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Board of Selectmen Minutes May 4, 2006
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Stanley Wysocki
May 4, 2006                                                     Kenneth F. Troup
                                                                Panny Gerken    
The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. Donald Baum met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the adoption of the National Incident Management System (NIMS).   This is part of Step 1 of the Local Emergency Planning Committee.  There is a training exercise that needs to be completed by any personnel who responds or supports any emergency in the Town Bolton.  (Board of Selectmen, public health, emergency responders, and personnel).  Step 2 is data gathering of hazards in town and updating the emergency contingency plans to meet the guidelines of standards today.  

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to certify that Bolton, has formally recognized NIMS and adopts NIMS principles and policies.  

When asked what the penalty would be for not signing Mr. Baum explained that federal money is involved and not sure from a legal point what would happen if an incident took place and we were not prepared.  

Chief Alfano stated the police and fire department already operate under these guidelines in day to day activities.  It is in the Town’s best interest to adopt these policies as it is the gateway to federal funding.  The financial commitment to the town is minimal with 3-4 hours of training which the fire department will do as part of their training.

Present:  Police Chief Alfano, Public Ways Safety Committee members Dan Senie, Don Cole, Leslie Breeze, Bev Mentzer

Chief Alfano stated that the proposed stop signs are within the guidelines of the federal regulations.  He stated the Board of Selectmen has the authority to authorize the signs and the Police Department has the authority to enforce.  

The Board of Selectmen reviewed photos of the intersection of Wattaquadock Hill Road.  
The placement of the sign on the Clinton side of the railroad tracks is 29 feet from the rail which is consistent with the guidelines.  This distance is to keep the cars from stacking up back far enough from the rail line to ensure that anyone thinking about stopping on the tracks would know they should not.
The Board was provided with a draft copy of a traffic sign permit.
Chief Alfano stated that they had the opportunity to observe the railroad maintenance equipment that actually travels along the tracks and observed that it does not set off the railroad lights.  
The actual placement of the stop sign in front of the Miller’s resident has been moved 6 feet to address the Miller’s concerns.  There  may be 1 or 2 vehicles backed up at the stop sign but will allow the Miller’s to get out of their driveway.  

DPW Director Harold Brown will be doing the center line painting on Friday, May 4th weather permitting.  A notice in the Bolton Common will be published on Friday, May 12 regarding the opening of the intersection with new signs.  The Police Department will patrol the intersection the first week.

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen approved the stop signs located at the Wattaquadock Hill Road intersection.

Chief Alfano stated that he is working with the Public Ways Safety Committee and they will be looking at signage throughout town.

Chief Alfano informed the Board of Selectmen that they have been tracking ambulance calls during daytime hours.  There were 40 calls from March 1 to April 25 and of those 40 calls 30 were between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Request at 626 Main Street:  The Board of Selectmen received a letter from Chuong Tong requesting the issuance of an alcoholic package store license for 626 Main Street in Bolton.  Ms. Ross stated that she has contacted ABCC to confirm whether Bolton has any available licenses.  Town Secretary Linda Day informed the Board of Selectmen that Mr. Ed Plante came into the town hall today and asked that the Board of Selectmen be informed that they are not in negotiations with this gentleman at this time.  Town Administrator Ms. Ross will report back to the Board once she has completed research.

ALS Bike Ride through Bolton:  The Board of Selectmen reviewed the request of Myke Farricker for permission for the 2006 Positive Spin bike ride through the Town of Bolton on Sunday, June 4.  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen approved this request with the understanding that Mr. Farricker will contact the Police Chief.  

Toll Booth:  Jack Shapiro, President of the Bolton Lions Club met with the Board of Selectmen to request permission to hold the voluntary toll booth on Saturday, May 6 from 9 to noon.   Chief Alfano has approved this request and a detail officer will be on duty.  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen approved the request to hold the voluntary toll booth.  

Relay for Life Banner:  The Board of Selectmen reviewed the request for a banner for the Relay for Life event to be held at the Nashoba Regional High School on June 2 & 3, 2006.  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen approved this request.

Barriers along Main Street:  Ms. Ross reported that she received a call from a resident regarding the concrete barriers placed along Main Street between Nourse and Sampson Roads that were moved by Mass Electric.  The resident asked that the barriers be put back to stop trucks from parking along Main Street.  Ms. Ross stated that she spoke with DPW Director Harold Brown who stated that the barriers are on town property and considered rather dangerous.  Mr. Brown suggested that the concrete barriers be replaced with a guardrail.  Mr. Troup understood that the property where the concrete barriers were placed was private property.  Ms. Ross will continue to research and the Selectmen will discuss further at a future meeting.

Mr. Troup reported that he received the same kind of call regarding trucks parking at the corner of Route 117 and Route 85.  

A suggestion was made to put signs stating “no overnight parking allowed in the Town of Bolton” at each location of entering the Town of Bolton.

In the meantime, it was suggested that the police department be informed that the town does not want trucks parked overnight in parking areas that have not been approved.  
Crosswalk Painting:  Ms. Ross reported that the DPW will be painting crosswalks on May 5th.  Mr. Brown assured Ms. Ross that it will not be done during rush hour and they will be using a detail officer.
Nashoba Regional School Lease:  Ms. Gerken reported that she attended a meeting to discuss the Nashoba Regional School Lease and the Lancaster Board of Selectmen expressed some concerns.  Supt. Wood will make revisions, have legal counsel review the document and it will be discussed again at the next Tri-Town meeting on Wednesday, June 7 in Lancaster.   Ms. Gerken stated that the consensus was that capital expense should be separate from the lease.
Fulltime EMT Firefighter job description:  The job description for the EMT/firefighter position has been completed and the position will be posted next week.  The Board of Selectmen requested that the position be advertised in the Bolton Common.

Insurance Advisory Committee:  The Board of Selectmen appointed the Insurance Advisory Committee at their meeting on Thursday, April 27. 2006.  The Board of Selectmen confirmed the term expiration would be June 30, 2007.

Retirement Party:  The Board of Selectmen were favorable to a retirement party for Gigi Bonazzoli and agreed that Ms. Ross and Ms. Day should talk with Brian Lynch of IGC regarding options for the party to be held at IGC the end of June.

Town Secretary Linda Day informed the Board of Selectmen that Gigi Bonazzoli stopped by the town hall to see her and asked that she thank the Board of Selectmen for the retirement gift presented to him at town meeting.  

Council on Aging Meeting – May 11th:  The Board of Selectmen will meet with the Council on Aging and seniors on Thursday, May 11 at 1:45 p.m.  The meeting is to listen to their thoughts on how the last year has gone and issues and concerns they may have.  Ms. Gerken also reported that the Friends of the seniors are also in the process of tallying a questionnaire that was sent out as part of the Senior Newsletter.

Mr. Plante requested a copy of the contract with the Bolton Senior Housing Corporation and the Town of Bolton.  

Major concerns included the security of the building and parking.  Mr. Plante stated that the location of the septic system would limit the placement of additional parking on the site, and an increase in parking would require an increase in drainage.  Mr. Plante will deliver a copy of the plans to Ms. Ross, Town Administrator.  

Mr. Troup and Ms. Ross will be meeting with representatives of the Flatley Company to discuss access to the treatment plan and will discuss the parking issue with them.

Establishment of standardized financial policies/capital projections:   Ms. Gerken suggested that the Board of Selectmen establish standardized financial policies and long range capital plan.   Ms. Ross agreed to gather information from other towns.  The Board of Selectmen was in support of Ms. Ross and Ms. Gerken pursuing this approach.  

APR – Ms. Ross will contact Town Treasurer Joanne Jenkins to find out why the APR’s have not been bonded yet.

Increasing communication between Board of Selectmen and town residents:  The Board of Selectmen discussed ways to increase communication with town residents.  Suggestions made included:

-       A weekly or monthly session on Saturday where people can drop by and talk with a member of the Board of Selectmen. This session could be held at the Town Hall or Library.  The Selectman would listen to concerns and bring back to the next Board of Selectmen meeting.
-       A ½ hour television program where various topics of discussion could take place (i.e. treatment plant).  Ms. Ross will talk with BatCo to see if they would be interested in this.   
-       Basic information to be published in the Bolton Common.  i.e. proposition 2-1/2.
-       Quarterly newsletter to go out with quarterly tax bills.  The newsletter could include information on large scale projects, each board doing a paragraph on the goings-on of the board or committee.

The next Tri-Town meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 7 in Lancaster.

Meeting adjourned.