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Board of Selectmen Minutes May 18, 2006
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
May 18, 2006                                                    Panny Gerken    
                                                                Curt Plante
The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

#06-23          $  75,067.66
#06-23a $149,070.22

Town Secretary Linda Day called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and accepted nominations for Chairman.  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, Mr. Troup was appointed Chairman.  On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Troup, Ms. Gerken was appointed Clerk.   Mr. Plante was welcomed as newly elected member of the Board of Selectmen.  

Present:  Advisory committee members Scott Powell, Burt Shnitzler, David Lindsay and Chris Slade

Chief Alfano introduced Shawn Izzo and recommended that he be appointed as a Reserve Officer.  Mr. Izzo moved to town in 1991.  He considers Bolton his home town and would like to start as a Reserve Officer with the intent of becoming a full time officer in Bolton.  Chief Alfano also recognized Shawn’s father Jack Izzo who was seating in the audience and is a police detective in the Town of Harvard.

Present:  Moderator Jim Anker; Town Clerk Betsy Cussen; Assistant Town Clerk Susan Miles;

Mr. Anker thanked everyone for their hard work in preparing for the set up for the Annual Town Meeting.  Approximately 600 residents attended town meeting.   One concern was the people standing along the back of the auditorium, which at times blocked the projector, made it difficult for the Moderator to determine if someone was standing at the microphone to speak. It also made it difficult for the counters when counting votes.   It was agreed that we should try to move the projector to the overhead position where the TV cameras were situated.   The suggestion was made to have two microphones at the back of each side of the auditorium to make those standing at the microphone more visible for the moderator to recognize.  The suggestion to have one microphone for those speaking in opposition and one for those speaking in support of an article was not looked at favorably.  A suggestion was made to have a person available to operate the lights.   Mr. Plante and Mr. Senie both stated that they sat in the back of the auditorium and did not have a problem seeing the slides.  The group agreed that when there is a recommendation to move the question it should only be done after the people standing in line at the microphones have had the opportunity to speak.   It was also a fire safety issue to have people sitting and standing in the aisles.  A suggestion was made to have a police officer on duty the night of a town meeting.  Chief Alfano suggested that the responsibility be shared by the Police and Fire Department.  They would be helpful in keeping the aisles clear and having an organized method of getting people out of the auditorium in case of an emergency.  Mr. Anker said he would continue to recommend that residents smile versus applauding.  The group discussed how they could get residents to stay to the end of town meeting and a suggestion was made to randomize the articles.  This would be very hard for our MIT person Gary Perwak and our bylaw regarding the ordering of the articles would prevent us from doing this.  Everyone agreed the more information in the warrant the better.  

Emt/Firefighter:  Ms. Ross reported that the emt/firefighter position is being advertised and resumes will be accepted through June 1, 2006.  Jeanne Shapiro, John Stephenson, Chief Alfano, Margy Diaz and Frank Smith will review resumes and make a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen.

Assessors:  Ms. Ross reported that the Board of Assessors is seeking requests for quotations (RFQ) for the 2006 Tax Map and Geographic Information System Update.  The Board of Assessors are also seeking request for proposals (RFP) for property tax assessment services.  

Insurance Advisory Committee:  On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Marcia Prucha to the Insurance Advisory Committee.  Ms. Prucha lived in Bolton for 30 years and presently resides in Hudson.  Ms. Ross stated that she has designated Chief Alfano to schedule the first Insurance Advisory Committee meeting.

Liquor License:   Ms. Ross reported that ABCC has confirmed the Town of Bolton was allotted and issued two alcoholic package store licenses.  Therefore, Ms. Ross will inform Mr. Tong of this and let him know he can petition town meeting for a license if he were interested in obtaining such a license.  

Nashua Valley Railroad Open House sign request:  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen approved the request of Mr. Bishop to place signs at the off ramps of I-495 and at the intersection of Route 85 and Route 117 along with “No Parking Signs” on the east side of Route 85 at the club headquarters for an open house they are hosting on June 2.  The signs will be placed the morning of June 2 and removed the evening of June 2.   The Board approval was contingent on approval of the Police Chief.

Banner Request:  The Board of Selectmen reviewed the request of Trinity Church to hang a 3 X 7 banner saying “Trinity Church presents Vacation Bible School, July 31st –August 4th, 9 to noon, 978-779-5517, games, Bible stories, crafts and music”.   On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen approved this request.

Mr. Plante stated that the banners show a lot of spirit in the community and limiting the amount of banners limits the amount of exposure and spirit.  He stated it was very difficult to read the banner hanging on the fence as you were passing by.  The poles used to hang the banners across route 117 were donated by the Farmers and Mechanics.  Mr. Plante asked that the Board review the banner policy and talk with the Fire Department to see what they would be willing to do.  The Board of Selectmen agreed to discuss the banner policy at a future meeting.

Library:  The Board of Selectmen will meet with the Library Trustees on Wednesday, May 24, 2006 to discuss the plans for the library expansion.  

Present:  Public Ways Safety Committee Members Dan Senie, Leslie Breeze, Bev Mentzer, Police Chief Vin Alfano, Sgt. Bagdonas, Historical Commission member Martha Remington, Town Clerk Betsy Cussen, DPW Director Harold Brown and resident Pat Bensetler  

The Selectmen discussed the plans for placing a traffic light at the intersection of Route 117 and the north bound ramp for Interstate 495.  Mr. Troup explained that the proposal is to widen Main Street to two lanes west bound and one lane east bound between the north and south ramps.  The road would gradually narrow back down to two lanes in the area of the Country Cupboard.  This would help in keeping traffic from blocking the intersection of Route 85, allow the exit ramp to turn onto Main Street and keep the route I-495 traffic from coming to a halt on the Main Street overpass which is a safety issue.  Mr. Troup explained that he was not sure that the widening of Main Street would allow for pedestrians and bicycles.  Ideally the State would like two lanes each way but there is not enough space to accommodate four lanes.

Pat Bensetler, resident on Main Street asked that the burial vaults at Pan Cemetery be protected.  Mr. Troup stated that curbing would be placed along Pan Cemetery to prevent parking and protect the vaults.  Ms. Bensetler also expressed her concern with traffic flow along Main Street and the need for an overall Main Street plan.  The traffic lights at both intersections would be coordinated to keep the traffic flowing.  

Mr. Troup stated that both the town and the State must approve of the project.
Mr. Senie, Public Ways Safety Committee member expressed the Committee’s concern that this does not address the route 85 problem.  

Bose representatives and a representative from Mass Highway will be invited to the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on June 1 to continue discussions.

Chief Alfano and Town Clerk Betsy Cussen recommended that the Board of Selectmen adopt proposed revisions to the traffic rules and regulations.  The Public Ways Safety Committee is also in favor of this document.  Chief Alfano stated that the document codifies and clarifies the traffic rules and regulations for the residents to become familiar with and follow.  It was suggested that the document be placed on the town’s website.  The Board noticed a discrepancy with the document stating that parking fines were $20.00 when Sgt. Bagdonas said no parking violations were $10.00.  

Sign issues brought to Sgt. Bagdonas’ attention by Mr. Plante have been corrected.  Mr. Plante stated that there are specific parking restrictions at Bolton Woods Way that should be included in the document.  He also noted that the Flanagan Road area needs to be reviewed related to parking on both sides of the road.

The document is a foundation and should be amended immediately as changes and additions are made to keep the document up to date.  

On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Gerken the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the traffic rules and regulations with the suggested amendments to the parking restrictions.  

Noelle Drewicz, who is renovating the former Wisell property on Main Street met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss her need for parking for employees of the retail stores planned as part of the project.  Ms. Drewicz’s plans include carving out two spaces in front of the building for tenant parking but there is still a need for at least five additional spaces for employees, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.  Ms. Drewicz asked permission to allow parking at the fire station on Wattaquadock Hill Road.  Fire Chief John Stephenson and Ambulance Director Gigi Bonazzoli were not favorable to this suggestion for public safety reasons.
Ms. Drewicz stated that she has only been able to come up with temporary solutions with everyone she has talked to regarding the need for parking.  The First Parish Church was willing to lease parking to her but she was concerned with the longer walk and the hill from the parking lot down to the Main Street.   Although Ms. Drewicz had talked with the Smith family previously regarding parking on their property the Board of Selectmen encouraged Ms. Drewicz to get in touch with the Smith family again along with other private parties to see if they could come to an agreement.  Ms. Drewicz stated she felt she had made a good faith effort to find off street parking and worse case scenario they could park on the street.  The Board of Selectmen questioned the intent of the Board of Appeals decision and suggested she meet with them to clarify.  
Mr. Bonazzoli stopped by the Board of Selectmen’s meeting to show them the Certificate he received from the Nashoba Valley Medical Center in recognition of his many years of service to the Ambulance Department.

Sign Request:  The Board of Selectmen received a request from the Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Access Core to install a directional sign in the same location of the IGC sign located at the intersection of Main Street and Wilder Road.   They would like to have the sign installed for their June 19th dedication ceremony.   The Selectmen will do a site visit and discuss at their next meeting on Thursday, June 1.  

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve of the Sightmobile screening to be held on Saturday, June 3, 2006 from 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. to service our community.  The sightmobile will be at the NRHS, situated at the front parking lot facing Main Street.  

New Legislation:  Ms. Ross informed the Board of Selectmen that there is new legislation that gives the Board of Selectmen opportunity to transfer money within departments in the last two months of the fiscal year.  Anything over 3% of the budget or $5,000 requires the approval of the Advisory Committee.

Van Service for Seniors:  As a result of the Board of Selectmen meeting with the Seniors, Ms. Chmielowski, COA director looked into obtaining information regarding MART, a van service for seniors.  The Town must become a member of the Montachusett Regional Transit Authority (MART) in order to be eligible for van service through them.  The Board of Selectmen authorized Ms. Ross to obtain information regarding membership.

Ms. Ross reported that she will be meeting with HUD representatives next week to discuss ideas for additional parking and the security issue.  The Senior Tax Rebate Program participants are manning the door on Tuesday and Thursdays from 9 to 2 p.m. and this is working out very well.  

APR Bonding:  Ms. Ross informed the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee that Treasurer Joanne Jenkins is in the process of compiling all the necessary paperwork for the APR bonding.   Ms. Ross suggested Mr. Lindsay contact Ms. Jenkins directly to discuss his concerns regarding the bonding.  

Wattaquadock Hill Road:  Chief Alfano reported that the Wattaquadock Hill Road signs will be unveiled on Monday, May 22, 2006.

Present:  Chief Alfano and Dan Senie, Public Ways Safety Committee member
On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to purchase and install “no hunting” signs on the roads entering town.  The cost for 22 signs will be approximately $1,700.00.

Board of Selectmen meeting schedule:  The Board of Selectmen set their meeting schedule as follows:  June 1, 21, 2006; July 12 & 26, 2006; August 3 & 17, 2006.

Liaisons:  On a motion made by Plante and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen approved the following liaison assignments:
Affordable Housing - CPlante
Ambulance, Fire and Police - KTroup
Appeals, Board of - CPlante
Assessors - PGerken
BatCo - KTroup
Historical Commission - KTroup
Insurance Committee - PGerken
Library (construction) - KTroup, PGerken, CPlante
Library Trustees (operation) - PGerken
Master Planning Committee - KTroup
NRSD and Space Needs - PGerken
Parks/Recreation - CPlante
Planning Board - CPlante
Public Works, Department of - CPlante
Town Clerk - PGerken
Wastewater Treatment Plant - KTroup                             

Main Street Parking (between Harvard and Nourse Roads):  Mr. Brown reviewed plans with the Board of Selectmen that showed the concrete barriers are on State land.  Ms. Gerken suggested no parking signs be installed and that the concrete barriers be replaced with plants in barrels.  Ms. Ross suggested that the area be beautified and possibly planting grass.   The Board of Selectmen will do a site visit on Tuesday, May 23 at 8:00 a.m.

Long Hill Road:  The Board received correspondence from the McCormack’s of 177 Long Hill Road regarding drainage issues in front of their home.

The Board of Selectmen scheduled a site visit of Long Hill Road for Tuesday, May 23 at 8:00 a.m.  They will also visit the site on Main Street to address the parking issue.

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Plante, the Board of Selectmen voted to go into executive session under Chapter 23B(3) at 10:30 p.m. to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining.  The Board voted not to reconvene to open session.  (Roll Call:  Troup – yes, Gerken – yes, Plante – yes)