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Board of Selectmen Minutes May 11, 2006
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
May 11, 2006                                                    Panny Gerken    
                                                                Curt Plante

The Board of Selectmen met at the Bolton Country Manor Senior Center at 600 Main Street at 1:45 p.m.

The Board of Selectmen scheduled this meeting to talk with the seniors to see how their 1st year at the senior center located at the Bolton Country Manor had gone and discuss any issues concerns they might have.  The Board of Selectmen expressed the importance of the care for the elderly in the Town of Bolton.
Ms. Gerken encouraged everyone to fill out the survey questionnaire that had been mailed to their homes.  She stated that although it was basically the same survey sent out by the Friends of the Seniors’ a couple of years ago they felt it was important to send it again knowing there were new seniors in town.

1.      Parking – There is not enough parking for both the residents of the senior housing and the seniors visiting the senior center.  The parking issue has caused hostile attitudes between management and the seniors.  The Board of Selectmen agreed to look at additional parking to include additional “handicap” parking spaces.  They will contact the Flatley Company to see if they can help with this issue.
2.      Transportation – The seniors would like to have a transportation service for seniors.  Sheila Chmielowski, Council on Aging Director will look into various transportation services and report back to the Board of Selectmen with her findings.  The Selectmen suggested that in the meantime volunteers be used to help with transportation for seniors.
3.      Security – Security of the building has been an issue.  To allow the door to remain locked at all times, Town Secretary Linda Day has arranged for a greeter to greet seniors who are visiting the Senior Center.  The greeters are members of the Senior Tax Rebate Program.  This has helped the issue.  Ms. Day is also researching the installation of a buzzer that would be located near the front door and also in Sheila Chmielowski’s office on the second floor.
4.      Mosquitoes – There was a concern with the mosquitoes breeding in the area of the retention basins located on the side of the Bolton Country Manor.  A recommendation was made to purchase mosquito magnets to help with this problem.
5.      More flexible hours – A majority of the seniors would like to see the hours of the senior center extended to three days a week.  (18 yes, 5 no)

A resident of the senior housing expressed her concern with the wear and tear and additional maintenance required with the senior center being located at this facility.  

Meeting adjourned.