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Board of Selectmen Minutes December 21, 2006
 Board of Selectmen                             Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
December 21, 2006                                               Panny Gerken
Curt Plante

Chairman Mr. Troup called the Board of Selectmen’s meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

#  07-13    -  $88,859.88
#  07-13a  -  $266,930.14

Present:  Sheila Chmielowski, Shirley Sefton and Barbara Brown

Ms. Chmielowski, Director of the Council on Aging met with the Board of Selectmen to request approval to proceed with the Montachusett Regional Transit Authority (MART) van project to transport handicapped persons and senior citizens of Bolton. The Council on Aging is seeking the amount of $2,000 so that this service could be offered for the remainder of FY07.  The funds for this service have been requested in the Council on Aging budget for FY08.  The Board of Selectmen received a copy of the van policies and procedures, job description for the Council on Aging Transportation Driver and the ad for seeking transportation drivers.    The Town of Bolton hires the driver and pays the salary for this position.  MART furnishes and services a passenger van with wheel chair access and also trains the driver.  Two thirds of the net expenses will be reimbursed by MART.  

Mr. Troup stated that he would like to see more services provided than what is stated in the policies and procedures.  Mr. Troup asked that the cancellation of transportation not be dependent on school cancellations and that it be at the driver’s discretion.   Ms. Chmielowski agreed to make this revision to the policies and procedures and stated that the policies and procedures are subject to revisions and changes as needed.   The Board of Selectmen asked that a survey be conducted after the first month of operation to get feedback regarding the services.  

After discussion it was agreed to request the amount of $3,000 to be sure adequate funds were available to provide services for the remainder of FY07.  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen approved the amount of $3,000 to be requested from the Advisory Committee reserve fund for FY07.   (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes)  The Board also approved the policies and procedures.   Ms. Chmielowski expressed her interest in being involved in the interview process.  The information regarding the program will be publicized in the senior newsletter, the Bolton Common and on the website.
Mr. and Mrs. Houde met with the Board of Selectmen to request approval of a sign for the Country Cupboard and Subway signs.  The proposal included boxing in the existing Country Cupboard sign to help solve roofing problems with snow and ice and adding a smaller Subway sign.  Both signs will be lit with lights within the boxed area.  Mrs. Houde asked for clarification regarding the requirements of the bylaw related to the distances for the sign from roadway.  (After the Houde’s left the meeting it was determined that the Board of Selectmen quoted the bylaw related to residential zone.  The Houde’s will be contacted to inform them of the appropriate requirements for a sign in the residential zone.)

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen approved the sign request.  (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes)

Procedure for Donald Baum when responding to emergency fire calls:  Ms. Ross proposed a policy to cover the occasions when Donald Baum, a full time DPW employee responds to Bolton fire emergencies.  Ms. Ross stated that Mr. Brown, DPW Director, Donald Baum and the union accepted the policy.  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen approved the policy with the revision as discussed.  (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes)

Ms. Ross informed the Board of Selectmen of the proposed Cemetery fee increases as follows.  The Cemetery Committee will review and approve at an upcoming meeting.
Standard grave opening:         Old - $400.00; New - $500.00
Saturday and Sunday opening     :       Old - $450.00; New - $550.00
Cremation opening:                      Old - $100.00; New - $200.00
Holiday opening:                        Old - $650.00; New - $1,000.00

The Freedom’s Way Landscape Inventory has been completed and is available in the Town Secretary’s office.  It will also be posted to the website.  (The report was posted to the website “About Bolton” and “Historical Commission” on Friday, December 29, 2006)

The Board of Selectmen received a copy of a letter from Michael Horton of National Grid to an Old Bay Road resident who had sent a letter to National Grid regarding concerns about power outages along Old Bay Road.    In the letter to the resident Mr. Horton addresses what National Grid has done and what it is looking to do to resolve the problem.    The Board was pleased with the response from National Grid regarding the resident’s concerns.

Ms. Ross informed the Board of Selectmen of a federal Homeland Security grant received in the amount of $186,400.  This grant will be used to fund the town’s share of a $196,000 fire tanker truck to replace the 1963 fire tanker.   The Fire Department will be requesting a transfer from the Advisory Committee in the amount of $9,600 to cover the difference in cost for the new fire tanker truck.   The Board congratulated John Stephenson, Don Baum, Jack Holbrook and the Department for their efforts in obtaining this grant.        
Present:  Library Trustee Bob Zak and Roland Oschenbein, Town Counsel Elaine Lucas, Library Abutter Morty Tarr, Attorney Lou Levin representing Mr. Tarr, Wayne Wetzel.

Morty Tarr and his Attorney Lou Levin met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the library expansion.   Attorney Levine stated they were not at the meeting to discuss the conflict in the setback bylaw but to seek a way to resolve the real issue of encroachment by the library expansion and the parking located “right in their backyard.”  Attorney Levine asked that the stonewall be maintained next to the Tarr property and the town reduce the parking or put the parking on the right hand side of the library.  Attorney Levine stated that the present design has the most negative effect on the Tarr property.   Mr. Tarr agreed that he would not be filing any appeal if the parking area was relocated to the northerly side of property where the entrance exists.  Mr. Zak stated that the amount of parking was based on state requirements and could not be reduced any more.    Mr. Zak and Mr. Ochsenbein stated that they did take abutters concerns into consideration when laying out the library expansion include the parking area.  The layout chosen placed the parking the furthest away from any of the structures including Mr. Tarr’s property and it was their opinion that it was the least encroaching.  It also left as much open space as possible around the library and addressed the concern of not paving over the front lawn.    It was their view that this layout was one of the least offensive and better alternatives to be considered.  

Mr. Plante encouraged the Library Trustees and Library Building Committee to work out a compromise solution to the parking if it meant not having an appeal on the setback issue.  

Attorney Levine reiterated that the present proposed parking area is an issue and asked the Board of Selectmen to ask the Library Building Committee to make a good faith effort to move the parking area.  

Mr. Tarr also stated that the Library Committee has not kept him informed of the expansion plans.    Mr. Tarr requested that he be provided with plans that showed the elevations.  

When asked by Mr. Oschenbein, Mr. Tarr confirmed that he would drop all objections to the library plans if the Library Trustees and Library Building Committee could figure out a way to design parking areas that do not encroach beyond the stonewall.
The Library Trustees agreed to review the plans.   

Mr. Troup reported that a meeting was held on Tuesday, December 19th, 2006 to discuss the possibility of building an addition on the fire station to also house the police and ambulance departments.  Mr. Plante provided a concept diagram and the group talked about a number of different issues.   They did agree that the Police Station Study Committee should be enlarged to include two members of the ambulance department and two members of the fire department.  The group is meeting on January 10, 2007 to discuss the next step.

Mr. Troup also stated that the original agenda included discussion regarding the possible allocation of funds for the Police Station Study Committee and asked everyone’s opinion as to whether they felt funds would be needed before bringing anything to the Town Meeting.  Mr. Plante’s feeling was that the Police Station Study Committee and department heads had a strong handle on what their space needs are.  It is his understanding that the fire department is good for at least 10-20 years out.  The biggest problem is understanding the flow within the three departments and this can be worked out internally instead of hiring an architect.  Mr. Plante offered to work on the space needs side of the project.  Their was discussion regarding the need to hire an outside architect versus the work being done by volunteers.  The concensus was to let the Public Safety Building Committee meet and determine what their needs will be.  

Cia Boynton of the Public Ways Safety Committee recommended that a traffic engineering study for the town center be included in this project.   Chief Alfano assured everyone that the public safety department members would make every effort to use resources in town and use a cost effective philosophy throughout the process.
The proposed public safety building design was explained to Mr. Tarr.  Mr. Tarr asked what the probability of a treatment plant on this site was.  Mr. Troup explained that the septic system is adequate and there was not enough volume to justify a treatment plant.  Attorney Lucas asked that Mr. Tarr be provided with the engineering drawings showing elevation information as soon as it is available.
Chief Alfano stated that the Fire Department recommended that John Mentzer and David Farrell be appointed to the Public Safety Building Committee.  The ambulance department has not made their recommendation at this time.   The Selectmen planned to make the appointments at their meeting on Thursday, January 2, 2007.  Later on in the evening, when preparing the agenda for January 2, 2007, the Selectmen determined it was possible they were not meeting on January 2, 2007 and therefore went forward with the appointments to the Public Safety Building Committee.   Mr. Plante recommended that Gery Wilson of the Ambulance department be appointed to this Committee.  The Selectmen suggested waiting until they received a recommendation from the ambulance department.   On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint David Farrell and John Mentzer to the Public Safety Building Committee.  (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes)

Present:  Chief Alfano, Town Clerk Betsy Cussen
Ms. Cussen met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss temporary signs in Bolton.  Ms. Cussen reminded the Board of Selectmen of a memo she sent to them a year ago about signs posted along Harvard Road and if they had been approved.  She stated some of these same signs are still posted.   Ms. Ross suggested the Selectmen make a policy to enforce the bylaw including a public notification regarding the sign policy.   All signs require a permit except for real estate and election signs.   Chief Alfano stated if a sign is in violation of the bylaws the Police Department tries to make contact with the owner before taking the sign down.  He agrees that the sign bylaw needs to be communicated with the residents via the newspaper and other methods.  The Selectmen discussed various processes to control the posting of signs.  A recommendation was made to have the Town Administrator, Town Clerk and Police Chief research and propose a policy and process for approval of temporary and permanent signs.  

Clarification regarding signing of contracts:  The Board of Selectmen confirmed that the Board of Selectmen and Library Trustees agreed at a previous meeting that all contractions for the library construction project will be signed by both the Board of Selectmen and Trustees, and that the Library Construction Committee can sign invoices within the contract.

Borrowing costs:  Ms. Ross reported that the Advisory Committee asked that the bank charges be moved from the budget into the borrowing for the treatment plant.   Selectmen agreed with this request and Ms. Ross will make the budget revisions.

Ms. Ross reported that 20 resumes were received for the Treasurer vacancy.   Interviews took place and 4 candidates were recommended for final interviews.  The Committee voted unanimously to recommend that Donna Madden be appointed.  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Donna Madden as Treasurer.   (Troup - yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes)  Ms. Madden will start part time on January 3, 2007 and officially start full time on January 8, 2007.    Mr. Plante asked if Ms. Madden was certified and Ms. Ross stated she would check with Ms. Madden, but that it was not a requirement of the position.  

On a motion made Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen with the recommendation of Building Inspector Frank Krysa, appointed Clyde Wheeler to the Board of Survey.  (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes)  Mr. Wheeler will replace Mr. Frank Chiodo on the Board of Survey.  The Board of Survey will be asked to report back to the Board of Selectmen at their meeting on January 18, 2007.  

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the following licenses:  

Beetle Bug III
492 South Bolton Road
Bolton, Ma 01740

Richard T. Mitchell             
Mitchell Motors
70 Spectacle Hill Road
Bolton, MA  01740

Skinners, Inc.          
537 Main Street
Bolton, MA  01740

Bamby Philbin           
Dba Odd and Olde Antiques               
725 Main Street         
Bolton, MA  01740

Classic Pizza III       
Farid Awad
Main Street
Bolton, MA  01740
Skinner Incorporated    
357 Main Street
Bolton, MA  01740

John Stephenson 
Dba Bolton Springs Farm
159 Main Street
Bolton, MA 01740

Bolton House of Pizza
626 Main Street
Bolton, Ma 01740

David Houde     
Country Cupboard
476 Main Street
Bolton, MA  01740

Colonial Candies        
47 Sugar Road   
Bolton, MA  01740

Davis Farms     
Bolton Orchards
PO Box 305
Bolton, MA  01740

Deborah Plante  
The Salt Box Country Store
626 Main Street
Bolton, MA  01740       

Brian Lynch     
The International, Inc. 
Ballville Road
Bolton, MA  01740

544 Wattaquadock Hill Road
Bolton, MA  01740

Skinner, Inc.
357 Main Street
Bolton, MA  01740

Stuart Whitehurst       
Stephen Fletcher        
Karen Keane     
Stuart Slavid   
David Bonsey    
Robin Starr     
Kerry Shrives   
LaGina Austin

The following licenses were approved contingent upon receipt of the appropriate paperwork.  

David/Patricia Ferrante
694 Main Street
Bolton, Ma 01740        

Great Brook Farms
Main Street
Bolton, Ma 01740

The Board of Selectmen executed the liquor licenses approved at their meeting of December 7, 2006.

Meeting adjourned.