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Board of Selectmen Minutes January 5, 2006
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Stanley M. Wysocki
January 5, 2006                                         Kenneth F. Troup
                                                                Panny Gerken

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.   Chairman Wysocki opened the meeting with wishing everyone a Happy New Year.  The board noted that the meeting was being televised for the first time for cable access television

#6-14a  $47,834.58
#6-14   $88,556.76

Joanne Jenkins, Treasurer met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the retirees’ health insurance options.  Ms. Jenkins provided the Board with worksheets that helped to explain how adopting Chapter 32B, Section 18 would affect our retirees and the town.

If the Town were to accept Chapter 32B, Section 18, the retiree would pay $147.90 and the town’s contribution would be $138.60.  The annual cost of including Part B would be $28,125, with the penalty cost being $19,326 which the town pays.  This would be an annual cost savings of $8,800.   The changes would affect five of the nine retirees.  Four of the retirees are already on the Medicare program.  The concern of the Board of Selectmen was to be sure that the existing retirees be made whole and suggested the town pick up the additional cost to the retirees who would see an increase on their monthly premium.  

Advisory Committee member David Lindsay suggested that the Selectmen go forward with adopting Chapter 32B and appropriate the $4,000 to make the existing retirees whole. He did not feel that we were obligated to pay for the future retirees.   He referred to considering a citizen’s petition if the Board of Selectmen did not place on the ATM warrant for adoption.  

The Board of Selectmen will review the information and continue to discuss.

Present for the discussion:  Advisory Committee members Wendy Rogers and David Lindsay; DPW Director Harold Brown, and Barbara Brown.

Nourse Road residents:  Goodman, 16 Nourse Road; Hopkins, 60 Nourse Road;  Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, 132 Nourse Road;  Benel, 133 Nourse Road.

Mr. Holmes summarized that there is an issue with water being discharged onto the roadway from the property at 133 Nourse Road.  This fall the present owners had a contractor pipe the water down the driveway, across their property which runs out into the street which is directly across from the Holmes driveway.  Mr. Holmes stated that the water is staying there which is causing ice and ice holes, or when not icing up running into their yard.  It has started to lift the pavement off the top of the road.  He stated that the cars are all stopping because of the ice holes.  

DPW Director Harold Brown indicated that he has put up some barricades.  He is looking for guidance as how to proceed.   He indicated the road has been damaged with pot holes.  
Mr. Benel stated that he doesn’t dispute Mr. Holmes letter, but, in his opinion, it has happened more since the construction done on the Ross’ property.

Mr. Goodman stated there are also water issues near his property at 16 Nourse Road and most of the winter his driveway is flooded and icy.   He referred to water issues being all along Nourse Road and that his water issues are coming from under Route 117.  He has had Mr. Brown out to his house and Mr. Brown has indicated that the mounded septic system and water following the swale on the easement at Crystal Springs is responsible for the water flow.

Advisory Committee member Wendy Rogers reminded everyone that Wattaquadock means springs and it is a very wet place.   A french drain would help to alleviate extreme water problems.  

A site visit was scheduled for Saturday, January 14, 2006 at 8:00 a.m.    Everyone will meet at 132 Nourse Road at top of driveway.   Mr. Brown will be present.
Present:  Chief George, Sgt. Bagdonas and Lt. Nelson.  Also present Advisory Committee members David Lindsay and Wendy Rogers, Harold and Barbara Brown, Martha Remington.

Chief George explained the process which brought him to the Board of Selectmen with three candidates to be interviewed by the Board of Selectmen for the patrol officer position.   Chief George indicated that all three candidates were qualified.  Chief George recommended that the Board of Selectmen also choose an alternative just in case the number one selection did not pass the academy or physical.  

Chief George also informed the Board of Selectmen that there is a possibility that there could be another vacancy in the police department because one of the police officers may be going with the State Police in February.  

Chief George complimented the officers and dispatchers who were part of the rating process in the assessment center, and Officer Slepetz who did the background checks. Chief George was complimented on the information provided to the Board of Selectmen prior to this meeting.   

The Board of Selectmen interviewed David Zampbell, Jason Puri and Joseph Borodawka by asking them a series of questions that included:  

Why would you like to be a police officer in the Town of Bolton?
What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
What has your experience as a police officer been so far?
Are you prepared to spend a considerable amount of time on the 12-8 shift, working weekends and holidays?
What career path have you taken to become a Police Officer?
How would you describe your style of policing?

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Jason Puri as police officer and selected David Zampbell as their second choice.
The Board of Selectmen agreed that the next police department vacancy could be offered to the second candidate.  

The Board of Selectmen stated that the entire police department deserves appreciation for the work done in the process of filling the police officer vacancy.  Chief George thanked the Board of Selectmen for allowing him to provide a different view of how some police departments choose their police officers.  

Chief George informed the Board of Selectmen that he would like to continue at 30 hours per week versus 25 hours per week.  The Board of Selectmen agreed to this and asked that when he feels he can cut back to 25 hours to let the Board of Selectmen know.

Chief George also requested that the Board of Selectmen reconsider the benefit of issuing him a vehicle.  This would give him the ability to respond to the community in a fashion other than in his own vehicle.   The Board of Selectmen took under advisement and will get back to Chief George.

Present:  Mickie Simpson, Brad Reed, Ken Swanton, Cia Boynton, Margaret Campbell, Wayne Wetzel, Barbara Brown, Martha Remington, DPW Director Harold Brown, Town Planner Nat Tipton, Advisory Committee members David Lindsay and Wendy Rogers, Conservation Commission member Amy Wilson, Conservation Commission Administrator Assistant Carol Gumbart, Dan Senie, Tom Pokorney and Doug Storey.

The Board of Selectmen invited representatives from the Conservation Commission, Historical Commission, Park and Recreation, Planning Board, Affordable Housing Partnership, Conservation Trust and the Master Planning Committee to discuss the Community Preservation Act (CPA).   The CPA allows for a property surtax that the state matches.  There are some restrictions on how the money can be spent with 10% of the annual CPA being used for each purpose of open space, historic preservation and community housing.  The remaining 70% can be allocated to any one or a combination of the three main uses including public recreational purposes.  A community preservation committee would make a recommendation and it would be subject to approval of town meeting.  The Selectmen questioned whether there was a group that would like to sponsor an article for the May Town Meeting.  Mr. Troup explained that an article was previously defeated at town meeting but felt it was because it was new and voters did not trust the state at the time.  He noted that the state had met 100% of its commitments since passage of the law.  Advisory Committee member Rogers questioned if we would have done as well getting approved for grants if we had the CPA in place?  Ms. Gumbart indicated that the state is recommending it as part of the Commonwealth Capital Plan and we would have a higher ranking with the CPA in place.  

Ms. Gerken asked if the CPA was approved at town meeting if this would be the only money the town would be asked to spend on projects.  This question was hard to answer because the amount of the money was not known.  Some felt the money should be built up and others stated that they didn’t think it would be enough money to cover the cost of a project.  

Mr. Lindsay was not favorable to state grants and felt the state grant impacted the scale of the design of the library.

There were questions raised about whether the taxes would be higher or lower if this were passed 3 years ago.
It was decided that the Master Plan be published with the recommendation of the CPA and considered for vote by a future town meeting, but not this May’s ATM.  
Present:  Don Cole, Cia Boynton, Dan Senie, Leslie Breeze, Chief George, Sgt. Bagdonas

Traffic Lights:  The Committee recommended that there be power backup for the lights at I-495 South and Main Street and hoped that this would also be considered for the proposed traffic lights at I-495 North and Main Street.  It was noted that the 495 lights were not owned by the town.  A meeting with BOSE is being scheduled for the next Board of Selectmen’s meeting.  The traffic lights at Route 117 and 110 have had ongoing maintenance problems and there is concern that if the controller were to fail the replacement parts would not be available.   The Committee recommended that the equipment be evaluated, a maintenance agreement be entered into and money be budgeted to upgrade the equipment including battery backup.  Sgt. Bagdonas agreed that the existing equipment needed to be replaced.  It was agreed that portable stop signs should be ordered for the Route 117/110 intersection to be used when there is a power failure.  

Fox Run Road/Main Street Intersection:  The Committee informed the Board of Selectmen that they met to discuss the Fox Run Road and Main Street intersection and the concerns expressed by residents.  The Public Ways Safety Committee recommended the following:

-       The present line on the travel lane be removed and replaced with a break in the line along with a fog line down the side of the lane.  
-       A large turn arrow be painted on the pavement in the turning lane.
-       A “right lane for right turn only” sign be installed along with signage indicating there is a street to the right just ahead should be installed.
-       “No standing or parking” signage should be installed along the turning lane.

The Board of Selectmen approved the recommendation of the Public Ways Safety Committee and agreed that Mr. Brown, DPW Director should address this Fox Run Road/Main Street issue immediately.

The Committee reviewed a list of open items that included:
1.      Adding a 4 way stop sign below each of the stop signs at Teele, Woobly and Long Hill Road intersections.  
2.      Adding a Keep Right sign on the island at Route 117 and Route 85/.
3.      Adding a School Zone sign at/near Quinlan property on the South side of 117 facing westbound;
4.      Replacing the sign and arrow at 117 and Wattaquadock (in front of Kellett’s house) with~a School Zone sign, and
5.      Adding 3 new “school” signs, the little ones, to put below the two Mechanic school zone signs. ~
Speed Limit Signs:  The Board of Selectmen was provided with a report prepared by Sgt. Bagdonas that provides a list of speed limit postings within town that do not comply with the State’s records.  

DPW Director Harold Brown indicated that he does not have the inventory of signs to make the necessary corrections.   The Board of Selectmen requested that the Public Ways Safety Committee work with the Police Department and Harold Brown, DPW Director to prioritize and come up with a reasonable schedule to come bring all the signs into compliance with the State.

Barbara Brown noted that she had done a similar report years ago.  The board requested that Sgt. Bagdonas meet with Mrs. Brown to review her data and make sure that the resulting report is accurate.

Wattaquadock Hill Road Safety:   To address concerns expressed by the residents of Wattaquadock Hill Road, the Committee recommended that a stop sign be placed at the intersection of Wattaquadock Hill and Old Lancaster Road and Water Street (Clinton) intersection.  Chief George agreed with the proposal.  

Street lighting bills:  The Committee provided a review of the town’s street lighting expenses that included expenses for lighting approved as part of subdivision streets.   The Board of Selectmen complimented the Committee on its thorough analysis and recommendations.

School Lease:  Ms. Ross and Ms. Gerken reported that they attending a meeting with Stow and Lancaster representatives regarding the school lease.  Revisions are being made and will be forwarded to the Board of Selectmen for review once received.

Budgets:  Reminder that budgets are due on January 6, 2006.

Flu Shots:  Ms. Ross informed the Board of Selectmen that at present flu shots are available to the seniors of Bolton from the Town Nurse Brooke James.  Ms. Ross asked the Board of Selectmen if they were interested in pursuing offering flu shots to residents also.  The Board of Selectmen did not have any objection.

Police Chief Search Committee:  Ms. Ross reported that the Police Chief Search Committee received twelve responses to the eighteen questionnaires sent out to possible candidates.  One candidate withdrew.  The search committee is meeting on Monday, January 9, 2006 to review the responses and will be scheduling interviews for Saturday, January 21, 2006.   The Committee hopes to make their recommendation of the Board of Selectmen the first week in February.

Regional Dispatch:  Ms. Ross informed the Board of Selectmen that she was notified of a tentative meeting to continue discussions regarding Regional Dispatch.  The Board of Selectmen requested that Ms. Ross continue to pursue.  

Labor Counsel:  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Mirick O’Connell, Labor Counsel as a special municipal employee pursuant to Mass. Gen. Laws Chapter 286A.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee:  Mr. Troup reported that based on information provided by Tata and Howard, the Committee voted to proceed with further testing of the sheep field site which would allow 25,000 gallons a day versus the Florence Sawyer School site which would allow 15,000 gallons a day.  He stated that the cost for using the two sites was close to cost neutral.  The Committee would like to meet with the Board of Selectmen on January 19, 2006 to provide an update.

Meeting with the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC):  Mr. Wysocki reported that at the MBLC meeting with Library Trustees Robert Zak and Chris Sterling the town received an extension to July 7, 2006 for the Library grant.  The Library Trustees and Building Committee will be meeting to figure out a game plan.  He said that if they decide to walk away from the grant money there are still repair issues with the present library that will need to be addressed.

One item that may have not been made as clear as possible to the residents is that between $1 Million to $1.5 Million of the $4.25 Million that was being requested at the Fall 2004 STM was specifically earmarked for the renovation and repair of the existing Library facility.  This money will need to be spent regardless of whether the Town builds a new library or not.

Unfair Labor Practice Charge:  Mr. Wysocki reported that the town has reached an amicable resolution with the police officer involved in the unfair labor practice charge that was filed in 2003.~ The settlement represents the last of the unfair labor
practice charges that were filed against the police department and had
remained outstanding.

Performance Evaluation:  Mr. Wysocki reported that the Board of Selectmen has completed the performance evaluation of Jodi Ross, Town Administrator which
covers that past two years of her employment.~ The consensus of the board has rated Ms. Ross "outstanding" in the following categories:  decision making,
communication; personal development, leadership, understanding role, team player, conduct at meetings and ethics.  The selectmen will be working with Jodi to establish goals for 2006.  Ms. Ross thanked the Board of Selectmen and stated that working with the Board of Selectmen, staff and volunteers made her job easier and she could not have done it without all those people.

On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen voted to go into executive session at 10:25 p.m. under the authority of MGL Chapter 39, Section 23B (3) to discuss contract negotiations of a non union employee.  The Board voted not to reconvene to open session.  (Roll Call:  Wysocki – yes, Troup – yes, Gerken – yes)

Meeting adjourned.