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Board of Selectmen Minutes February 2, 2006
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Stanley Wysocki
February 2, 2006                                                Kenneth F. Troup
                                                                Panny Gerken    
The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.    Minutes of December 15, 2005, January 5 and 19, 2006 were read and approved.  Advisory Committee members David Lindsay and Scott Powell were present for all or a portion of the meeting.

#6-16a  $190,317.87
#6-16   $  76,188.48

Present:  Ann and David Farrell, Dina Rich, Jack Holbrook, Margy Diaz, Greg Caless, Barbara Brown, Gery Wilson, Frank Smith, Ethan Caless, Kileen Burgoyne, Advisory Committee member David Lindsay, and Vincent Alfano, Police Chief to be for the Town of Bolton.

The Selectmen introduced Vincent Alfano as our Police Chief to be and stated that he would be starting on February 27, 2006.
Mr. Troup stated that Gigi Bonazzoli has announced that he will retire as director of the ambulance squad at the end of June, 2006.  Mr. Troup acknowledged Mr. Bonazzoli’s incredible contribution to the ambulance squad and the cadet program over the last 18 years as co-director.   On behalf of the Town, Mr. Troup stated that Mr. Bonazzoli is owed a huge thank you for his dedication.  Members of the ambulance squad met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the future of the ambulance department.  Mr. Caless stated that he informed the ambulance squad that this would be his last year as director but would stay on as and EMT.   He would consider staying on as director if that is what people wanted but his feeling was someone else should take over and see what they can bring to the program.  Ms. Diaz stated that it was very clear that Mr. Bonazzoli handled an enormous amount of work and it was their feeling that one person could not handle the responsibilities.  They discussed various scenarios that included one director and two deputy directors but wanted to hear from the Selectmen as to how they would like to see the department moving forward.  The Selectmen agreed that there isn’t any reason that it has to be one way or another but that it was important to structure in a way that works for the squad.   Mr. Troup stated that Ann Farrell is the coordinator of the cadet program and doing a great job.  Mr. Troup stated he talked with Mr. Bonazzoli and he would be delighted to continue to be involved in the cadet program and on the Cadet Advisory Board.  The Selectmen asked if it would help if the officers of the ambulance squad received a stipend?

Discussion continued regarding day time coverage and stipends for the day time coverage also.  It was Mr. Troup’s understanding that Mr. Bonazzoli would not be driving anymore during the day and questioned whether there would be enough drivers during the day.  The EMTs in the cadet program at the high school are on call from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. but can not drive.   The squad stated that there is a problem between 3:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. because most of them have a day time job.  Greg Caless stated that a stipend would be helpful in being able to set a schedule for day time coverage.  

Mr. Troup also stated that the town hires EMTs during the summer to work for the town while they are covering for emergency calls and this same sort of arrangement could be made for the ambulance driver.  Mrs. Brown stated that there is plenty of work that could be done by those on call while at the fire station including maintenance on equipment, stocking of ambulance, billing, etc.  

The Board of Selectmen suggested that the ambulance squad meet to discuss the various ideas presented tonight and bring their recommendation back to the Board of Selectmen.  Ms. Diaz stated that they are committed to making the transition as smooth as possible.  
Mr. Alfano suggested portable radios for everybody which would provide better communication for the department.  Mr. Alfano expressed his interest in working with the squad and the Board of Selectmen encouraged the squad to involve Mr. Alfano in their discussions.  

Present:  Bolton Access TV members Ed Favre, Rick Merrill, Bob Johnson
The Board of Selectmen were informed that the primary video feed connector was burned out by what they think might have been a burst of static electricity.   They are not sure if the equipment is covered under warranty at this point but will be returning it for repair.   In the meantime meetings will have to be taped and broadcasted at a later date.

Mr. Merrill stated that sound has proven to be one of the most difficult problems that they continue to improve on.  The question most often asked is regarding scheduling of programs.  They requested funds to purchase additional equipment as follows:

-       Leightronics PL360IS interface to ImageServer and Leightronics TDCP/IP scheduler, total list price of approximately $7,500.00.
-       Three field cameras for taping off-site (Sony HDR-HC1), list price total of $6,000.00;
-       VHS & DVD Planer, list price $100;
-       Three additional cameras (EVI-D70), list price $5,999.00; and
-       Fire Wire to SDI and analog to SDI, list price $800 each.
Mr. Merrill stated that they had a balance of approximately $12,000 in their budget with $8,250 of that being committed for the editing station which leaves them with a balance of approximately $3,150.00.

The Board of Selectmen requested a summary of accounting of what has been spent so far, plans for the purchase of additional equipment, and the actual costs associated with the purchase of this equipment.  Mr. Merrill stated that they anticipated a cash flow of $3,000 per month to sustain operation.   There are local businessmen and organizations such as the Conservation Trust and Bolton Fair Committee that are interested in having videos aired on the cable station.  Mr. Troup stated that at the Tri-Town meeting they were informed that the school committee is interested in having their meetings taped but they do not want to be involved in it.  They are looking for high school volunteers to operate the equipment and do not have anything in their budget to cover expenses for the equipment.  

Ms. Ross, Town Administrator stated that three quotes are required for any purchases over $5,000.00.  
On a motion made Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to authorize the purchase of the requested equipment, up to $20,000, contingent upon receipt of an accounting of the equipment that Town Administrator Jodi Ross is satisfied with.

Representative Walrath had her annual meeting with the Board of Selectmen to inform them of issues before the state legislature.  The issues included regulating salaries of public employees serving in the armed forces of the United States; requiring the  installation of carbon monoxide alarms and smoke detectors in residential buildings;  providing death benefits for survivors of volunteer firefighters and other volunteer public safety personnel, providing senior tax relief and an act relative to smart growth zoning and housing production.

The Board of Selectmen informed Representative Walrath of the meeting being hosted by the Master Planning Committee on the housing-related 40R and 40S state programs on February 15, 2006.~  

Representation Walrath stated she was in receipt of the letter from the Board of Selectmen expressing their support for the House Bill 2408, An Act Relative to the Taxation of Telecommunications Companies that would close the telecommunications property tax loophole and eliminate the unfair exemption in out-dated property tax statutes.   

Representative Walrath provided the Board of Selectmen with a GIS map of the state of Massachusetts that was passed on to Nat Tipton, Town Planner.

Gravel removal bylaw:  Town Planner Nat Tipton and Planning Board member Stephen Garner met with the Board of Selectmen to get their opinion as to how they would like to see the gravel removal bylaw revised.  The Planning Board discussed the bylaw and agreed the bylaw is very confusing.  Mr. Troup stated that he thought the original intent was for gravel removal in a commercial area which Bolton does not have now.  The Selectmen suggested that the revised bylaw address residential gravel removal and gravel removal for such things as constructing playing fields.   The Selectmen were favorable to waiting until the fall town meeting to allow sufficient time to draft the revised bylaw.  Mr. Tipton anticipated rules and regulations to go along with the bylaw.   The Board of Selectmen agreed to discuss the pros and cons of overseeing the permitting process vs. the Board of Appeals during the review process.

Mr. Tipton informed the Board of Selectmen of the meeting scheduled for Monday, February 13, 2006 at 8:00 p.m. at the Town Hall to discuss how the town can help agriculture in Bolton.  

The Board also noted the meeting being held on Wednesday, February 15, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at the Bolton Country Manor Community Room, 600 Main Street, to discuss Heritage landscapes in Bolton.  

Preliminary budget packets were distributed to the Board of Selectmen which included a spreadsheet on projected tax levy limit; projected revenue and expenditures; encumbrances, borrowings and articles; local receipts; projected other available funds and the FY07 budget.  

Ms. Ross reported that the Board of Assessors voted the FY07 new growth at $240,000 and the FY07 overlay reserve at $210,000.  Encumbered articles are being reviewed to determine if balances can be released.

Budget Discussion:  Ms. Ross reported she has received a request from the Board of Health and Town Planner for additional hours for Administrative Assistant Andrea Schnepf.  As a result of this request she has increased the wage line item in the amount of $3,637.00.
Ms. Ross reported that the Board of Assessors would like to continue with contracted services for the principal assessor position which would save the town money.  The estimated cost would be approximately $54,000 plus additional hours for Administrative Assistance Cynthia Bradbury.  Ms. Ross stated that a Request for Proposal would be required to continue with contracted services.

Ms. Ross stated that she has talked with Peg Child, Tax Collector and she is very happy with the quarterly tax billing and the new process went very smoothly.   

The Legal account is tracking at approximately $50,000 as of January 31, 2006.  

DPW budgets are preliminary.  The DPW met with the Advisory Committee and will be scheduled to meet with Ms. Ross and Ms. Gerken in the next week. Mr. Brown did request a snow and ice increase of $100,000.   The Police Department is tentatively scheduled to meet with the Board of Selectmen on March 2, 2006 and then with Advisory Committee shortly thereafter.

Article Discussion:
Mentzer Property – Mr. Troup reported that he attended a meeting with the homeowner to see if she would be willing to put the purchase of the property on hold as it is not a good time for the town to go forward with the purchase.  The homeowner was not favorable to this request, stating that there is never a good time.  Mr. Troup noted that the proposed purchase price of $200,000 is below the cost of a single family housing lot, but that there are 23 acres with 200 feet of frontage.  He also said that neighbors and the Conservation Trust had pledged about 10% of the proposed price.   Mr. Wysocki stated that it was his opinion that the Conservation Trust should be asked to raise a higher percentage of the money for this purchase, comparable to which the library group has been asked to raise.  

School Lease:  Ms. Ross provided the Board of Selectmen with a copy and stated the goal was to approve by March 1, 2006.

Employment Agreement:  On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Troup,
The Board of Selectmen voted to sign an employment agreement between town of Bolton and Jodi R. Ross, town Administrator.  

Ms. Gerken reported on the meeting she attended regarding the Acton Proposal.  She stated that it was very well attended.  Acton does have very serious problems with 40-50 students in a class.  The problem is how the foundation budget was written in the first place and the need to go back to address those problems.

Documents received:  The Board of Selectmen received copies of the Minuteman budget and the Nashoba Regional School District 5-year capital plan.
Appointments:  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Tricia Sohl-Dickstein and Elizabeth Nolan Conners to the Cultural Council, term expiration February 15, 2012.  (Wysocki – yes, Troup – yes, Gerken – yes).

The Board of Selectmen confirmed that the term for Jim Bilancieri to the Affordable Housing Trust should be a two year term.

Heritage Landscape Inventory Program:  The Board of Selectmen executed a memorandum of agreement between the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and Freedom’s Ways Heritage Association and the town of Bolton for the heritage landscape inventory program.  

Temporary Exemption:  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to grant Jason Puri temporary exemption to work full time as a Police Officer, until his academy training begins March 20th, 2006.  (Wysocki – yes, Troup – yes, Gerken – yes)

Next Tri-Town Meeting will be March 1, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in Bolton.  

Meeting adjourned.