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Board of Selectmen Minutes July 12, 2006
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
July 12, 2006                                                   Panny Gerken    
                                                                Curt Plante
The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.  
#06-27a    $65,432.89
#06-27      $67,936.76
#07-1       $21,781.80
#07-1A   $48,868.78

Mr. Troup stated that he felt the Selectmen followed the idea and intent of the Robert Rules of Orders and was not proposing to make any changes at this time.  He stated that if issues came up along the way the Selectmen could address at that time.

Present:  Chief Alfano, Squad members Margy Diaz, Frank Smith, Personnel Committee member Jeanne Shapiro and Advisory Committee members David Lindsay and Stan Wysocki

At the recommendation of the Search Committee for the EMT/FF position the Board of Selectmen interviewed David Farrell and Gery Wilson.   Both candidates are on the Ambulance and Fire Department for the town of Bolton.

David Farrell:  Mr. Farrell stated that he has developed a real passion for the job and finds it to be challenging and stimulating.   He has worked in the medical field for the last 25-30 years and is currently a perfusionist at Children’s hospital.  He is a firm believer in public service and sees the position as a great way to further that and make it a full time career of serving the town.   The change in career will allow him the opportunity to take a more active role in his youngest daughter’s life.  He stated that he has organizational and multi-taking skills that he can transfer to the EMT/FF position.  He has grant writing experience and has participated in public speaking at conferences.  

Chief Alfano confirmed that the requirements of this position include successful passing of a physical.  The Personnel Committee established the position to be a Grade 6.  Once the person is appointed the step will be negotiated.  Ms. Ross stated that this is going to be a transition for the department as the town has not had a full time employee in this department.  Mr. Farrell stated that being a member of both the fire and ambulance department would help in the transition of the new position and his role would not be to takeover.  He sees it as supporting and enhancing both departments.   He would continue to be a volunteer, working with both squads in the evenings and on weekends.  Mr. Farrell stated that change in scope would depend on the growth of the town and demands of both departments.  At some point more personnel to supplement the demands may be needed.   Mr. Farrell has attended the State firefighter academy, is certified as Firefighter 1 and 2 and has had Hazmat specialist training.  
Gery Wilson:  Mr. Wilson has 20 years of experience with the fire and ambulance departments.  He has dedicated his time to becoming fluent in skills.  He has been of assistant to the Nashoba Cadet Program since 2002.  He has a lot to offer to the position and would like to continue to expand his work in this area.  He has strong computer skills and would like to be able to make the billing of the department more efficient.   His skills from his previous positions in the healthcare field, running his own business and presently working as an orchard assistant will help him to transition into this new position.  He is a lieutenant in the Fire Department and LP gas inspector.   Mr. Plante thanked Mr. Wilson and expressed his appreciation for his volunteer work as a fellow firefighter.  

Ms. Ross stated that the Search Committee’s opinion was that both candidates were qualified.  The selectmen agreed with Ms. Ross on this and said their task was going to be harder as a result. When the search committee members were asked if they had a favored candidate, they said they wanted to leave the choice to the selectmen and thought these two candidates stood out from the 21 applicants.

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, and after discussing the qualifications of both candidates, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint David Farrell to the EMT/Firefighter position.  (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – opposed).  Gerken and Troup thought Farrell had excellent and applicable qualifications; Plante thought that Wilson’s exemplary service to Bolton for more than 20 years made him more qualified.

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to temporarily exempt Officer A. Luke Hamburger from the basic recruit training requirement.  This request is made by Police Chief Alfano due to the department currently being short two full time patrolman positions.  

Present:  Sam Pierce, Rick Howley and Paul Granese

Members of the Memorial Field Basketball Court Committee met with the Board of Selectmen to inform them of the Memorial Field Basketball Court project.

The Committee thanked the major contributors to the project that included Murphy Insurance, Chiodio Excavating Company, United Electric, Hudson Savings Bank, Clinton Savings Bank.  They also thanked the Board of Selectmen, Conservation Commission & the Parks and Recreation Commission for their support and help with the project of bringing the current basketball court on Memorial Field back to life.  The Committee plans to increase fees next year to add to the fund and Park and Recreation agreed to pick up the electricity.

The Committee requested permission for signage to explain the rules of the court.  The sign will be mounted to the light poles.  The Committee also requested permission for a free standing 4X6 sign to recognize the many people that donated their time and money to make the project happen.   On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen approved the sign requests.

The Committee informed the Board of Selectmen of their intent to name the basketball court the “Murphy Insurance basketball court” that were very instrumental in promoting and getting the project off the ground.  The Parks & Recreation Commission did not have any issues with the naming of the court.

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen approved of the naming of the court.  The Selectmen also extended their gratitude to all of the contributors to the project and will send a letter to all donors.  The Committee invited the Board of Selectmen, Town Administrator and Town Secretary to attend opening day.

The Board of Selectmen reviewed the language for the school lease addendum.  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen approved the language contingent on approval of town counsel.

Mr. Plante suggested that there be two leases so that the district does not have to come back every year on use of the Emerson School.

Mr. Plante also recommended that the annual meeting between the school district and the town to discuss the use of the leased space be held in January so that changes could then be incorporated into the school district budget.

Town Administrator Jodi Ross will follow up with Supt. Wood and Town Administrator Bill Wrigley on the status of the lease.

Present:  Ken Swanton, Mickie Simpson, Betsy Cussen, David Lindsay, Stan Wysocki, Scott Powell, Bob Minardi

The Selectmen held a meeting with members of the Advisory Committee and Master Planning Committee to discuss the formation of a Capital Planning Committee.  The Selectmen have been provided with notebooks containing various ideas from surrounding towns to help determine the kind of committee they would like to form, the scope and who it will report to.   The Selectmen discussed the threshold for projects and purchases.   Advisory Committee Chairman Mr. Powell stated the Advisory Committee was supportive of the concept and felt that a threshold should be set between $500,000 and $1 million.

Lincoln, Northboro and Dracut capital planning reports were good resources for forming the committee.  They gave a good representation and planning structure on how to proceed and felt these reports would be a great tool to use in the process of establishing the Capital Planning Committee for the Town of Bolton.   Mr. Plante felt that department purchases should fall under the Capital Planning Committee.  Town Administrator Jodi Ross agreed that the threshold should be lower, stating that it forces the department heads to get organized and think of their needs in one year, five years and ten years.

Master Planning Committee members were supportive of a number under $500,000.  The Committee will continue to review the information provided from other towns and schedule a working session to continue discussions.  

The Board of Selectmen reviewed the list of goals and liaisons.  Revisions will be made and distributed to Board of Selectmen for review.

Present:  Kevin O’Brien, Housing Authority Chairman; Gerard Ahearn, Board of Appeals Chairman, Doug Storey, Affordable Housing Chairman and Noelle Drewicz, owner of property

Mr. O’Brien, Chairman of the Housing Authority reported that the decision made at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on May 24, 2006 to set price at $175,000 was not approved by the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD).  The DHCD stated that the most the unit could be sold for was $166,900 which is no more than 80% of the median income.  

Mr. Storey, Chairman of the Affordable Housing Partnership stated that he did not think the town could ask the landowner to do anything other than what was in the Zoning Board of Appeals decision.  The decision did not require that the unit be counted toward the town’s affordable housing inventory, but did require the price to be the 80% number.

Mr. O’Brien’s concurred that at this point his recommendation would be for Ms. Drewicz to sell the unit according to the exact recommendation of the condition in the Board of Appeals decision.    The decision does require that preference be given to employees and residents of Bolton.  

Attorney Cassidy stated that the Drewicz’s would like to proceed with the sale of the property and not have it count as town inventory.  She stated that they would pursue local preference.  

Mr. Plante encouraged Ms. Drewicz to follow the lottery system in marketing the unit.
For the record Mr. Plante stated that the Town has gone out of their way to assist Ms. Drewicz and the accusations in emails stating otherwise are only opinion and not fact.
On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to set the price at $166,900 or 80% following the guidelines of the DHCD.  (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes)

Police Union Contract:  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to ratify the Police Union Contract. (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – abstained) Mr. Plante abstained because he was not party to the contract negotiations and was advised that negotiations could not be re-opened without impacting the union’s rights.  He thinks the majority of the contract is ok, but feels it is important to agree to the entire contract or abstain.  

Ms. Ross, Town Administrator noted that the Board of Selectmen ratified the Dispatch Union Contract at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting June 29, 2006.

Management Report:  Ms. Ross reported that the management report was received for the Auditor and she was pleased to say everything looked good.  There was on minor problem related to payroll that was corrected immediately.    

Board of Selectmen retreat:  Ms. Ross announced that the Board of Selectmen has scheduled a “Retreat” meeting on Monday, July 24, 2006.  The Selectmen will not be deliberating at this meeting. It is an organizational meeting, to focus on Selectmen goals, issues, practices and policies and therefore is not a public meeting.  

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to extend the lease agreement between the Town of Bolton and the Conservation Trust for use of an office space located at the Emerson School.  The lease will run until June 300, 2007.   The payment in the amount of $500.00 was also received.

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Harold Brown and Donald Baum to the MAGIC Hazard Mitigation Community Planning Team.  FEMA and MEMA have approved a grant for MAPC to develop a Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan for Bolton and 27 other communities.  One of the first steps in developing the plan is the formation of the Hazard Mitigation Community Planning Team composed of the participating communities in the MAGIC sub region.
On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Jack Holbrook, as Ambulance Attendant, term expiration June 30, 2007.

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the request of Ms. Giunta for the Lord’s Acre Banner for two weeks but if the Lord’s Acre banner interferes with another banner being on the fence during the second week the Lord’s Acre banner would have to be removed.

Mr. Troup reported that the DPW has agreed to take over the maintenance of the flags along Main Street.   Bolton resident Bill White of Meadow Road initiated the flag program and fundraising for the flags that are placed on the poles along Main Street for various holidays.  A letter thanking Mr. White for his efforts will be sent.

Bills/Payroll warrant review:  During his review of the warrant earlier in the week, Mr. Plante had raised questions regarding the warrant and realizes that this may be wasting time.  Ms. Ross stated that it is unusual for the Selectmen to go through the warrant page by page and the Selectmen’s signature is authorizing the release of pay checks to employees and payment to vendors.  She stated that the Treasurer and Town Accountant bring any concerns to her at the time.  The Board of Selectmen will request that each department head be sure they are signing payrolls for their departments and their departmental accounts payable cover sheets.  

Meeting adjourned.