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Board of Selectmen Minutes May 24, 2006
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
May 24, 2006                                                    Panny Gerken    
                                                                Curt Plante

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.    

#06-24    $      86,536.40
#06-24a  $2,404,867.14

Present:  Library Trustees Bob Zak, Chris Sterling, Ann Hurd, Library Director Kelly Collins, Advisory Committee member David Lindsay and Dan Senie

Mr. Zak stated that the MBLC grant expires on July 7, 2006 and they are scheduled to meet with the MBLC on June 1, 2006 to request an extension to January 7, 2007.  This will allow the additional time to seek private donations.

The Friends of the Bolton Public Library are organizing a private campaign effort which is being led by Ann Hurd and Chris Sterling.  The campaign will cover individual donors, corporate donors and separate fundraising events and additional grant opportunities.  

They are seeking pledges amortized over the 3 year expected duration of the planning and building process, expecting a cash flow into the Capital Fund itself of approximately $333,000 per year.   The funds will be managed in an interest bearing account for the benefit of the Library expansion project.    Ms. Hurd will be responsible for laying out the cash flow for when the money is received.  

The Board of Selectmen informed the Library Committee that they would not be signing any contracts prior to the funds to cover each contract being in the bank to protect the Town’s interest.  This subject is to be discussed further, following inputs from State officials with experience in other library projects.

The Trustees are soliciting volunteers to serve on the Construction Committee to oversee the project.  They provided a list of responsibilities of the Committee and will seek a team with professional and personal experience that includes building/project management, civil engineering and architecture, property law and zoning, historic preservation, aesthetic and contextural design, project estimating/costing, project financial, library and project administration and members at large.

Everyone agreed that a committee of 9 to 11 members would be most effective.  The Committee will be appointed jointly by the Trustees and the Board of Selectmen.  Ms. Gerken explained the way the Long Range Planning Committee formed subcommittees within their committee that worked out very well, particularly if people are interested in a shorter-term, more focused assignment.

Mr. Zak stated he has already received calls from people interested in being on the Committee.  The Board of Selectmen will pass on to the Trustees any recommendations for committee members that they may have.  

A meeting will be scheduled for July to appoint the Committee.  The Trustees will get back to the Board of Selectmen with a date for the MBLC to meet with Selectmen and Trustees.  

Present:  Board of Appeals Chairman Gerard Ahearn, Attorney Levine, Affordable Housing Partnership member Doug Storey, Advisory Committee member David Lindsay and Noelle Drewicz

The Drewicz are required to provide an affordable residence in the buildings located at 711-713 Main Street.  The Board of Appeals decision stated that the unit must be affordable and must have parking according to the Zoning Bylaws.  

The price of the affordable unit is determined by State guidelines which is 70% of the median income or about $165,000 and was understood by the Board of Appeals.  The Drewicz’s claim their agreement with the Board of Appeals was the unit would sell for the price a person earning 80% of the median income or about $180,000.  

Mr. O’Brien stated that the town owns the affordability of the unit and the Board of Selectmen represents the Town.  With the town owning the affordability it is the town that sets the price, noting that CHAPA is not involved in this process.   The Town has always asked the Housing Authority to be the lottery agent for affordable houses in Bolton.

Mr. Ahearn stated that his recollection of the hearing process was that the Board of Appeals stated that it would be an affordable unit permitted in accordance with the State Requirements and they did not state anything about being 80%.

Attorney Levine provided the Board of Selectmen with a document dated December of 2004 that referred to 80% of median income.  

Ms. Drewicz requested that she be allowed to start at the 80% median income.  

Mr. Storey stated that from the Affordable Housing Partnership’s point of view they want to see the unit created and maintained as an affordable unit.  

After a lengthy discussion, on a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the affordable housing at $175,000.  (Troup - yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes)

The Board of Selectmen executed a letter being sent to the McCormack’s of 177 Long Hill Road regarding a Selectmen’s site visit to observe the McCormack’s drainage problems.  The Selectmen determined that the stone culvert under Long Hill Road has been in place for many decades and that drainage issues with the culvert are considered pre-existing conditions and therefore not something that the town can or should change.

Our observation of the culvert included the fact that it is partially clogged with sand accumulated over the years.  At some point in the future, the town will clear out that culvert to assure that it operates correctly.  If you have completed the solution to water flow onto your property by the time the town does this work, you should not have an effect from the culvert.

The Selectmen also stated that they cannot justify spending town funds on the engineering and construction work to divert water from that culvert to an existing pond.   

The Board of Selectmen attended the Planning Board meeting at 9:00 p.m. for the discussion regarding the Kane Property (possible mixed use options).

Meeting adjourned.