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Board of Selectmen Minutes July 26, 2006
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
July 26, 2006                                                   Panny Gerken    
                                                                Curt Plante
The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.  

#06-28          $  33,865.19
#06-28a $117,405.68
#07-2           $103,045.46
#07-2a          $161,839.25

Martha Remington, Historical Commission Chairman met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the following:
Meeting Quorum:  Ms. Remington stated that the Historical Commission is having problems meeting the quorum requirement to hold a Commission meeting.   The Commission is allowed 7 members, they have 6, 2 are inactive and she received a resignation this evening.  She would like to propose the possibility of appointing associate members to help with this problem.  This would allow the associate member to be called upon if the Commission had urgent business that must be taken care of.    Questions were raised as to whether the Commission was set by statute or if the membership was set by town meeting vote.   A possible solution to the problem is to reduce the membership to 5, with 2 associate members.    It was agreed that Ms. Remington would research and submit a proposal to the Board of Selectmen for their review.  The Selectmen also suggested that Ms. Remington talk with Town Planner Nat Tipton regarding the names he received of people interested in serving on the Board of Appeals.  

In the meantime Ms. Remington will advertise for new members. Town Secretary Ms. Day will post to the website.

Bollards:  Ms. Remington stated that the seven bollards previously approved by the Board of Selectmen have been purchased but not installed.  Ms. Remington asked the Selectmen how they see the bollards project and installation fitting in with the BOSE traffic signal situation.

The original plan was for removable bollards and Mr. Brown, DPW Director was opposed to this.  We now have seven permanent bollards and need to know from Selectmen what their preference is.    Removal of the bollards was so cars could angle in and park on green space when needed for cemetery services.  

Ms. Remington stated that they have written opinion from MassHighway that the Selectmen can approve the type and location of the bollards.  

The Board of Selectmen agreed to permanent bollards.  They would like the bollards to be installed five feet from the proposed curb line on the BOSE plan.  This will prevent the bollards from having to be moved when improvements are made.
Tree Replacement Program:  Ms. Remington will work with the Tree Warden Mark Caisse, Conservation Commission Administrator Carol Gumbart and Town Administrator Jodi Ross on Rules and Regulations for the Tree Replacement Program.  They have been appropriated $3,200 for FY06.

Ms. Bensetler, Main Street resident stated that she does not want trees in her front yard.  It was agreed location will be a part of the rules/regulations plan.

Archaeological Dig:  The proposed time for groundbreaking for the wastewater treatment plant is early spring (May) 2007.   Ms. Remington will draft a letter to the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee regarding the archaeological dig to be done by the Historical Commission.  The Board encouraged the Historical Commission to start the dig sooner rather than later so that construction is not delayed.  

Mr. Plante cautioned Ms. Remington on the depth of the digging and stated it should not be deeper than 2 or 3 feet so that it does not interrupt the soil and interfere with the design.  

Pat Bensetler, Bolton resident met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss her proposal to send a quarterly newsletter type email to town residents that would include town financial information and information on projects of  Boards and Committees.   The newsletter would provide various links to other boards and committee web pages for helpful information.  The intent is to encourage people to use the website and raise awareness.

Ms. Bensetler would also like to help the Boards and Committees to get their agendas and minutes on the website.  She is willing to get the training to do this herself.    She agreed she would not send anything out without the Town Administrator’s approval.  

Suggestion to distribute the newsletter with the tax bill was also discussed.  The Board of Selectmen was in favor of Ms. Bensetler’s proposal.  The Board of Selectmen also informed Ms. Bensetler that Mike Benjamin is interested in working with Pat on this project.

Pay rate of EMT/FF position:  Ms. Ross reported that the EMT/FF position was placed at Grade 6 of the salary schedule which ranges from $18.42 to $24.03 per hour.   Based on experience and education the recommendation is to place Mr. Farrell at Step 4 of Grade 6 which is $20.13 per hour.  Mr. Farrell will start August 7, 2006 pending passing of a physical abilities test.  The Selectmen accepted the recommendation.

Appointment of the Ambulance Director:  Ms. Diaz stated that the squad met on July 19th to discuss the structure of the department.  She said discussions have focused on one director and two assistant directors.   The department needs to also work on their policies and procedures.   The Personnel Committee prepared the job description for the EMT/FF and the ambulance squad will work with the Personnel Committee to draft job descriptions for the director and assistant directors.  

Jeanne Shapiro, member of the Personnel Committee stated that with the new position and structure of the department it is best to be clear and have job descriptions for the department.  Ms. Ross, Town Administrator agreed and stated the town needs to be careful not to treat this department any differently from other departments.  Chief Alfano stated that when you have specific job descriptions it makes it easier in the training phase when new people come on board.  

The liaison and Town Administrator Jodi Ross will review the draft policy and procedures.

The proposed structure will lesson the burden of the director and clearly define responsibilities without putting all the pressure on one person.  The primary goal of the emt/ff position is to staff the ambulance with a driver.   A meeting of the fire chief, ambulance director and police chief will be scheduled to discuss the structure, set up of office, etc.

Mr. Smith asked that the ambulance director be a player in communication discussions with the Police Chief and Fire Chief.  Chief Alfano stated that the ambulance and fire chief are peers of his and one division could not work without the other.

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Gery Wilson as Ambulance Director as recommended by the ambulance squad.

Mr. Wilson stated that he has been in management of healthcare for many years and his management style is to get it done and get it done the first time.  He plans to share the responsibilities with the assistants and does not plan to take it all on himself.    His most important traits are to listen, have good communication skills and be flexible.  

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to sign the Traffic Rules and Orders as amended.   The document was reviewed by Chief Alfano and Dan Senie of the Public Ways Safety Committee.

Mr. Troup acknowledged the letter received from the Nashoba Regional High School Principal John Smith and Assistant Principal Jeremy Roche regarding Chief Alfano’s efforts in seeking a working rapport and partnership with the administrator of the Nashoba Regional High School.  Chief Alfano and his department crafted a joint plan for a senior field day that was a great success.

Chief Alfano provided the Board of Selectmen with a copy of letter he would like to send to residents regarding the house numbering bylaw.  Many homes do not have numbers or have numbers that are not visible which make it hard for emergency personnel to respond as soon as possible.  

Mailing the letter with the next tax bill will be considered depending on the timing to the mailing of the tax bills.    If not, a separate mailing was suggested.  A suggestion was made to have the numbers available at town hall to make it easier for residents or initiating an incentive program such as giving out free transfer station stickers to those who comply within a certain time.

4/2 Schedule: On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen approved the 4/2 schedule effective July 1, 2007 for the police department.

Murphy Donation:  Ms. Ross reported the basketball group had established their own non-profit organization and therefore the gift from Murphy Insurance will go directly to them and the Board of Selectmen did not have to accept for the town.  

326 Wattaquadock Hill Road:  Ms. Ross reported that the Board of Health, Building Inspector Frank Krysa and the Conservation Commission did not have any issues with the dumping at 326 Wattaquadock Hill Road.  The Selectmen expressed their concern that it is a safety issue with logs and branches falling into the roadway.  The Board of Selectmen suggested that Ms. Ross contact the homeowner and inform them of the concerns and need to contain the materials on their property and prevent them from falling onto the roadway.  The Selectmen also asked that the homeowner provide a plan for resolving the problem.
Conservation Commission:  Ms. Ross reported that the Conservation would like to meet with the Board of Selectmen to discuss several properties that are in the tax taking.   Mr. Troup stated he is not saying it isn’t worth it but cautioned the time and effort it takes for tax taking actions and the fact that it is not likely to succeed in the near future.

The Board of Selectmen suggested that the Commission provide them with a list of properties they are in interested in, with a brief summary and status of the property from the Tax Collector.  

Special Town Meeting:   The Selectmen were asked to think about the need for a special town meeting.  Other than the health insurance issue there isn’t any other known reason.
Mr. Plante suggested that the Selectmen not accept any capital projects until the capital planning committee is established and can identify issues and make recommendations.  The Board was favorable to the concept.

The Selectmen discussed the Agricultural Preservation Bylaw.  Mr. Troup will contact
Mr. Nicewicz and draft a memo regarding the matter for the Board to review.

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen appointed Chief Vin Alfano and Sgt. Andrew Bagdonas to the Police Station Study Committee.  

Mr. Troup expressed his appreciation for Chris Slade and Wendy Rogers, members of the Advisory Committee who chose not to be reappointed to the Advisory Committee.  He thanked them for their yeoman efforts provided to the town.  

Mr. Troup provided a summary of the four hour retreat held on Monday, July 24, 2006 with a facilitator.  He stated he was sitting in the middle of the board members so the audience could focus on the person running the meeting.   They also set a goal to be out by 10:00 p.m.  There were a number of suggestions made by the facilitator that they will be looking at.  Ms. Ross will be drafting operating procedures that will include how the audience addresses the board and time limits.  This information will be posted to the website.

The Board of Selectmen received a memo dated June 28, 2006 from the Public Ways Safety Committee expressing continued concerns for pedestrian safety in town and suggestions to address these concerns.  The Board of Selectmen will review the memo and discuss at a future meeting.
Mr. Plante expressed his concern with sign pollution and missing the rural character of the town.  The Board of Selectmen suggested that Mr. Plante speak with Public Ways Safety Committee members Dan Senie and Don Cole regarding his concerns.

Meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m.