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Board of Selectmen Minutes September 27, 2006
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
September 27, 2006                                              Panny Gerken
Curt Plante

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.  Minutes of September 7, 2006 were read and approved.
#07-7           $100,239.35
#07-7A  $137,108.78

Present:  Library Trustees Bob Zak and Christine Sterling, Library Director Kelly Collins, Roland Oschenbein and citizens

Mr. Zak provided the Board of Selectmen with a spreadsheet (see
showing the major project elements, their budgeted amounts and the forecasted timing within the project timeline.  It also shows the allocation of funds and resources necessary to cover these items from three funding sources which includes town funds, the MBLC Library Construction Grant program and private contributions from the Friends of the Bolton Public Library Capital Campaign.  
A Building Committee will be appointed and a Clerk of Works will be hired to serve for the duration of the project.  In December of 2007 the Library would award the primary contract for construction.  The project would take about a year and a half to build and construction would be completed in July of 2009.   Mr. Zak stressed the Library’s commitment to work within the budget.  The Capital Campaign is expected to cover some eligible and all non-eligible items in the budget such as landscaping, parking, furnishing and moving expenses.  They expect some of the items to be covered by in-kind rather than cash contributions.  

A lengthy discussion took place regarding the costs of the project and the timing of availability of funds for the project.   To date $533,000 has been received in pledges and $292,000 in an interest bearing account for the capital campaign.  Fundraising includes car raffle, ebay auction, children’s book sales and a number of people have pledged a certain amount for this year and next year.  In-kind pledges total approximately $30,000.

The Board of Selectmen was asked for approval to accept pledges.  Mr. Wetzel reminded the Board of the commitment that individual selectmen made not to sign any contracts until all the money was in the bank.  Ms. Gerken clarified that she was referring to the construction contract and did not expect all the money in the bank on December 7, 2006.   In addition, she would expect money in the bank enough to cover each additional phase of the project (i.e. architectural, design contracts).  Mr. Zak reiterated that there will not be any contract signed without that amount to cover that contract in the bank.
Pam Kaminski stated that fundraising has accelerated and they anticipate reaching their goal of $750,000.00 by December 7, 2006.  

Mr. Wetzel also raised concern with the rear lot line setback issue (20 feet residential versus 50 feet “other) and asked the Board of Selectmen to get clarification from the Building Inspector as to whether or not there were issues that required a variance from the Board of Appeals.  Mr. Wetzel noted that the town set a precedent by obtaining a setback variance from the Board of Appeals when the Highway Barn was constructed.     Mr. Plante stated that he has read town counsel’s opinion regarding the setback issue and it is still his opinion that a variance is required.   The Board of Selectmen agreed to schedule a meeting with the town boards to discuss this issue.

Mr. Wetzel stated that he did not think the selectmen were doing their job by not acting on the setback issue.  Mr. Troup stated that he feels he is doing his job as a Selectman to facilitate getting the library built as the voters had approved.
Ms. Bradlee stated that the State will not accept verbal or email pledges and the pledges must be signed by the individual.  

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen agreed that cash and pledges to the capital campaign will be turned over to the town just prior to awarding of the general construction contract to fulfill the local matching requirement of the state grant; and that state grant funds will be received and used per state guidelines for project management and design work on the library prior to expenditure of town and capital campaign funds.  (Troup – approved, Gerken – approved, Plante – abstained)  

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to continue the Omnipoint Cell Tower Site Plan and Special Permit hearing to Wednesday, Thursday, October 19 at 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Advisory Committee members, Scott Powell, David Lindsay, Richard Fly, Burt Shnitzler and Stan Wysocki

Town Accountant Julie Costello presented the FY08 budget spreadsheets to the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee.  The Advisory Committee requested that the Department’s “requested FY08 budget column” remain as requested and not be adjusted based on outcome of a meeting with the Board of Selectmen or Advisory Committee.  The Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee were favorable to the new budget spreadsheets for FY08.  The Free Cash information will be available at the October 19 meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Houde met with the Board of Selectmen to request permission to place four 18 X 24 temporary signs in the grass area in front of the Country Cupboard and place one sign on each 495/117 intersection.   Mr. Troup stated that he had no problem with the signs in front of the building, but did not think placing a sign at the 495 intersection was appropriate.   On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen approved the request for temporary signs for 30 days.  (Plante – yes, Gerken – yes, Troup – abstained)

Mr. and Mrs. Houde also discussed various options they were considering for permanent signs for the Country Cupboard and Subway.  They stated they would like to box in the present Country Cupboard sign which is presently supported by “tinker toy type” brackets.  This will solve the problem of leakage and snow build up and at the same time allow them to make the sign a little bigger to be able to add the Subway sign. The Board did not see a problem with boxing in the present sign.  Other options included a lit sign or canopy type sign that would be located on the side of building that the Subway is located.  The Board of Selectmen informed them that they were not favorable to lit signs.  Mr. & Mrs. Houde agreed to provide the Board of Selectmen with their final proposal for review.

Town Clerk Betsy Cussen requested that the ATM town meeting and election calendar be separated into two indicating the action items of the Board of Selectmen and Town Clerk.  The Board of Selectmen agreed that they would like to have one calendar that provides the entire timeline for preparing for town meeting and the election.   The Board suggested that it could be noted next to each action item whose responsibility it is.  

The Board of Selectmen requested that all departments, boards and committees develop goals for 2007 and submit to them by October 19, 2006.  The Board will review the goals submitted and schedule a meeting for December/January timeframe to discuss goals of each department, board and committee.  Everyone will be provided with a copy of the Board of Selectmen’s goals.

The Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee requested that all departments level fund their expense budgets for FY08 if at all possible.  Salary and wage line items should reflect appropriate step increases or contractual salary adjustments.  Any budgets that can not be level funded should be submitted with a brief explanation of the reason.   Any new proposals that would increase the budget should also be submitted with a summary explaining the proposal.   Ms. Ross, Town Administrator will draft the budget message for the Board of Selectmen’s review at their meeting on Wednesday, October 4, 2006.

Mr. Troup reported that the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee met on the morning of September 27, 2006 and voted to modify the Conservation Commission application to provide access through the school property.  The Committee also agreed to work with the Historical Commission so that they can conduct their archaeology dig without having to submit an Environmental Notification Form (ENF).   The Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee and the Board of Selectmen (two members present) both voted to enter into negotiations with Flatley Company concerning site access and inclusion of Flatley in the wastewater treatment plant.

The Board was provided with a list of individuals interested in serving on the Capital Planning Committee.   The Selectmen requested that the interested parties provide a brief written summary of the reasons for wanting to be a member of the Committee and personal qualifications that they believe would make them effective in this role.  The Board also recommended that a copy of the Capital Planning Committee mission statement be forwarded to them and asked to provide their personal opinion of the mission statement.  

Finance Team:  A revised copy of the Finance Team charge was distributed to the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee.   Ms. Ross explained that the Finance Team consists of town employees that meet on a quarterly basis and pull together budget, revenue and expenditure spreadsheets, talk about financial issues and make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee such as implementation of quarterly tax bills.    

Nashoba Regional School District (NRSD) Lease:  Ms. Gerken reported that the School Committee reviewed the NRSD lease and the last sentence in Section I – Damage or Destruction was revised to read “If the insurance proceeds shall be insufficient to pay the entire cost of such restoration, repairs, replacements and/or rebuilding, the LESSOR agrees to pay the deficiency, except in the case that the Nashoba Regional School District has failed to insure the premises as required in Section H.   On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve and execute the NRSD lease.  (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes)

Appointments:  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen appointed Mary Ciummo to the Public Ways Safety Committee, term expiration June 30, 2009.  Mr. Troup stated that the Public Ways Safety Committee interviewed two strong candidates and it was a very difficult decision for the committee to decide which person to recommend to the selectmen.  The Committee wished they had more openings and both the Committee and the Board of Selectmen encouraged Mr. Rob Hagopian to continue to show interest and attend the meetings.   

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Joanne Edmunds and Elizabeth LeBlanc as Election Workers, term expiration June 30, 2007.  

Transportation Study:  The Board of Selectmen executed a letter of support requesting $300,000 to conduct a transportation study of Central Mass.

Board of Selectmen Meeting Procedures and Bolton Board of Selectmen – Visitor’s Orientation to Meetings:  On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to adopt the Board of Selectmen Meeting Procedures and Visitor’s Orientation to Meetings.  

Banner:  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the request of John Mentzer to hang the fire prevention banner on Main Street from Sunday, October 8th to Tuesday, October 17, 2006.  

Tri-Town meeting:  The next Tri-Town meeting is Tuesday, October 3 at 7:00 p.m. at the Bolton Town Hall.  An agenda will be prepared and distributed by Mr. Troup.

Meeting adjourned.