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Board of Selectmen Minutes March 9, 2006
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Stanley Wysocki
March 9, 2006                                           Kenneth F. Troup
                                                                Panny Gerken    

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.  Minutes of February 16 were read and approved.

#06-18          $79,716.90
#06-18a         $106,505.02
#06-18b $1,690,000.00

The Board of Selectmen and members of the Police Department were present to thank Interim Police Chief William George for his support and services as Interim Police Chief.  Police Officer Yvette Washington presented Interim Chief George with a police badge paperweight as a token of their appreciation.   The Board of Selectmen presented Chief George with a letter of appreciation.  The Massachusetts Coalition of Police also presented the Board of Selectmen with a letter thanking the Selectmen and Town Administrator for their support over the past several months.  

Interim Police Chief George gave credit to the people within the police department for their hard work.  He gave special thanks to the supervisors who contributed to making the department a better place.  

Chief Alfano and Administrative Assistant Lorraine Kenney met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the proposed budget for FY07.
Communications:  The wage line item of the communications budget included an increase pending union contract negotiations.  The expenses portion of the budget was level funded.  The line items within the expense portion of the budget were adjusted to accurately represent the expenses (i.e. computer expenses were taken out of miscellaneous and placed in computer equipment line item)  The majority of the costs are fixed costs to maintain equipment to maintain the services.  

Police Department:  The salary line item represents an increase for the recent hiring of the new police chief.  The wage and wages-overtime line items represent increases pending contract negotiations including the possibility of a four and two schedule.  The building expenses/services and cruiser gas line items show increases due to the increase in energy costs.  Advisory Committee member David Lindsay stated that the proposed wages and overtime represented a 12% increase.  Town Administrator Jodi Ross reminded everyone that the Advisory Committee had cut the FY06 budget which made the proposed budget for FY07 appear to be a larger increase.  She also stated that the four and two schedule was an additional cost of approximately $35,000 for FY07.   Ms. Ross stated that with the cuts made to the FY06 budget it looked as if an additional $15,000 would be needed to get through the year.  

Chief Alfano did not expect any immediate changes in responsibility or reorganizing.  He stated that the staff is performing well.  He did not see any waste or expenditures of funds that he felt were not appropriate.  

Chief Alfano discussed the article being proposed to replace the traffic light controller at the intersection of Routes 110 and 117.  He stated that there are concerns about the costs of repairing it if it were to fail and the costs associated with police details while it was being repaired.  A temporary fix would cost approximately $12,000 for a used controller and battery backup.  The cost to replace the existing with a new module and bulbs would be approximately $20,000.  Chief Alfano also stated that there is a possibility of getting some state reimbursement and therefore recommended that the article be deferred to a future town meeting to allow time to research further.  

Present:  Boxboro Town Administrator Natalie Lashmit and Board of Selectmen Chairman Simon Bunyard; Advisory Committee members Chris Slade and David Lindsay; Ambulance squad members Gigi Bonazzoli, Greg Caless, Ethan Caless, Gery  Wilson

Mr. Bunyard stated that they are meeting with towns to inform them of their efforts to regionalize dispatch services and see if they are interested in joining the effort.  Devens contributed $15,000 for a study and the draft report was issued today.  Mr. Bunyard stated that they are moving in the direction that the State is encouraging and have applied for State grants to help with the funding.  Littleton, Harvard, and Devens are part of the group.  They are also talking with other towns including Lancaster, Stow, Maynard and Groton but no one is in a position to say that they want to join the effort.

Mr. Bunyard stated that their next step would be to form a committee with representatives of towns interested that would meet on a biweekly basis to strategize and identify questions that need to be answered before going to town meeting for approval.  The key is to get towns who are seriously interested.  Mr. Troup stated that in the late 1970’s Bolton had a regional dispatch with Berlin that dissolved.   Town Administrator Jodi Ross stated she attended the regional dispatch meeting with Police Chief Alfano held today and although it was very informative there are still a lot of unknowns and suggested they continue to attend the meetings to obtain additional information.   The Selectmen are interested in knowing what each town has for a communications department and how it is managed.  

Margy Diaz, Greg Caless, Gery Wilson, Eileen Burgoyne, Ethan Caless, Frank Smith, David Farrell, Chief Alfano, Sgt. Bagdonas and Barbara Brown

Mr. Troup stated that to sum it up the recommendation of two full time people is too much too fast.  In the future there may be a need, but the volume of calls and amount of administrative work at the present time is not enough to justify two full time people.  Mr. Troup stated that DPW Director Harold Brown has proposed a new DPW worker and if this position were approved at town meeting a requirement could be that the person is an EMT.  The other thought would be to have this person also be a firefighter and be able to respond to fire calls as well.   Chief Alfano proposed a public safety generalist position as firefighter/EMT to solve the problem.  Chief Alfano stated that they were not trying to change the command structure and it was important to maintain the volunteer character of Bolton.  Town Administrator Jodi Ross stated that she had heard from Fire Chief John Stephenson who supported Chief Alfano’s proposal and would have administrative work to delegate to this person.  

The ambulance squad asked for time to discuss as a group and will then provide feedback to the Board of Selectmen.  

Present:  Ed Sterling, Rick Merrill
The Board of Selectmen received a breakdown of detailed expenses and income to date.  
On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to release the amount of $20,000 to BatCo.  

BatCo is now set up to do live broadcasting at town hall.  BatCo’s understanding is that the Bolton Fair Committee will be vacating the relocatable near Emerson and they are interested in taking over this space to set up their studio.  Mr. Troup agreed to contact Rose Darden, President of the Bolton Fair to see what their plans are related to moving their office out of the relocatable.  

Present:  Conservation Commission Administrator Carol Gumbart, DPW Director Harold Brown, Advisory Committee member David Lindsay, Mr. Michael Goodman, Wayne Wetzel and Barbara Brown

Conservation Commission Administrator Carol Gumbart informed the Board of Selectmen that there it is a certified vernal pool in the Quail Run and Golden Run Roads area.  Based on the Assessors map it appears that the vernal pool is on private property.  Ms. Gumbart stated that the Conservation Commission can not permit an activity for the construction of a dam in this wetland.  She said the Commission preferred overland flow of the water if possible.  The Selectmen discussed whose responsibility it is to correct this problem and Mr. Troup made the point that regardless of whose responsibility it is the water causing the traffic hazard on Golden Run Road and Quail Run must be managed.  It appears that the water is coming from the vernal pool only when the ground is frozen.  Ms. Gerken and Mr. Wysocki agreed that they would be willing to be a partner with homeowners to find a solution but not willing to have the town take on the responsibility alone.  Mr. Brown stated that while there are other drainage issues in town including Wattaquadock Hill Road, Vaughn Hill Road, and Wilder Road, this is the only problem in town of this particular type of drainage problems.  It was agreed that there was no sense in proposing an article to appropriate funds for a drainage study if the next step is not taken to implement.  

The Board of Selectmen reviewed the articles proposed for the Annual Town Meeting.  
Mr. Troup explained that although the design specs are not complete the article for the wastewater treatment plant is on the annual town meeting because we are on a time schedule with DEP and we will need to spend money during the fiscal year.  The Advisory Committee recommended that the article to purchase a new 6 wheel highway truck not be included in the warrant.  Harold Brown was ok with this, so this article was removed.  With regard to the gas spill funding, Ms. Gerken said there needs to be an explanation of how the spill happened and what is left to do on the clean up.

The article regarding the health insurance for retirees was discussed.  The recommendation is to make all present employees whole and a suggestion was made to include a clause that employees being hired after July 1, 2006 will not be compensated.  It was suggested that the library expansion presentation at town meeting include a comparison of what a small amount of money would allow the town to build.  Mr. Zak stated that the proposal the Library Committee will be submitting in its article will be smaller and cheaper than the proposal defeated in November.  He also agreed that the committee will address what could be built for half the amount of town money without a state grant.  Mr. Wetzel expressed his concern that there is no material change in the project and the setback issue has not been addressed.  He stated that it was inappropriate for the Selectmen to proceed with an article to appropriate design money for this project.

Bolton Flag at State House:  The Board of Selectmen received a copy of a letter sent to Representative Walrath from Neil Kilpeck, Superintendent of the Bureau of State Office Buildings requesting a flag for Bolton to be displayed in the Great Hall in Boston.  The Bureau of State Office Buildings has collected flags from 298 of the 351 Commonwealth communities and would like to complete the collection by years end.  Mr. Troup reported that the Board of Selectmen was supportive of a request in past years to design a Bolton flag but it never happened.  The Board of Selectmen suggested a notice in the paper to seek people interested in helping to design a Bolton flag.  The Board of Selectmen deferred discussion to next meeting.  

Caucus Call:  The Board of Selectmen executed the Citizen’s Caucus Call for the purpose of nominating the candidates for our annual town election which will be held at the town hall on Monday, March 20 at 7:30 p.m.

Acton Proposal:  The Board of Selectmen executed a letter to be sent to Senator Antonioni and Representative Walrath advocating for change to the method of funding education in Massachusetts.  

Request for approval to install two stone pillars – 978 Main Street:  The Board of Selectmen approved the request of Brenda Boelens and Daniel Vaz to build two stone pillars 4X4X6 on either side of his driveway located at 978 Main Street.  The Board also received favorable feedback from the DPW Director Harold Brown and Building Inspector Frank Krysa.  Their comments will be provided to Ms. Boelens and Mr. Vaz with the approval.

Mass Ribbon Ride:  The Board of Selectmen voted to approve the request of James Poulos for the Mass Red Ribbon Ride to go through the Town of Bolton on Sunday, August 13, 2006 subject to following Chief Alfano’s recommendations.  

Appointment:  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Donald Baum as Civil Defense Director, term expiration June 30, 2006.  

Ambulance Billing Rates:  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen voted to increase the Ambulance billing rates as follows:  

Base Rate:  $475; Non-emergency $300; oxygen $70; mileage $15/mile; airways $150; Defib, $150 and ALS Base Rates:  ALS Base 1 - $635; ALS Base 2 - $820.00; ALS non- emergency $400 and IV Therapy $140.00.

Wattaquadock Hill Road intersection:  The Board of Selectmen confirmed that they previously approved the recommendation of Public Ways Safety and Chief George regarding signs at the intersection of Wattaquadock Hill Road, Old Lancaster Road, and Water Street (Clinton) intersection.
Used Book Sale Signs:  The Board of Selectmen voted to approve the request of Pam Kaminski, Co-Chair of the Friends of the Library to put up signs for the upcoming Friends of the Library used book sale to be held on Saturday, March 25th, 2006 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  The signs will be located by the opening to Mechanic Street and one will be at the entrance of Emerson where the sale will take place.

The Board of Selectmen received a copy of a letter from the Subsurface Remediation Technologies, Inc. regarding the Former Smith Auto Sales, Inc. at 719 Main Street.  The report is on file with the Board of Health and Conservation Commission.  

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to go into executive session under 23B(6) at 11:25 p.m. to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or value of realty property, if such discussions may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the governmental body.  The Board voted not to reconvene to open session.  (Roll Call:  Wysocki – yes, Troup – yes, Gerken – yes)

Meeting adjourned.