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Board of Selectmen Minutes January 26, 2006
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Stanley M. Wysocki
January 26, 2006                                                Kenneth F. Troup
                                                                Panny Gerken

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 6:30 p.m.   

The Board of Selectmen interviewed three finalists for the police chief position this evening.  Present for all or a portion of the interviews:  Advisory Committee member Chris Slade; Sgt. Bagdonas; Police Officer Kim Denaro; Police Chief Search Committee Chairman Joe Pane; and Reporters Nan Shnitzler and Ken Cleveland.  
Interviews were conducted as follows:

6:30 p.m.       Richard Bates, a lieutenant in the Worcester Police Department
7:30 p.m.       Timothy Anderson, police chief in the town of Athol
8:30 p.m.       Vincent Alfano, a lieutenant in the Framingham Police Department

Board of Selectmen Chairman Stan Wysocki announced before the interview of each finalist that the finalist would be asked a series of questions by the Board of Selectmen.  The public was invited to listen to the interviews but they would not be invited to ask the finalists or the Board of Selectmen any questions.  Mr. Wysocki also stated that if the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint the police chief this evening, the appointment would be contingent upon the successful passing of a physical and psychological examination, a satisfactory background investigation and reaching a contract agreement with the Board of Selectmen.

Questions included general introductory questions along with questions related to personal values, strengths and qualities; personal history and experience; management style; community policing; and relationship with Board of Selectmen and Town Administrator.

Lt. Bates, in addition to being a police officer in Worcester for many years, has been involved in the town government in the town of Holden where he is currently the chairman of the Planning Board.  He emphasized his ability to multi-task and his communications skills.  For five reasons Bolton should select him, he said administrative and police experience, communications skills, his people skills, energy and enthusiasm, and self-confidence.

Chief Anderson has been police chief in Athol for four and a half years, having served as a patrol officer up through lieutenant in Athol before becoming chief.  Anderson said that he wanted to leave because Athol was an economically depressed town that could not provide the resources needed to adequately run a police department.  For five reasons Bolton should select him, he said his police experience, his training, and ability to trains others, his education, the ability to work with other departments, and his belief that policing is more than law enforcement.
Lt. Alfano ran the security department at a private computer company before joining the Framingham police department.  In addition to being a lieutenant, he is the spokesperson for the police department.  He said that he wanted to be chief in Bolton because he wants to go back to a small town environment and also because he moved to the town last fall.  For five reasons Bolton should select him, he said his public safety background (which included heading a volunteer EMT squad), his private sector experience, that he is good at what he does, that he lives in Bolton and would be 100% accessible to everyone, and that he helps people and would like to end his career here.  During discussion that followed the interviews, Mr. Wysocki, Ms. Ross and Mr. Pane all said that Alfano impressed the Police Chief Search Committee and what he can bring to Bolton.

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Vincent Alfano, Police Chief for the Town of Bolton contingent upon Mr. Alfano’s successfully passing a physical and psychological examination, a satisfactory background investigation and reaching a contract agreement with the Board of Selectmen.

The Board of Selectmen thanked the Police Chief Search Committee for their work in recommending three qualified candidates to the Board of Selectmen.

Meeting adjourned.