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Board of Selectmen Minutes April 27, 2006
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Stanley Wysocki
April 27, 2006                                                  Kenneth F. Troup
                                                                Panny Gerken    
The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

#06-21          $  83,084.26
#06-21a         $  65,363.80
#06-22          $  79,160.73
#06-22a $116,024.56                                                             

Present:  David Formato of Tata and Howard; Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee member William Spratt.

Mr. Troup provided the Board of Selectmen with a status report on the wastewater treatment plant project.   The leach field and 30 X 30 building containing the membrane treatment technology system will be located on the sheep show field.  

Mr. Troup stated that the original plan was to install an eight trench leaching field but the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee voted to increase the field to twelve trenches. This will allow for future expansion and would cost almost nothing to do.  All other expansion work can occur above ground at the time of any such expansion.

The creation of a playing field approximately 100 X 300 feet will be possible.  Preliminary testing was inconclusive and additional testing was performed by Tata and Howard.   As part of the testing they mimicked a full scale loading on the area, installed monitoring wells and dug a 30X30 pit in the sandy material.  Water was added over a 24 hour period and it was monitored at all times.  Data results confirmed 25,000 gallons per day.  This is more than enough for any expansion of the school.  Data results also confirmed that only 1 to 2 feet of fill will be required rather than the 6 feet of fill previously anticipated.  

The project is on schedule.  Construction will begin in the spring of 2007, and the treatment plant is expected to be in operation no later than April 2008.  

The Committee agreed that they were not comfortable with reducing the cost of the treatment plant to a lesser amount at town meeting because of the uncertainty of costs with construction not occurring for another year.  

There is no additional cost to shut down the existing leaching field.  

Present:  Kenneth Finch, Project Manager for National Grid met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the tree pruning/clearing program to identify and remove trees and tree branches that may cause outages.  Certified Arborists will assess the area along the main supply line coming in from Lancaster on Route 117.   Once the assessment has been completed National Grid will meet with the Town of Bolton’s tree warden for his approval.  They will participate in any tree removal hearings required.  Residents along the main supply line will receive a letter from National Grid informing them of the project.  Permission to remove or prune any trees will be obtained from the landowner prior to any work being done.  Trees to be removed will be flagged with a red ribbon and trees to be pruned will be flagged with a blue ribbon.   The program will also be publicized in the local newspaper.  Landowners have the choice of keeping the wood; National Grid will work to bring wood to residents or take away if not wanted by residents.   National Grid will not grind the stumps but will take care of a stump if it is considered to be too close to the road and a safety issue.  Anticipated start time is approximately 3 months from now.  Mr. Plante reminded everyone of the scenic road bylaw.  The Board requested that Mr. Finch contact the Town Planner and Conservation Commission Administrative Assistant regarding this program.  The Board of Selectmen was in favor of the program.

Ms. Sharon Horne of Industrial Communications met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss her proposal for a telecommunications tower on the town’s landfill site on Forbush Mill Road.  This would improve the coverage along Route 110/117.  The Tower is 100 feet and the trees are approximately 70 feet high.  They presently have three carriers interested (Nextel, Verizon and Cingular) and ideally would like to have 5 carriers on the tower.  

The Town of Bolton would be required to go out to bid for proposals and Industrial Communications would also have to bid on the proposal.  Ms. Horne agreed to provide the Board of Selectmen with information/references of towers located in Massachusetts.   
The Selectmen were in favor of pursuing this proposal.   

The Board of Selectmen reviewed the request of Brandon Scott to install a project information sign at the entrance of the new Regency at Bolton project (formerly Crystal Springs Campground).  The Board of Selectmen also received response from Building Inspector Frank Krysa stating that the request appears to fall within the temporary sign bylaw, Section  Mr. Krysa stated that although the height of the sign is not indicated it should not exceed the 8 feet as indicated in the bylaw.  Town Secretary Linda Day informed the Board of Selectmen that she discussed Mr. Krysa’s response with Mr. Scott who indicated that he would conform to Section 2.4.2 of the bylaws.  He will contact Mr. Krysa to schedule an appointment at the project site to determine the location of the sign to conform to the bylaws.

Senior Center:  Ms. Ross and Town Secretary Linda Day met with Council on Aging Director Sheila Chmielowski and HUD Management to discuss outstanding issues related to the senior center located at Bolton Country Manor.   The main issues are the parking and the security of the building.  When the senior center was at the Town Hall it drew approximately 10-15 people and it now has approximately 30 people visiting the senior center.  Ms. Ross stated that Ms. Chmielowski has done a great job extending the program to seniors.  There is not adequate parking at the new senior center for the 25-30 cars.  There are 4 handicap residents at the Manor and only 4 handicap parking spaces which do not leave any handicap spaces for seniors visiting the senior center.  Ms. Ross would like to look into extending the parking lots on both side of the building.  Another possibility would be to put a parking lot in the back of the building for the seniors which would also allow them to enter the building from the back door.  The Board of Selectmen authorized Ms. Ross to pursue these suggestions with HUD management.  Residents of the Bolton Country Manor want the building locked and secure at all times.  Seniors visiting the senior center want an open feeling of walking in and being welcomed.  The suggestion of interior doors being installed in the hallways leading to the resident’s apartments is not feasible for various reasons.  Town Secretary Linda Day is arranging to extend the hours of the greeter at the door from 9 to 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 to 2:00 p.m.  The greeter will be supplied with a key to let visitors in after signing in.  The suggestion of a buzzer at the door will be investigated.  Ms. Chmielowski will talk with the Council on Aging and the seniors to see if they would like to have a meeting with the Board of Selectmen.   Coming back to the town hall would not be an option because there would not be enough parking.  The seniors feel strongly that they would like their own facility in the future.  

PMC Kids Ride:  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded Troup, by the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the PMC Kids Ride to be held on the Florence Sawyer and Emerson School grounds contingent upon meeting with Chief Alfano to discuss guidelines.  

711-713 Main Street Parking:  Noelle Drewicz of 711-713 Main Street requested a meeting with the Board of Selectmen to discuss parking for employees and one resident located at 711-713 Main Street.  Ms. Ross asked if the Board would like to meet with Ms. Drewicz to discuss the town helping her out.  Although Ms. Drewicz has contacted the Smith’s and the Trinity Church already regarding parking it was suggested that she contact the Smith’s again.  Board of Selectmen Chairman Mr. Wysocki and Ms. Ross agreed to meet with Ms. Drewicz to discuss further.  

Firearm training/location:  Chief Alfano recommended that the Bolton landfill be used as a firing range for firearm training.  Chief Alfano stated that he has discussed this idea with DPW Director Harold Brown and he suggested that a clay berm be placed in front of the target for the lead.  The lead would stay embedded in the clay that could then be disposed of as hazardous waste on a semi or annual basis.  Having the firing range in Bolton would be a cost savings for the department as it would allow the officers to train while on duty.  This would eliminate traveling out of town and overtime expenses.   The cost savings in overtime would be approximately $4,000 which could certainly be used for other training courses.  The firing range would only be used when the transfer station is closed and not on weekends at all.  The location is remote and would not be noisy to neighbors.   A test firing session was conducted by the Police Department and the department did not receive any complaints from area residents.   Chief Alfano stated that all area residents will be made aware of any plans for the firing range by letter and a personal visit from the police officers.  A suggestion to have information in the newspaper and on the website was made.

Mr. Plante cautioned Mr. Alfano to determine the cost for disposal of the lead.  He stated that lead contaminated clay may have to be removed by a licensed hazardous waste removal company for a fee.  He also recommended that night shooting be included as part of the training.   Chief Alfano stated that in Framingham they recycled the lead and received money for it.  

Ms. Ross stated that she will be seeking additional funds at town meeting to cover expenses with the department being down officers due to illness, a couple of officers leaving and one officer being in the academy.  

Stop signs on Wattaquadock Hill Road:  Chief Alfano stated that it has been questioned whether the town had the authority to put the stop signs up at the intersection of Wattaquadock Hill Road.  He stated that the signs do meet the federal guidelines and he is looking for a definitive answer.  He has a call into MassHighway and will also call the Department of Transportation.   In the meantime the signs remain covered while the lines that have been painted are catching the attention of vehicles passing by.

Request for Proposals/Request for Quotes:  Ms. Ross reported that the Board of Assessors are seeking quotes qualified vendors to update the Town’s tax maps and various geo-database files that make up Bolton’s Geographic Information System. ~Quotes and professional qualifications are due on Thursday, May 11, 2006 by 2:30 p.m.  The Board of Assessors is also seeking requests for proposals from qualified firms to provide the town with property tax assessment services.  Proposals are due by Thursday, May 18th at 2:00 p.m.

Insurance Advisory Committee:  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint the following people to the Insurance Advisory Committee, term expiration date June 30, 2007: Diane Coolidge, Yvette Washington, Nathaniel Barry, Vin Alfano, Barbara Brown, Joanne Jenkins, and Michael Murphy.  The eighth member of the Committee is yet to be appointed.  An announcement seeking a member to serve on the Committee was made at tonight’s Selectmen’s meeting.  An announcement will also be made at the annual town meeting.  The charge of the Committee will be to bring forward a recommendation to the townspeople at a fall special town meeting.   A member of the Advisory Committee and Board of Selectmen will serve as non-voting members.

Affordable Housing Partnership:  On a motion made by Gerken and and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Mark Duggan, of Bolton Woods Way to the Affordable Housing Partnership, term expiration June 30, 2007.

Cultural Council:  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Mickie Simpson to the Cultural Council, term expiration May 1, 2012.

Agricultural Steering Committee:  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint the following to the Agricultural Steering Committee, term expiration upon completion of project:  

Jai Rezac, 185 Century Mill Road
Sue Storbeck, 92 Sampson Road
Ken Nicewicz, 116 Sawyer Road
Herman Schultz, 49 Sawyer Road
Nancy Caisse, 200 Wattaquadock Hill Road
Joe Kovacs, 23 Harris Farm Road
Neal Heeren, 563 Main Street
Carol Airey, 185 Wilder Road
Steve Ware, Old County Road, Lancaster

Ms. Ross reported that she is researching the request of Rich Pelletier of Nashoba Winery to obtain a liquor license to sell his spirits at the Restaurant.
The Board of Selectmen received additional information regarding the lighting for the proposed Memorial field basketball court renovations. On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the project.

The Board of Selectmen reviewed plans prepared by the Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Engineers for the traffic signal improvement project on Route 117 at the Interstate 495 North ramps.  Selectman Troup and Town Administrator Jodi Ross met with BOSE representatives who agreed to look at the Route 117/Route 85 intersection but not necessarily provide a solution.   A suggestion of a granite berm along Pan Cemetery was discussed to prevent trucks from parking along the cemetery area.  The Board was asked to be sure pedestrians are taken into consideration and that there is room for bicycles traveling on Route 117 under the Route 495 underpass.  The Board of Selectmen will hold a hearing at their meeting on Thursday, May 18th.  Representatives from Bose and the State Highway Department will be invited to attend.  

Chairman Wysocki reported that he has talked with Board of Health members regarding the call he received from Martha Ashe about the manure problems and it is unclear at this point what the Board of Selectmen can do regarding this matter.  The Board of Health has visited the site numerous times and has determined this is not a nuisance.  The Board of Health is working on additional manure regulations. Mr. Troup suggested that Ms. Ashe give some thought to what she is looking for the Board of Selectmen to do.

Meeting adjourned.