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Board of Selectmen Minutes December 7, 2006
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
December 7, 2006                                                Panny Gerken
Curt Plante

Chairman Mr. Troup called the Board of Selectmen’s meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes of November 16, 2006 and November 28, 2006 were read and approved.
#  07-12    $82,714.24   
#  07-12a  $261,253.41

Present:  Board of Assessor members Jeff Nichols, Steve Bonina, Charlotte Johnson, and Assessor Harold Scheid and David Manzello

A public hearing was held with the Board of Assessors and Principal Assessor Harald Scheid to determine the property tax classification for the coming year.  The Assessors recommended a single tax rate.   On a motion made by Gerken and seconded Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to maintain a single rate.  (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante - yes)

Present:  David Farrell, Bolton EMT/Firefighter, Diane Barletta, Assistant Director of Central Massachusetts Emergency Medical Systems Corporation, Nick Baker, and members of the Bolton EMT squad

Mr. Barletta and Mr. Baker met with the Board of Selectmen to officially designate Bolton as a HeartSafe Community.   The Town was recognized for the community efforts to improve survival from cardiac arrest and for meeting the criteria to be designated a HeartSafe Community.   Mr. Baker, on behalf of the American Heart Association and as a sudden cardiac arrest survivor congratulated Bolton’s emergency management group and the entire community for their efforts.  The Board was presented with a certificate and two HeartSafe signs that will be installed on the roadway entering Bolton.
Present:  Susan Latham, Animal Control Officer; Mr. & Mrs. Gallagher
At the request of Mr. Craig Gallagher a dog complaint hearing was held regarding two dogs owned by Sean O’Loughlin of 250 Long Hill Road.  On November 28, 2006 a Yorkie Chihuahua mix dog was attacked and killed by two dogs owned by Mr. O’Loughlin.  Animal Control Officer Susan Latham reported to the Board of Selectmen that Mr. O’Loughlin has signed a release form to allow for the two dogs to be destroyed on December 8, 2006 which is the end of the 10 day quarantine.  The Board of Selectmen thanked all parties involved in this very sensitive matter.  

Mr. Krysa, Building Inspector informed the Board of Selectmen that he has sent notification to Mr. Ira Turner, Trustee requesting that action be taken to remove the remains of the unsafe structure located at 256 Green Road as result of a fire at the home.  To date no action has been taken.  Mr. Krysa recommended that a Board of Survey be appointed according to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 143, Section 8, to examine the property and make a recommendation as to the disposition of the structure.  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to form a Board of Survey and appoint Fire Chief John Stephenson, Mark Giunta, Frank Chiodo to the survey board.   (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes)  Mr. Krsya will notify Mr. Turner that the Board of Survey has been appointed.    Mr. Krysa will follow up with the Board of Survey regarding access to the property.    

Present:  Police Chief Alfano, Mark Giunta, Frank Chiodo, Dan Senie, Dave Farrell, Margy Diaz, Dina Rich

Chief Alfano and Mr. Giunta met with the Board of Selectmen to address the need for a police station and the status of planning by the task force.   Chief Alfano stated that the Bolton police station is the oldest operating police station in the state and the present building is inadequate for the current needs.  The most pressing need is for a secure holding facility for prisoners.   At present anyone taken into custody is transported to the Leominster state police barracks which also takes one of two officers out of town at the time.   Chief Alfano also stated that the equipment needed for the Communications Center area does not fit in the building.  The Houghton Building served the town very well as a school, temporary town hall and police station but it is time they expand in to a more adequate facility.

Mr. Giunta stated that the cell tower site on Route 117 has been identified as a suitable site for the public safety building and requested funds (approximately $8-10,000) for a preliminary engineering study of the site to determine if the architectural design would fit.    Chief Alfano stated that administrative offices would be included in the plan for both fire and ambulance departments.  Space would also be proposed for the ambulance to be parked at the new public safety building freeing up a bay in the current fire station.  Chief Alfano stated the new facility would be an excellent location for the town vault.   
Mr. Plante recommended that the current fire station site be explored more thoroughly than in the past.   There would be a tremendous cost savings by building on the fire station location.    Mr. Troup suggested that information on the fire station be pulled together and reviewed as well as the cell tower site.  He also suggested that National Grid be contacted to see if there will be any flexibility regarding the power line easement that goes near or across the cell tower site.   Mr. Plante agreed to gather the information previously collected related to this project.  

After much discussion it was agreed that the Board and Task Force would work on gathering all the information in the next two weeks and a meeting with the Board of Selectmen will be scheduled on December 21, 2006 where either the information can be discussed or the funds can be approved.

Present:  Conservation Trust member Ken Swanton, Conservation Commission member Scott Duhaime, Parks and Recreation member Terry Boots, Housing Authority and Affordable Housing Partnership member Kevin O’Brien and Historical Commission member Martha Remington, Town Clerk Betsy Cussen

Members of the Conservation Trust, Conservation Commission, Parks & Recreation, Historical Commission, Affordable Housing and Housing Authority, met with the Board to express their support of a town meeting article to adopt the Community Preservation Act (CPA).  

Mr. Duhaime provided a spreadsheet that showed the impact to an average homeowner, cumulative funds and the fact that we would not have had to borrow to protect farmlands, procure the Stephenson and Braman properties and purchase the Highway truck.   In addition, the account would still have had a balance of $684,000.  

Ms. Gerken stated that Catherine Roth of the Community Preservation Coalition informed her that it was hard to say if there is a point at which the State does not match at 100% and recommended that taxpayers are informed that the match could be reduced.  Ms. Remington of the Historical Commission stated that even if there are no matching funds it is an investment by the taxpayers for Bolton’s future.
The statute requires the town meeting vote and the ballot vote to be at least 35 days apart which would not meet Bolton’s scheduled Annual Town Meeting on May 7, 2007 and the election scheduled for May 14, 2007.  Therefore, Mr. Swanton asked that the Board of Selectmen consider a Special Town Meeting.    Another alternative would be a citizen’s petition for a special town meeting (before April 9th) or to bypass town meeting altogether with a petition.  Mr. Plante suggested that capital articles not be introduced until the Capital Planning Committee (CPC) is on board.   Mr. Troup stated that the CPA would not be implemented until after the May election and no CPA money would be spent until 2009 at which time the Capital Planning Committee would certainly be up and running by then.  

The Board of Selectmen interviewed Frank Chiodo and Jim Bilancieri who both expressed interest in serving on the Capital Planning Committee.  Mr. Chiodo felt he could bring the construction aspect to the committee and Mr. Bilancieri felt he could bring his experience of being involved in town government over the last 10 years, including the Long Range Planning Committee.  The Board has not had an opportunity to interview Mike Benjamin because of meeting conflicts but Mr. Plante stated that he spoke with Mr. Benjamin who said this was no reflection on his ability to participate on the Committee.  Ms. Gerken recommended that the Board of Selectmen appoint a six member Committee.  

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint a six member committee comprised of Bob Minardi, Barry Joseph, Kerry Hoffman, Mike Benjamin, Frank Chiodo and Jim Bilancieri.  (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes).  The term expiration date for these appointments will be worked out at the next Board of Selectmen meeting.  On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen appointed Ms. Gerken as liaison to the Capital Planning Committee (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes).  Burt Shnitzler will be the Advisory Committee liaison to the Capital Planning Committee.

Mr. Troup reported that the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee met this morning and agreed that they would continue the permitting process for the culvert crossing to access the site from the School.  The agreement made with the school administration is that the truck traffic would go around the soccer field so as to avoid any interference with the building itself.  The hearing with the Conservation Commission is scheduled for December 19, 2006.

The Committee preferred access to the plant through the Flatley entrance on Route 117 and Town Administrator Jodi Ross and Selectman representative will meet with Flatley representatives to continue negotiations.  The Committee also voted to allocate $1,600 for the archaeological work for the historical ground penetration radar survey on the sheep field.  

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the following liquor licenses (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes):
Bolton Country Cupboard, Inc.   Package Store/All Alcoholic     
Pennacook, Inc.         Package Store/All Alcoholic     
    (dba Firewater & Wine Package Store)
Nashoba Valley Spirits, Ltd.    Restaurant/Wine and Malt        
The International, Inc. Club/All Alcoholic      
Bolton Road House, Inc. Restaurant/All Alcoholic
Morty Tarr, abutter to library:  The Board of Selectmen received a letter from Morty Tarr, abutter to the library, requesting a meeting with the Board of Selectmen regarding the setbacks to the library.   Chairman Troup will contact Mr. Tarr to discuss the specifics of his request.

Budgets:  Budget spreadsheets were distributed to the Board of Selectmen.  The spreadsheets included capital article requests.   

Ms. Ross also informed the Board of Selectmen that traditionally the accounts 293 traffic lights and 424 street lights have fallen under the Board of Selectmen’s budgets and starting in FY08 these two accounts will be transferred to the Department of Public Works.

Sign Request for Subway:  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen approved two temporary cardboard Subway signs to be placed in front of the Country Cupboard with the understanding that they meet with the Board within that 30 days to discuss their permanent signage plans for the building.  (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes)

Temporary signs:  Town Clerk Betsy Cussen will meet with the Board of Selectmen on December 21, 2006 to discuss temporary signs.   

Fog lines:  The Board received a memo dated November 28, 2006 from the Public Ways Safety Committee regarding the need for fog lines.   Chief Alfano agreed to discuss the improvements with Mr. Brown, DPW Director.  Mr. Plante suggested that the memo be forwarded to Mr. Brown so that he could provide a cost estimate for the existing roads currently being painted and the roads the Public Ways Safety Committee (PWSC) is requesting be done.  A concern was also expressed regarding the barrels used for mail boxes that are blocking the sidewalk and a question was raised as to why we do not have walk up service in the center of town.

Nashoba Youth Lacrosse Banner:  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the request of Terry Boots, to place the Nashoba Youth Lacrosse banner on the fence along Main Street for two two-week periods provided it does not interfere with any other banner requests.   (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes)  Mr. Plante expressed his ongoing concern that the banners on the pond park fence are a distraction to those traveling along Main Street.

Banners:  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to delegate the approval of banners to the Town Administrator.  The wording of the Banner policy will be revised to reflect this vote.  (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes)

The letter received from Andrew Keane regarding the traffic flow on Century Mill Road was referred to the Public Ways Safety Committee.

Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.