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Board of Selectmen Minutes November 2, 2006
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
November 2, 2006                                                Panny Gerken
Curt Plante

Chairman Mr. Troup called the Board of Selectmen’s meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

The Board of Selectmen interviewed Bob Minardi and Barry Joseph who both expressed interest in serving on the Capital Planning Committee.  Anita Scheipers was also present and although she did not have the time to commit to serving on the Committee, she was willing to work behind the scenes to help the Committee.  Mr. Minardi was looking to stay involved in town government and felt he could add something to the group in developing an outlook for capital needs.   Mr. Joseph has been involved in strategic planning positions in large companies and became interested in capital planning during his tenure as president of a volunteer fire department in New Jersey.  Ms. Scheipers is a town administrator by profession having worked for 4 different communities and was involved in a start up capital planning program.  Ms. Ross stated that there was another interested individual that would be providing a written statement of interest to the Board of Selectmen next week.  Three other residents who expressed interest will be interviewed on November 16.  

Ms. Gerken stated that there is a fair amount of background information available to the Capital Planning Committee that was presently gathered by the Long Range Planning Committee and Master Planning Committee.  

The Board of Selectmen is looking for the Committee to look at capital planning for anything greater than $25,000.  Mr. Plante suggested that the Capital Planning Committee members should review the capital plans from the towns of Lincoln, Northboro and Dracut.   It was also suggested that the Committee read the draft master plan. The Selectmen plan to make the appointments later in the month.
Mr. St. Hilaire met with the Board of Selectmen to request a road opening permit for Route 117 to do testing at the Smith property.  

As part of the Phase II assessment a boring/well installation program will be undertaken to further evaluate the nature and extent of contamination both on and off the site.  Mr. Brown will work with Mr. St. Hilaire regarding the location of the drainage pipes in relation to where the digging will take place.   A detail officer will be hired for this work.   
Mr. St. Hilaire stated that Methyl-Tertiary-Butyl-Ether (MTBE) has been detected in the area of private drinking water wells and the residents at those properties have been advised of the availability of bottled drinking water for their consumption.  They have been unable to take water samples at 725 Main Street because the owner has refused to allow the samples to be collected.  Mr. Plante asked if the Board of Health had been notified of the MTBE detections.  Mr. St. Hilaire stated that the Board of Health has not been notified of the MTBE detections because there is no health risk at this time.  Mr. Plante suggested that the Board of Health notify the owners of 725 Main Street as a second notice and suggest that the owners allow the water testing as a precautionary step.  
Mr. St. Hilaire stated that they are on schedule as far as the clean up is concerned and are hoping that it will be completed sooner than the required two years.

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the request for a street opening for the purpose of drilling monitoring wells.  (Roll call:  Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes)

Mr. St. Hilaire stated the wells would be capped with a metal road box flush to the road and he would supply the DPW with ties for future locating of well caps if they are paved over by mistake.

Golden Run Road Drainage:  Mr. Brown provided the Board of Selectmen with quotes for engineering services to conduct a study to determine the implications of creating a 6” berm along Golden Run Road.  

Mr. Plante stated that he was not in agreement with moving forward with the task of conducting a study but would rather go out for an RFP to actually design a plan that would solve the problem.   He also recommended that the proposed plan be approved at town meeting.  Mr. Plante suggested that this discussion be tabled for further discussion and that the problem be re-assessed so that it can be done right the first time.  He was not interested in spending $20,000 to still have the water problem.

Mr. Wysocki asked if it has been determined that it is a town problem.  He stated that the intersection has always flooded even before Quail Run was there.  The vernal pool backs up when the ground freezes and it is his opinion that it is a seasonal problem.  Mr. Wysocki stated that the residents must be a part of the solution.  

Mr. Plante stated that the town accepted the road and there is a flooding situation which is dangerous and causes a safety situation that should be resolved.  

Ms. Ross asked if the intent was just to focus on Golden Run Road or if we should look at any other critical roads at the same time.  Mr. Brown stated that he felt that the Vaughn Hill Road drainage problem was the most critical.  Ms. Ross expressed her concern that residents may not support the Golden Run Road project if they felt that the Vaughn Hill Road drainage issue was more serious.  Mr. Plante suggested separate RFP’s with the possibility of combining into one article.
After much discussion it was decided that Mr. Plante, Ms. Ross and Mr. Brown will meet to develop a strategy for an RFP.   A placeholder for an article for the drainage issues will be submitted.  

Part time employee for snowplowing:  Mr. Brown met with the Board of Selectmen to seek approval to hire a part time employee on an as needed basis for plowing and sanding using a town truck.  Ms. Ross asked that the advertising/posting requirement be waived as the individual to be hired has worked for the town the last 12 years. Ms. Ross stated the union steward did not have any problems with this request.  

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to allow Mr. Brown to hire a part time employee for snow plowing.

Stephen Sterling met with the Board of Selectmen to inform them of his proposed Eagle Scout project to rebuild a section of the rock wall in front of the senior center that was broken when the Florence Sawyer School construction began and was never rebuilt.  Mr. Sterling asked if it would be possible to use the town’s equipment and personnel to move some of the large rocks.  He estimated approximately two hours would be needed to move the rocks.   Mr. Sterling will direct the project. His plan is to move some of the smaller rocks with a Kubota and mark the larger rocks for removal by the DPW.  He worked at a summer camp where he did some rock wall building and will contact some rock wall builders for their advice.  

Ms. Ross stated that she has contacted Paul Teixiera of RCap Solutions and he did not have a problem with the proposed project.   Mr. Sterling stated that they will be working on the inside of the wall and cones and signs will be placed along the side of the road.  The seniors at Bolton Country Manor and the dispatchers at the Police Station will also be informed of this project.  Mr. Brown, DPW Director agreed to coordinate with Mr. Sterling to have his DPW crew on site to help move the rocks.

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen approved the project and authorized the DPW to help move the larger rocks.  

Present:  Bob Zak and John Rodenhiser
On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Roland Ochenbein as Library Trustee until the May 2007 town election.  

Mr. Zak informed the Board of Selectmen that the interviews for the Library Construction Committee will take place on Saturday, November 4 & 11 and invited the Board of Selectmen to participate.  Mr. Zak agreed to forward letters of interest and resumes to the Board of Selectmen further review.

Ms. Ross will contact town counsel to determine who the appointing authority is for the Library Construction Committee.  Town Counsel will also be asked to review the Library Construction Committee Charter and the MBLC agreement.
Mr. Zak stated that they are ahead of schedule in terms of meeting their fundraising goal of $750,000 by December 7, 2006.   They are required to provide certified copies of the town meeting vote appropriating the $7.0 million for the library construction by November 24, 2006.  
The Library Trustees will be scheduled to meet with the Board of Selectmen at their next meeting on November 16, 2006.

Present:  Advisory Committee members David Lindsay, Burt Shnitzler, Stan Wysocki, Andrew Burnett and Richard Fly

Chief Alfano recommended that the Board of Selectmen consider the appointment of Reverend Richard Jones as Police Chaplain to the Bolton Police Department.  Chief Alfano stated that it is common in public safety field to have a Department Chaplain known by the members of the department to call upon when in time of need for serious accidents and emergencies.  It is an unpaid position with no police authority.  Mr. Plante suggested that Chief Alfano also call upon the other clergy members of Bolton as well.  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Reverend Jones and Police Chaplain.

Chief Alfano also requested the Advisory Committee’s approval to dispose of the old weapons for new weapons.   Chief Alfano stated that Sgt. Bagdonas has found a dealer that will give them a very good sum of money for the trade-ins.  Sgt. Bagdonas has also found a company that will give them a substantial discount for their new weapons but are still $3,100 short.  Murphy Insurance Company has offered to donate this difference.   The Advisory Committee voted to authorize Chief Alfano to dispose of the old weapons.
Present:  Advisory Committee members David Lindsay, Burt Shnitzler, Stan Wysocki, Andrew Burnett and Richard Fly, Town Accountant Julie Costello

The group reviewed the budget spreadsheets provided by Town Accountant Julie Costello.  

Budgets are due on Monday, November 13, 2006 and will be distributed to the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee shortly thereafter.  The budget message sent out to all departments requested that budgets be level funded.  

Preliminary indication of articles include:    Public Ways Safety Committee – funding for installation of sidewalk along Main Street (Bolton Country Manor to Salt Box); Board of Selectmen - drainage issues (Golden Run Road, Vaughn Hill); Vehicle for custodian, Assessors & Conservation Commission $10,000, an ambulance and authorization to taping of town meetings.  A suggestion was made to consider using the Police Department Ford Explorer for a vehicle for employee use.

The Police Station Task Force will be invited to meet with the Board of Selectmen to provide an update on the status of a new police station.   

Transfer Station:  On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to keep the transfer station open regular hours on Veterans’ Day, Saturday, November 11, 2006.  It will cost the town $600.00 for overtime pay for the employees working at the transfer station.  

Century Mill Estates:  Andy Bendetson, the developer for Century Mill Estates has requested a meeting with the Board of Selectmen to come to discuss the rate of development pertaining to his project.  The meeting will be scheduled for November 16, 2006 and the Town Planner, Planning Board and Board of Appeals will be invited to attend.  

Land Donation:  The Board of Selectmen received a letter dated October 19, 2006 from Enio Cipriano donating a 1 acre parcel and 0.3 acre parcel to the town of Bolton.  This information has been forwarded to the Conservation Commission and Board of Assessors for their review and more information.
Selectmen’s Agenda:  Ms. Ross informed the Board of Selectmen that she would like to come up with a format for the Selectmen’s agenda that would make it easier for Town Secretary Linda Day to post to the Town website.  The present format of the agenda which includes boxes does not transfer to the website in a format that is easy to read.  The Selectmen did not have a problem with not using the box format but did feel that listing the liaison and showing when there were attachments related to the subject were helpful.  

The Board of Selectmen was provided with a spreadsheet that showed the fees of various towns including Bolton and proposed increases in fees for the Town of Bolton.  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to increase the fees as proposed effective January 1, 2007.

Plumbing: $80 for the first fixture, $10 thereafter
Gas:  $80 for the first fixture, $10 thereafter
Commercial Plumbing/Gas:  $100 for the first fixture, $15 thereafter
Re-inspection fee:  $35
Electrical:     New Construction $125
                Addition $55
                Temp Service $50
                Service Change $50
                Rewire $75
                Pool $55
                Garage $55, $75 with service change
                Tank/Burner/Heat $45
                Alarm $50
                Barn $50, $75 with service change
                Farm $50
                Commercial $50/$1,000 up to $10,000; $2.00/thousand thereafter
                Re-inspection $35

Banner revision:  The Board of Selectmen reviewed the request of Emmitt Brewington for revisions to the banner for the NRHS Friends of Drama play that was originally approved at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on Wednesday, October 26, 2006.  The size of the banner will be 2’ X 24” and the wording will be “Murder By Death”, November 17 & 18th, 7:30 p.m. at NRHS.  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen approved the banner revisions.  (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – abstained due to not being present for the original vote on October 26, 2006).

Appointments:  The Board of Selectmen executed a document confirming their vote of Thursday, October 19, 2006 to appoint Betty Boire as Acting Treasurer.  

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint the following as Election Workers, term expiration June 30, 2007:

Christine Alfano, Joanne Edmunds, Deborah Kellett, Elizabeth LeBlanc, Judy McAfee,
David McKinley, Jean McKinley, Jack Quinlan, Nancy Skinner, Diane Swenson and Isabel Wells~~~
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Press Release:  The Board of Selectmen issued the following press release:
In early October 2006, the Bolton Board of Selectmen and town administrator learned that the town’s group life insurance policy with Savings Bank Life Insurance (SBLI) had lapsed in May 2005, even though employees and retirees enrolled in the program continued to pay premiums and were not informed of the lapse.  After discovering the problem, the town administrator took immediate steps and a new group life insurance policy was obtained by the town with Boston Mutual Life Insurance Company effective October 15, 2006.

All employees and retirees who previously had group life insurance have been automatically enrolled and are now covered at a reduced monthly premium.
Additionally, SBLI agreed to extend its coverage through June 2005, as sadly, the town lost two retirees during that month.

Existing enrollees will have their premiums they paid during the lapse reimbursed to them, approximately $45 each, as soon as the accounts have been reconciled.  All premiums paid by retirees or withheld from employee paychecks during the lapse have remained unspent in town accounts.  The town regrets this situation and is notifying the employees and retirees that the town would have honored any claim during that period.

Slater, 120 Meadow Road:  Mr. Plante stated that he spoke with Scott Slater regarding his request to meet with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the culvert adjacent to his property at 120 Meadow Road.  Mr. Slater stated that in 1996 when the stone culvert was replaced with a 16 inch corrugated culvert he expressed his concerns but the installation proceeded and adversely affected his farming field.  Mr. Plante will review this matter with Mr. Brown, DPW Director.  

Community Preservation Act (CPA):  Mr. Troup reported that he attended a CPA meeting and they would like to meet with the Board of Selectmen on Thursday, December 7, 2006.  Housing Partnership, Historical Commission, Conservation Commission and Parks/Recreation will all be invited to this meeting.  Mr. Troup encouraged everyone to read the CPA article in the October issue of the City and Town Newsletter that gives an overview of CPA and the towns that have it.  Because the CPA law requires 35 days between a town meeting vote and a ballot vote.  The group would like the Selectmen to consider a special town meeting prior to April 9th with the ballot at the regular town election in May.  
Ms. Gerken attended and reported on the Tri-Town Meeting November 1, 2006.  Tri-town touched on regional solutions.   Lancaster and Stow have Capital Planning Committees.

Ms. Gerken stated that Stow has organized a medical reserve group of volunteers working with the Board of Health to provide emergency services in case of a pandemic event in the area.  Ms. Gerken suggested that Bolton’s Board of Health meet with this group to share plans.

The high school is starting to see space constraints.  Stow has a task force that will be bringing their space needs options to town meeting in May and Lancaster is starting to think about their space problems very soon.  

The Tri-Town discussed the Worcester County Retirement and taking the small county retirements and moving into the State fund.  Ms. Ross will contact Town Administrator Orlando Pacheco to elaborate on this matter.  The next Tri-Town meeting will be held in Stow in January.

The Board of Selectmen received a letter dated October 17, 2006 stating that the Advisory Board of the Montachusett Regional Transit Authority has accepted the municipality of Bolton as a member.

Susan Latham, Animal Control Officer returned the Officer’s Warrant for unlicensed dogs to the Board of Selectmen indicating all dogs had been licensed and therefore no complains had been filed in court.
The Board of Selectmen received a copy of the Nashoba Regional School District FY08 budget process calendar.

The Board received a letter dated October 24, 2006 from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue stating that Free Cash was certified as of July 1, 2006 at $1,119,904.

The Board received a memo from the Board of Assessors stating that they voted the following on October 17, 2006:  FY2008 New Growth $265,000 and FY2008 overlay reserve $150,000.

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to adjourn the meeting at 10:08 p.m.