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Board of Selectmen Minutes December 15, 2005
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Stanley M. Wysocki
December 15, 2005                                               Kenneth F. Troup
Panny Gerken

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.   It was reported that the next Selectmen’s meeting will be televised. Present:  Advisory Committee members David Lindsay, Scott Powell, Wendy Rogers, Burt Shnitzler; Barbara Brown; Bob Zak and Mr. Rodenhiser.

#6-13a  $566,958.78
#6-13           $93,532.29

Joanne Jenkins, Treasurer met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss Bolton’s retirees’ health insurance options.   If the Town adopts Massachusetts General Law Chapter 32B, Section 18, it will force all current and future retirees to go on a senior health plan if they are Medicare eligible.  

The town of Bolton belongs to the Minuteman Nashoba Health Group with about 20 surrounding towns. Ms. Jenkins stated that out of the 20 towns, there is only one town that has adopted the statute.   The town of Bolton has eleven retirees, nine of whom is Medicare eligible and two of whom are not eligible as they have not reached the age of 65.  Four of the nine presently have Part A and Part B.

The FY06 current cost of health insurance for the nine eligible medicare retirees is $28,123.20.   If the town adopts the statute the town will be assessed a penalty fee for the years a retiree did not subscribe to Medicare Part B which is approximately $4,248 for FY06.  The cost of the senior plan for the nine eligible retirees plus the penalty would cost approximately $19,326.00 which would be an annual savings to the town of $8,797.20.   The Board of Selectmen expressed their concern with the cost to the retirees if this statute were adopted, and wanted to make sure that everyone on the present plan is not negatively affected.  The Board requested a comparison showing the breakdown of the retirees, who is on what plan, and the costs associated with each retiree to understand the financial impact to each retiree.   Ms. Jenkins stated that Medicare Part A covers hospitalization.  Medicare Part B covers physician costs and Medicare Part D which will go into effect on January 1, 2006 will cover drugs.  

Advisory Committee member David Lindsay suggested that the Board of Selectmen place an article on the annual town meeting warrant to adopt the statute.  

The Board of Selectmen will continue discussion of this matter at their next meeting on January 5, 2006.  

Present:  Advisory Committee members Scott Powell, David Lindsay, Christopher Slade, Wendy Rogers and Burt Shnitzler; Town Planner Nat Tipton;  Library Trustees/Building Committee members Bob Zak, Roland Oschenbein, Chris Sterling, Leigh Shanny; Librarian Kelly Collins, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Flaherty, Mickie Simpson, Brad Reed, Ken Swanton, Barbara Brown,  and other residents.  

Mr. Zak provided a brief summary of the status of the Library project.  The goal of the meeting is to have a fairly focused discussion to determine what modifications could be done to gain the support of the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee, and townspeople.

According to the grant guidelines the town was required to have funding approved for the project by January 6, 2006.  The Library Trustees/Building Committee representatives will be meeting with the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) on January 5, 2006 to seek an extension for the grant.   

Assuming an extension is granted by the MBLC, the Library group plans to provide an updated proposal within the extended deadline and will address three basic areas.  1.  Cost; 2.  Education, and 3. outreach in an attempt to get approval of a future article.  

The library group was asked if they had considered multi-uses of the facility and if this would affect the grant.  Mr. Zak stated that there are two types of grant applications.  Libraries with a single use or libraries with a mixed use.  Mr. Powell stated that using the basement for office space could be cost effective and solve some other problems.  

Mr. Zak stated they have considered putting in a basement as a way of solving some of the town’s other problems and they may be able to sell it to the MBLC but it would increase the cost of the project.  He also noted that the size of the project could not be changed by more than 5 percent without jeopardizing the grant.

Mr. Lindsay stated that the town quite soundly rejected the library and it also lost in the election.  He recommended that the January 5 meeting be canceled with the MBLC and the town concentrates on the Wastewater Treatment Plant.  Mr. Zak stated that it would certainly make life easier, but on the other hand the present undersized library has been something delayed for too long.  

Mr. Troup agreed that we can not do incremental things around the edges to reduce the project that changes would have to be substantial, either in size or money or both.  He was in favor of going ahead with the meeting with MBLC to find out if they were willing to work with the town, but stressed that the plan must change if it is to be brought back to the town.

Advisory Committee member Slade stated that he sees major problems that included the setbacks being a challenge to the bylaw, the heating system, handicap access, parking and the driveway.  He doesn’t want a small library but instead an adequate library. Mr. Slade would like to see the Wastewater Treatment Plant up and running, work on an addition to the Florence Sawyer School which would then free up the Emerson School for a beautiful library with the rest of the building being used for town services.  

Mr. Mattson of Wattaquadock Hill Road felt the vote was very close and it was not a rejection.  He encouraged going forward with another vote.  

Advisory Committee member Wendy Rogers stated that her issue was purely the cost to the taxpayers.  She encouraged continuing with the capital campaign to come up with more money.  

Mr. Zak added that if the State is not favorable to their request for an extension they will look at the renovations that must be done which will include the roof, windows, storage space, heating and handicap access.  

Mr. Zak stated that their goal has always been to provide adequate library services to the town.  

Present:  Master Plan Committee members Ken Swanton, Mickie Simpson, Brad Reed, Margaret Campbell; Town Planner Nat Tipton; Advisory Committee members Scott Powell, Chris Slade, David Lindsay and Burt Shnitzler, and Barbara Brown.

Mr. Swanton stated that with recent resignations of Russ Karlstad who is moving to Arizona and Dick Heaton and Steve Garner who have had to resign due to work commitment, they would like to reorganize with a five member committee.

They have completed all but the municipal chapter of the master plan.  At this point they are working with the consultant to write up the findings that will be distributed and posted to the website when completed.  The Board of Selectmen asked that the Board of Selectmen, Planning Board and Advisory Committee have an opportunity to look at the master plan before going public.  

Mr. Swanton highlighted areas of issue which included housing and zoning.

Mr. Tipton stated he has kept the Planning Board up to date on the Master Plan but he has not gone into detail with them regarding the specific issues highlighted by Mr. Swanton.  Mr. Tipton felt it was important to have a representative from the Planning Board on the Committee especially since the Planning Board needs to be in support of the master plan for acceptance by the State.

The plan is to have a five member master plan committee with a designated liaison from the Planning Board.  A letter will be sent to the Planning Board requesting a liaison to the Master Plan Committee.  

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Gerken, the Board of Selectmen approved the reduction in membership of the Master Planning Committee to five and the appointment of a non voting liaison.

Present:  DPW Director Harold Brown, Police Chief George, Lieutenant Nelson, Sgt. Bagdonas and Advisory Committee members Scott Powell, Chris Slade, David Lindsay and Burt Shnitzler, and Barbara Brown.

133 Nourse Road:  An email was received from a resident of Nourse Road regarding water being discharged onto the road by a neighbor.  The Board of Selectmen requested that the parties involved be invited to the Board of Selectmen’s meeting January 5, 2006 for discussion.  In the meantime, Mr. Brown, DPW director will do best to keep the icing problem under control.   

Mr. Brown provided a breakdown of expenses for snow plowing:  $65,272.75 for parts and $31,727.36 in labor in FY05.  This is less than what it would cost for a full time mechanic and the shop does not have an extra bay to accommodate the mechanic.  

Mr. Brown also provided a breakdown of the first three storms of this winter as follows:

November 24th Thanksgiving:  The crew was called in at 5 a.m. to sand and plow and left at 3:00 p.m. They were then called back again to sand during the evening.  The total cost of town labor for the Thanksgiving storm including all sanding and plowing operations was $2,142.  The crew gets double time plus holiday pay for this storm.  In addition it cost $3,035.00 for subcontractors who were called in at 9:00 a.m. and left at 2:00 p.m.   The total cost per inch for the Thanksgiving storm was approximately $1,294.00.

December 4th:  The crew was called in at 8:00 a.m. to sand and then called back to sand at 3:30 p.m.  The crew was on standby which is equivalent to two hours of overtime per crew member.  The total cost of labor was $1,369.00.  Total cost per inch was $684.

December 9th:  The crew was called in at 6 a.m., which entitled them to 4 hour call back overtime pay according to their union contract.   They left at 11:00 p.m.  The total cost of town labor was $1,651.  The total cost per inch was $690.

The Board of Selectmen asked for an explanation as to the process of his crew being called out.  Mr. Brown stated that his crew does receive calls from the Police Department when they find a public safety issue.  Chief George and Lt. Nelson felt that the communication between the two departments worked well.  When the officers on duty found a slippery road they felt it necessary to contact the DPW and understood that it may not be taken care of immediately.    Mr. Brown stated that sometimes the calls from the Police Department to sand a particular road come between the switching of plows to sanders which can cause a delay.
Town Administrator Jodi Ross stated that she did not believe the town was liable for the cars sliding off of the road.  But, she agreed they should get there as soon as they can.  

Mr. Brown stated his policy is to keep the streets clear so that the public, school buses, ambulance, fire trucks and police cruisers can travel on them.  

Everyone agreed that the communication between the police department and DPW was good but that it might help to cut down on police calls to the DPW.

The Board of Selectmen questioned the 4 hour call back particularly if they were being called in at 6:00 or 6:30 a.m. when their work day starts at 7:00 a.m.   Town Administrator Jodi Ross will review the union contract.

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to increase the license fees as follows:
Common Victualer License from $5.00 to $25.00
Class II License from $40.00 to $50.00
Junk Dealer (Antique) License from $40.00 to $50.00
Auctioneer License from $10.00 to $50.00
Restaurant/All Alcoholic from $1,200.00 to $2,000.00
Package Store/All Alcoholic from $1,500 to $2,000.00
The Board of Selectmen signed the Common Victualer license for Corporate Chefs of Future Electronics.

Senior Luncheon:   Ms. Ross stated that the luncheon given for seniors in town by town employees was a great success.

Route 117 traffic meeting:  Ms. Ross will attend the meeting in Supt. Wood’s office regarding the traffic along Route 117 near the high school.  

Tax bills:  The tax rate will be set and bills will be sent out by the New Year.

Annual Report:  Mr. Troup agreed to draft the annual report and forward to other members for review.

Town Hall office hours:   Town Hall will be closed Monday, December 26, 2005 and Monday, January 2, 2006.  

Police Chief Search Committee:  98 resumes have been reviewed and narrowed down to 19 candidates to move on to the next phase of the process.

Support on Taxation:  The Board of Selectmen agreed to support House Bill 2408, An Act Relative to the Taxation of Telecommunications Companies that would close the telecommunications property tax loophole and eliminate the unfair exemption in out-dated property tax statutes and will send a letter to Representative Walrath and Senator Antonioni.

Nashoba Regional School District Lease Agreement: Some issues were pointed out in the present NRSD lease agreement.  Revisions are being made and Ms. Ross will forward to the Board of Selectmen for review.

Wastewater Treatment Plant:  Soil testing will be done on the December 20.

The Board of Selectmen reviewed a letter dated December 8, 2005 from Bruce Slater requesting permission to change the sign at Great Brook Farms.  Mr. Slater proposed moving the current sign (two sided on top of the rocks) and replacing it with two one side signs located at each end of the driveway.  The proposed signs are four by six; the previous sign was six by six.  The Board of Selectmen approved the signs and will reminder Mr. Slater than he should make such requests prior to installing the signs.

Meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m.