global Signal Wireless Communication Special Permit for the tower at 41 Main Street.  

The Board of Selectmen approved and executed a letter to Representative Walrath and Senator Antonioni regarding the FCC disregarding current law and exceeding its authority as a regulator agency.  

Ms. Ross announced that due to the predicted snowstorm for Wednesday, February 14, 2007 the public should call the town hall to be sure we are open before making a trip to the town hall.  

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to go into executive session under Chapter 39, Section 23B (6) at 9:30 p.m. to consider the purchase, exchange, taking, lease, or value of real property if such discussion may have detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the governmental body and will not reconvene to open session.   (Roll Call:  Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes)

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.