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Board of Selectmen Minutes January 19, 2006
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
January 19, 2006                                                Panny Gerken    
The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.   Minutes of August 18, September 1 and October 20, 2005 were read and approved.  

#6-15a  $151,872.50
#6-15   $106,629.33

Present:  George King, Assistant Superintendent of Finance

The Board of Selectmen discussed the request of Supt. Wood for their support of the Acton Proposal to increase the minimum per pupil funding, via a Chapter 70 Minimum Funding Proposal.   

Mr. King stated that the proposal came to the Nashoba Regional School Committee last week.  It is a grassroots proposal for the purpose of reforming Chapter 70 aid.  There have been many attempts to modify the state’s school funding formula and in 2000 it was supposed to be revised but it did not happen.  This proposal is to get the legislature to see suburban communities are hurting.

According to the spreadsheets provided the Chapter 70 aid ranges from $576 to $9,917 per student.  Mr. Troup stated that the proposal would provide a minimum of $2,000 per student to each city and town in Massachusetts which means two things:  1.  that no one would lose anything but some would not gain either, and, 2.  it would require a 5% increase in local aid.  Advisory Committee member David Lindsay stated that looking at the spreadsheet provided; it is a lot less beneficial to Bolton than Acton.  He did not see a real benefit in supporting the proposal and felt we would be running the risk of increased taxes.   Mr. Lindsay recommended that the proposal not be endorsed.

Mr. King agreed that the School Committee shared some of the same concerns discussed this evening.  Selectman Gerken agreed to attend the meeting on Monday, January 30 at 7:00 p.m. in Acton and report back to the Board of Selectmen at their meeting on Thursday, February 2, 2006.

Comcast:  The Board of Selectmen executed the document between the Selectmen and Comcast stating that the quarterly franchise fee payments are made to the Town of Bolton rather than being sent directly to BatCo.

Ms. Ross also stated that BatCo is scheduled to meet with the Board of Selectmen on February 2, 2006.  

The Board of Selectmen thanked Mr. Merrill and Mr. Johnson for their efforts in taping the Board of Selectmen’s meeting this evening.

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP):  Mr. Troup agreed to continue as the contact person for the Transportation Improvement Program.

Police Chief Search Committee:  Ms. Ross reported that the Police Chief Search Committee is scheduled to interview seven candidates for the police chief position.  They interviewed two candidates on Wednesday, January 18, 2006 and will interview five candidates on Saturday, January 21, 2006.  The committee plans to make their recommendation of finalists to the Board of Selectmen next week.  

Budgets:  Ms. Ross reported that budgets have been submitted and there are some issues that need to be worked out.   Budget packets will be prepared for the Advisory Committee and Board of Selectmen on Monday, January 23, 2006.  

Articles have been coming in and a reminder will be sent to everyone reminding them to submit articles as soon as possible.  Articles on the list include:

Community Preservation Act (CPA) - Sel
Drainage - Sel
Wastewater Treatment Plant - Sel
Space Needs - Sel
Library – Sel
Old Harvard Road abandonment – DPW
Health Insurance - Sel & Treasurer
Mentzer property - ConCom
Bylaw revisions -  Personnel Committee (vacation) -PC
Bylaw revisions – Planning Board (gravel removal & setbacks) – PB
Stabilization fund for Minuteman
Prior year bills (Ambulance, DPW)
Route 110/117 traffic lights (Police)
Tree replacement article (Tree Warden)
Sidewalk (Public Ways Safety Committee)

Mr. Troup stated that it was his understanding from the meeting held with Selectmen on January 5, 2006 that we would not proceed with an article at the annual town meeting for the Community Preservation Act (CPA).  He asked Ms. Ross to check with others who attended the meeting to get their interpretation on the outcome of the meeting.

Mr. Troup reported on the Tri-Town meeting held in Stow:

Broadcasting of School Committee meetings:   The group discussed cable television and live broadcasting of the School Committee meetings.  It was noted that if there was an interest in broadcasting the School Committee meetings there would be a conflict because both the School Committee and Board of Selectmen meet on the same evening.    The meeting room used by the School Committee would have to be equipped and this raised the question about who would be responsible for the funding of this equipment – the Town of Bolton or the School District.  The School Committee will continue discussion of this matter at their meeting.

NRSD Budget:  Supt. Wood gave an overview of the budget calendar.  A budget presentation is scheduled for Thursday, January 26, 2006 and Saturday, February 4, 2006.   There is a 4% increase in students across the district and a 4% increase in the budget.  The high school is 90% full.  All classrooms are in use and the cafeteria is inadequate.  The district will be looking at an addition or renovation to take care of these issues.  

Joint Purchasing:  It was agreed that after Mr. King has an opportunity to get settled into his new position he would look into a joint purchasing contract for the district that the towns would also be allowed to take advantage of.   

Present for the meeting:  Mr. David Formato and Mr. Jack O’Connell, Project Managers from Tata and Howard, Inc.; Ken Swanton and Mickie Simpson, Mark Sullivan, Master Planning Committee; Stephen Garner, Planning Board members; Nat Tipton, Town Planner; Chris Slade, Richard Fly, Scott Powell, Burt Shnitzler, Advisory Committee members; Mark Sprague, Board of Health chairman; Bill Spratt, Harold Brown, Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee members; Barbara Brown, Cia Boynton, Curt and Holly Plante.

Mr. Troup stated that the Town was obligated by an Administrative Consent Order (ACO) to replace the septic systems at the two schools with a wastewater treatment plant.  The town looked into adding sand filters but this idea was abandoned because the town felt it was too expensive and there was no possibility of expansion at either school.   The town then entered into an ACO with DEP for a sewage treatment plant.  The Selectmen appointed a Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee to oversee the project that must be completed by April of 2008.   The committee meets on Wednesday or Thursday mornings to allow members who work either for the town or surrounding businesses to participate.  The town contracted with Tata and Howard, Inc. to do the engineering work so that we could contract out for the installation of the treatment plant next year.   

The Board of Selectmen invited board and committee members to the Selectmen’s meeting this evening for a presentation by Tata and Howard, Inc. to discuss their progress to date, recommendations concerning the leaching site and discussion of information for preparation of a town meeting article.  

Mr. Formato provided an update on the Bolton School Campus Wastewater Treatment Plant project.  (See presentation dated January 19, 2006 attached to these minutes at town hall or on the Wastewater Treatment Plant page on our website at

Mr. Formato stated that they reviewed relevant data pertaining to town-owned properties, Board of Health information and geological and hydrological data for finding a location for a leach field.   Preliminary soil evaluations were performed on the two best sites.  The preliminary findings were summarized in a letter to the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee along with their recommendation on the feasibility of leaching area.  

Sites considered for wastewater effluent disposal included:  
1.      Municipal Baseball Fields
2.      Vacant hill west of Florence Sawyer School parking area
3.      Horse corral field
4.      Cell tower site along Route 495
5.      Florence Sawyer School soccer field
6.      Old sheep pasture field

An aerial photo showed the location of the six sites in relation to the Zone II wellhead protection areas.

The recommendation of Tata and Howard, Inc. was to proceed with the sheep pasture which would provide the greatest flexibility to the town and be the most cost effective.  It would allow for future expansion of the school and the ability to increase the water withdrawal from the onsite water supply well when the existing leaching area is abandoned.  It would also allow for the continued use of the soccer field.  

The project schedule going forward includes finalizing the hydro-geological evaluation and field work of the sheep pasture site.  Recommendations for the treatment and leaching alternatives must be complete by March 1, 2006 and the complete design and discharge permit application must be submitted to DEP before June 15, 2006 as required in the Administrative Consent Order.

Tata and Howard, Inc. estimated the cost of the project to be between $2.5 to $3.5 based on evaluation data and treatment facilities of similar size.  

Cia Boynton of Main Street asked if any discussion had taken place regarding the need for an addition to Florence Sawyer School or a new school and where it would be located if needed.  She expressed concern that using the sheep pasture would eliminate one of the better sites for a new school.    She questioned the cell tower site for the treatment plant and encouraged the committee to be flexible when considering the site for the treatment plant.   Mr. Formato stated that the leach field can be located in such a way to give the town options for the school needs.   

Ann Hurd of Main Street asked if the capacity in terms of additional flows had been addressed to consider homes along Main Street that currently have septic issues.  She stated that she would be in interested in looking at tying into the treatment plant.

Mr. Troup stated that Andrea Schnepf, Administrative Assistant of Board of Health, had provided them with a spreadsheet of all information pertaining to septic systems along Main Street which indicated a total of 38,000 gallons per day.

Mr. Formato stated that the capacity is unclear at this point but that they hope to narrow in on the capacity over the next month.  The committee can then discuss and determine if they want to expand the use to more than municipal buildings.  

The annual costs for operation and maintenance of a treatment plant facility of this type is approximately $30-40,000 per year.  

Present:  Mr. Russell Benel of 133 Nourse Road, Mr. Michael Goodman of 16 Nourse Road

The Board of Selectmen reported that they walked several properties along Nourse Road during their site walk on Saturday, January 14, 2006, to address the icing and water problems on Nourse Road.

Mr. Benel informed the Board of Selectmen that he has addressed the immediate concern of water emanating from his property onto and across Nourse Road.  Mr. Benel stated that he has increased the area in which the water spills onto his property so that the water does not run onto Nourse Road.  As a long term solution, Mr. Benel plans to do some additional trenching work to keep the water on his property.  The Board of Selectmen thanked Mr. Benel for his prompt response to the situation and encouraged him to work on a long term solution.  

DPW Director Mr. Brown stated there is less water on the road.

Mr. Goodman of 16 Nourse Road was also present for the meeting to discuss the water in his yard that appears to be coming from Crystal Springs.  Mr. Troup stated that the Selectmen walked Crystal Springs and they saw a fairly large concrete box culvert that goes under Route 117 onto the Crystal Springs property.  Historically the water has gone along one edge of the property but as development has occurred over the years (i.e. tennis courts, etc.) neighbors are having water problems in their yards.  

The Board of Selectmen has asked that Carol Gumbart, Conservation Commission Administrative Assistant, Nat Tipton, Town Planner and Harold Brown, DPW Director do a site walk of this area to try and determine where it is spilling over onto 16 Nourse Road.  Mr. Troup stated that eventually the Crystal Springs property will be developed into Pondside and stressed the need to be sure the Planning Board addresses the situation during the review of plans for the development.  

Letter to Pat Bensetler:  The Board of Selectmen will send a letter to Pat Bensetler regarding her letter dated January 14, 2006 related the Wastewater Treatment Plant and questions raised about Chris Slade.   The Selectmen will inform Ms. Bensetler that Chris Slade has not been appointed by the Board of Selectmen to serve on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Committee, and the Selectmen are not aware of any actions taken by him in his official capacity to affect the decisions of the committee, or their recommendation of the size or scope of the project.  Mr. Slade has the same first amendment rights as any other citizen to voice his personal concerns during~meetings addressing issues surrounding the treatment plant.~

Release of Executive Session Minutes:  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to release the following executive session minutes:  January 23, February 13, March 13, May 7, and May 22, 2003; July 21, September 30 and January 8, 2004; May 18, June 22, July 20, July 26, August 4, August 9, August 18, August 25, 2005.

Ambulance Director:  Ms. Ross stated that she received a letter from Gigi Bonazzoli informing her of his intent to retire as Ambulance Director as of June 30, 2006.  The Ambulance Squad will meet with the Board of Selectmen on Thursday, February 2, 2006 to answer any immediate concerns there may be and to discuss the future of the ambulance department.

Appointment of Ambulance Attendants:  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint the following as ambulance attendants, term expiration June 30, 2006:  Cassandra Ela, Katherine Howard and Jamie Weliver.  (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes)

Appointment to the Affordable Housing Trust: On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen appointed Jim Bilancieri to the Affordable Housing Trust.  (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes)

The Board of Selectmen requested we advertise again for volunteers to serve on the Bolton Affordable Housing Trust.

Request for Updates:  The Board of Selectmen requested an update from Mr. Brown regarding the signs to be ordered to address the concerns of the Public Ways Safety Committee.

The Board of Selectmen requested a future meeting with the Library Building Committee to discuss where they are headed.

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to go into executive session under 23B(3) at 9:05 p.m. to discuss collective bargaining, and for contract negotiations of a non union employee.  The Board voted not to reconvene to open session.  (Roll Call:  Troup – yes, Gerken – yes)

Meeting adjourned.