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Board of Selectmen Minutes September 7, 2006
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
September 7, 2006                                               Curt Plante

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.  Minutes of July 26, August 3 & 17, 2006 were read and approved.  Law Committee minutes of August 3, 2006 were also approved.

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to continue the Omnipoint Cell Tower Site Plan and Special Permit hearing to Wednesday, September 27, 2007 at 8:30 p.m. due to the absence of a Board of Selectmen member.

Mr. Brown, DPW Director and Shelly O’Toole met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the conditions of roads and paving schedule.  The Board was provided with a copy of a Road Surface Management System – Flexible Pavement Condition Survey dated August 2006 for approximately every 1000 feet on every public road in Bolton.  The survey included data to compare roads and determine which portion of the roads need the most attention.  This survey is attached.  

Mr. Plante suggested that we look at the repair of roads as a capital planning project rather than a bandaid approach.   Mr. Brown stated that the last Pavement Management Report was submitted to the Board of Selectmen in 1995.

Mr. Brown stated that Powder Mill Road is deteriorating and falling apart.  Test holes have proven the work done by the contactor was done correctly and that the problem lies beneath the material that was placed.  Mr. Plante stated that one problem is that there are not interceptor drains. Mr. Brown stated that the road will have to be rebuilt.  

Mr. Brown will provide a prioritized list of roads to be done and a timeline of funds for these repairs.  

Crack Sealing will be done on the following roads considered in better condition to maintain that level of condition:  Spectacle Hill Road, McNulty Road, Teele Road, Forbush Mill Road, and Burnham Road.

Mr. Powell would like to see these repairs built into the budget and done on a yearly basis. He does not see it as a capital project because it is routine maintenance.  Mr. Troup felt that because we have not kept up with the maintenance it did seem that this could be put in as a capital planning project.

Mr. Brown attended a hazardous mitigation session which requires that a committee be formed to collect data to prepare a pre-disaster and flood mitigation plan.

Lease of state land on Forbush Mill Road:  Selectmen approved a letter to be sent to the State asking for a long term lease for the 3-acre parcel adjacent to the athletic field and parking on Forbush Mill Road.  An article in the annual town meeting is required to enter into a lease with the State.   Park and Recreation is in favor of this and would take the task of fundraising for the field work.  

Florence Sawyer Construction Project:  The Board of Selectmen and the Town Administrator executed a letter certifying that the Town shall maintain Florence Sawyer School and all elements of the project as delivered to the town in a good, safe and habitable condition.  This document was required by the School Building Authority.  

The Committee asked to have their meeting with Selectmen postponed due to the presenters not being able to attend this meeting due to business conflict.

Present:  Rose Darden and George Kenney, Bolton Fair representatives, Ed Sterling, BatCo member, Pam Kaminski, Friends of Library

The Bolton Fair Committee offices are presently located at the relocatable next to the Emerson School.  Ms. Darden stated that their plan is to break ground on their new building on the Lancaster grounds after this year’s Bolton Fair.  They anticipate construction will take 4-5 months depending on the weather and would expect to vacate the relocatable sometime in early spring 2007.  Currently they use half of the building which is a locked partition area.  The other half is more like a conference area and is available for meetings.  Ms. Darden noted that the Agricultural Steering Committee has been using the conference area for their meetings.   

Mr. Sterling of BatCo stated that the room BatCo is presently sharing with the Friends of Library at Emerson School is not enough to meet their space needs.  The level of activity by the Friends of Library is greater than before and BatCo does not have the room for storage or space for setting up an office.   They would like to be able to set up an office on a permanent basis and have a locking facility for their equipment.  They would also like to have some type of studio to conduct interviews and would like to have an editing facility.  

Pam Kaminski, Friends of the Library stated that at some point Emerson will need to be used or rehabbed in a way that will require the Friends of the Library to move out.   At this time they will also be looking for space.  Mr. Lindsay questioned whether the new library would be done before Emerson was needed as school space and space being available at the new library for the Friends of the Library.  Ms. Kaminski stated that there has been no discussion about the new library accommodating used book space needs.
Ms. Darden stated that the relocatable required some work, there was a mold problem and has had some septic problems.  It is not handicap accessible for public organizations.  She also noted that the office partitions belong to the Fair.

The Selectmen requested that Mr. Brown, DPW Director and Frank Krysa, Building Inspector do an analysis of the building to determine its condition and costs associated with fixing any problems.  Mr. Kenney agreed to do the site visit with Mr. Brown and Mr. Krysa.  

An RFP will be distributed seeking new tenants for the relocatable.  Mr. Troup would like the RFP to include the stipulation that town groups have priority.
Outstanding Enforcement Order:  Ms. Darden and Mr. Kenney were provided with a copy of a memo from Carol Gumbart, Conservation Administrator regarding the Bolton Fair and outstanding issues related to the Compliance with the 2003 Enforcement Order.  Ms. Darden and Mr. Kenney were asked to review the document and report back to the Board of Selectmen with a timeline for completing this project.

Bolton Fair/Route 117:  The Board of Selectmen reviewed a letter dated September 7, 2006 requesting permission from the Town of Bolton to close thru traffic on Route 117 from Bolton Orchards to the Lancaster Town line on Saturday and Sunday, September 23 & 24th from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. to facilitate our traffic plans for the handling of traffic attending the Bolton Fair on the Lancaster Fairgrounds.  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen approved this request.  The Police department and DPW will also be informed of this approved plan.

295 Vaughn Hill Road:  On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the request of Mara Levine for a sign on their barn “Hidden Pond Farm”.   The sign was approved with the understanding that the approval for the sign does not designate the property as a farm.

392 Main Street:  On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the request of Valerie Ritter and Craig Macrae for a sign for their home business.  The sign would be on the stone wall in the yard, alongside the half circle drive and will be 20 X 33.   The Selectmen requested that Ms. Ritter & Mr. Macrae be sure to conform to the home occupation bylaw and noted that the approval is for the sign and not the actual business.  

Book Sale:  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen approved the request of Pam Kaminski to place two signs at Route 117 by the entrance of Mechanic Street and one sign by the front door of Emerson School for the two day book sale to be held September 23 & 24, 2006.  The signs will only be up during the time of the book sale.  

Car raffle:  On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen approved the request of Joanne Daniels to place a series of six small 2-sided signs along the driveway of the transfer station reminding people about the car raffle being held by the Library Capital Campaign Committee.   Ms. Daniels stated that the proposed signs may have to be altered if they can not be staked into the ground because of the rock along the driveway.  The Board of Selectmen requested that Ms. Daniels work with DPW Director Harold Brown to be sure the signs are placed so they do not interfere with the transfer station activity.

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint the following as potential election workers, term expiration June 30, 2007.
Jean Crispen, Barbara Wheeler, Jean Lord, Phyllis Langberg, Pam Sowizral, Jean West, Cia Ochsenbein, Alice Coggeshall, Joyce Miller, Barbara Brown, Theodore Zayka, David Goulding, Andy Bagdonas Vincent Alfano, Thomas Wildman, Sarah Slade, Elaine Wetzel, Kathleen Barry, Gail Amabile, Alice Roemer, Sally King, Gloria Fiamingo, Christie Mayo, Ann Dilling.

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Karin Boots as Registrar, term expiration June 30, 2009.

Board of Selectmen Meeting Procedures & Visitor’s Orientation to Meetings:  Ms. Ross provided the Board with a draft copy of the Board of Selectmen Meeting Procedures, and Visitor’s Orientation To Meetings documents for review.  Ms. Ross received revisions from Mr. Troup and Ms. Gerken prior to the meeting.  Mr. Plante agreed with these revisions and suggested an additional revision to paragraph 3 so that it reads as follows: Meeting agendas will be drafted by the Chairman and the Town Administrator, and will be reviewed with the other Selectmen prior to being finalized.    

Revisions will be incorporated and provided for approval at the Selectmen’s meeting of September 27, 2006.   The document will be posted to the website available at the Selectmen’s meetings.  

Request for Community Calendar:  Ms. Ross has received a request for a community calendar on our website and Ms. Bensetler has agreed to work on creating the calendar.  The proposed calendar would not be on the town’s website, but a link would go to the site.  

Children’s Action Corps:  Ms. Ross informed the Selectmen of a letter received from the Children’s Action Corps in Lancaster thanking the Police Department for going above and beyond in assisting in the return of two runaway students.   

Mass. Electric:  Ms. Ross reported that she met with Michael Horton of Mass Electric who stated that they are moving along with the tree pruning and removal program.  They have removed 16 trees and when done will have removed a total of 48.
Mr. Troup reported on the Tri-Town Meeting.  K-8 in Bolton has 814 students for FY07, 752 was count for FY06.  Typically there is a 5-10 student increase each year, this year it was approximately 50-60 students.  High School has 936 students for FY07, 900 was the projection.  The next Tri-Town Meeting is Tuesday, October 3 in Bolton at 7:00 p.m.

The Selectmen reviewed the sign plan submitted by Noelle Drewicz for the entire site and found the individual signs to be acceptable.  

Bolton Country Manor:  The components of the heating system have been replaced and the heat will be up and running for September 15th, 2006.  

Golden Run Road:  Mr. Plante has a couple of difference scenarios to share with the Board regarding the Golden Run Road drainage.  This discussion will be placed on the agenda for September 27, 2006.

Route 110/117: Selectmen agreed not to take any action on correcting the road painting at Route 110/117 and requested that Mr. Brown draft a road painting policy for the future.

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Troup, the Board voted to authorize the Public Ways Safety Committee to move forward with their recommendations involving the crosswalks and re-located as outlined in their memo dated June 28, 2006.  The Committee will be scheduled to meet with the Board in October to discuss the other concerns addressed in their memo.  

Mr. Troup reported that the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee will be discussing the request to allow Flatley to tie into the town treatment plant.  It was determined that the plant could be expanded by adding two additional trenches.  Advantages to the town include better access to the plant, continued flow and Flatley paying a portion of operating costs.   Mr. Plante expressed his concern with allowing a private entity tie into a public entity.  Mr. Plante suggested that Tata and Howard do an analysis of the Flatley septic system.  Mr. Ross stated that she would contact Tata and Howard to see what the cost of this analysis would be.  The Committee is scheduled to meet September 27, 2006 at 8:00 a.m. to discuss this matter.  The Board of Selectmen was invited to attend and will be posted for this date and time.  

Meeting adjourned.  9:30 p.m.