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Board of Selectmen Minutes December 1, 2005
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Stanley M. Wysocki
December 1, 2005                                                Kenneth F. Troup
                                                                Panny Gerken

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Advisory Committee members Scott Powell and David Lindsay were present.

#6-11a  $108,562.99
#6-11           $123,092.59

Nat Tipton, Town Planner, met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the Commonwealth Capital Application and its submission to the office for Commonwealth Development.  The application is not considered a grant application but more a score card of the community’s compliance with development. If we were to apply for a grant this application would be used in determining if we are awarded a grant.  The Selectmen suggested that Mr. Tipton check on Historic Preservation and public water supplies sections of the application.  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to accept the application with the suggested revisions related to Community Preservation Act and Public Water Supplies.  

Interim Police Chief George met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the police department.  Chief George is pleased and excited with the reaction at the police station, stating that it has been a positive experience for him and the morale and attitude is very good.  He has met with all officers on a one-on-one basis and is working on meeting with all the dispatchers.  He stated that our Police Department does more work than the average department of this size and has handled incidents quite well.  Report writing is excellent.  He holds weekly staff meetings with the Lieutenant, Sergeant, and Administrative Assistant.   Chief has made a few changes such as sections of beats and the department has accepted the changes very well.  All shifts have been assigned two officers including Sunday.  

Chief George is in the selection process for a new police officer to replace Officer Spencer.  He will ask officers of the department to participate as part of the selection process.  They will recommendation at least three candidates to the Board of Selectmen for interviews.  Once selected a conditional offer of employment will be made pending satisfactory physical/psychological examination.  The Chief has the funds to pay for this examination. Officer Slepetz will do the background check on the candidates.  Chief anticipates bringing the candidate to a Board of Selectmen meeting in January.
Chief George would like to make contact with Stow representatives regarding the proposed traffic light at Route 495.  

Chief George stated that there is conflict between the rules and regulations and policy and procedures manual, and Sgt. Bagdonas is working to sort out the conflicts.

The webpage is being updated.  Law books have been moved to the first floor so that all officers can access this information.  The budget is in fairly good shape.  Chief George stated that the overtime line item is a little passed where they should be at this time but Chief George indicated that this can be offset by the wages saved with Officer Spencer leaving.  The Cruiser repairs and gasoline are running in the negative.

Chief George has been very pleased with the Lieutenant, Sergeant and Administrative Assistant; and stated they have all stepped up when they should.   A lot of positive reaction about beat sectors.

Chief George stated that the Department is working and if you have that going for you it will work out.  Chief will meet with the Board on a monthly basis.
On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the licenses as follows with the condition that any outstanding documents related to the issuance of the licenses will be received prior to distribution of the licenses and fees will be determined at the next Board of Selectmen’s meeting.  

Liquor Licenses:  The International, Inc.; Nashoba Valley Spirits, Ltd.;         Bolton Road House, Inc.; Bolton Country Cupboard, Inc.; Pennacook, Inc.         (dba Firewater & Wine Package Store)

Common Victualer, Class II’s, Second Hand and Antique/Auctioneer Licenses:  

Terzo Trombetta 
DBA Beetle Bug III, T & T Towing
323 Central Street
Hudson, MA  01749

Richard T. Mitchell     
Mitchell Motors
70 Spectacle Hill Road
Bolton, MA  01740

Paul Slade      
Dba Bolton Auto Sales
118 South Bolton Road
Bolton, MA  01740

Skinners, Inc.  
357 Main Street
Bolton, MA  01740

Classic Pizza III       
Farid Awad
Main Street
Bolton, MA  01740       

Skinner Incorporated    
357 Main Street
Bolton, MA  01740

David Houde     
Country Cupboard
476 Main Street
Bolton, MA  01740

Colonial Candies
47 Sugar Road
Bolton, MA  01740

Davis Farms     
Bolton Orchards
PO Box 305
Bolton, MA  01740

Deborah Plante  
The Salt Box Country Store
626 Main Street
Bolton, MA  01740       

John Stephenson 
Dba Bolton Springs Farm
159 Main Street
Bolton, MA 01740

Brian Lynch     
The International, Inc. 
Ballville Road
Bolton, MA  01740

Mary Riad       
Bolton House of Pizza
626 Main Street
Bolton, MA  01740

544 Wattaquadock Hill Road
Bolton, MA  01740

Bamby Philbin   
Dba Odd and Olde Antiques               
725 Main Street         
Bolton, MA  01740

Clifford Matthews               
58 Pond Bay Road                
Bolton, MA  01740

David & Patricia Ferrante
694 Main Street
Bolton, Ma 01740                

Skinner, Inc.
357 Main Street
Bolton, MA  01740       
Stuart Whitehurst       
Stephen Fletcher        
Karen Keane     
Stuart Slavid   
David Bonsey    
Robin Starr
Kerry Shrives
LaGina Austin   

The Board of Selectmen reviewed and approved their budget as follows:

Selectmen 122:  Salary  $900; Purchase of Services $8,000; Engineering Services $8,000; Supplies $500; Dues $700; Misc. $1,000; and meetings $100 for a total of  $18,300.

Mr. Troup will check with EMT Coordinator Ann Farrell regarding her budget which was $4,800 for FY06.  STRP will be level funded at $1 and WHEAT be level funded at $4,000.

Legal 151:  Purchase of Service will be level funded at $70,000 and supplies at $300 for a total of $70,300.

Town Administrator Jodi Ross and Town Secretary Linda Day will prepare budgets for 123 Town Administrator, 192 Town Hall, 194 Building Insurance, 195 Town Report, 293 Traffic Lights, 424 Street Lighting, 912 Workers Compensation, 914 Health Insurance and 945 Other Insurance and provide to Board of Selectmen for review.  

Town Administrator Ross stated that she anticipates that the MIS, and Utilities Accounts within will show increases for FY07.  

Possible Articles include:
1.      Community Preservation Act
2.      Drainage
3.      Treatment Plant
4.      Space Needs
5.      Library

Holiday Parties:  The Board of Selectmen was invited to the Senior luncheon being hosted by town employees on Wednesday, December 14th; and the employee luncheon at the Train Stop being held on Wednesday, December 21st.  

Library:  Advisory Committee members Powell and Lindsay stated that they felt they had worked with the Library Committee throughout the process and kept them informed of their concerns.  The group discussed having the Advisory Committee comments include pros and cons.  

Town Meeting Improvements:  The Board of Selectmen reviewed and made minor revisions to the list of town meeting improvements. Town Secretary Linda Day will forward the list of suggested improvements at town meeting to Moderator Jim Anker for review.  

Advisory Committee Resignation:  It was reported that the Advisory Committee has received the resignation of David Bosselait.  The Advisory Committee will prepare an ad for the newspaper.  

Treatment Plant:  The next wastewater treatment plant committee meeting is December 8 at 9:00 a.m.  A site walk was done with representatives of Tata and Howard, and members of the Historical Commission, Conservation Commission, Board of Health, Department of Public Works and Ken Troup and several others.  

Constellation New Energy: Ms. Ross reported that she spoke with Orlando Pacheco of Lancaster regarding the Constellation New Energy program.  Ms. Ross will research with DPW Director Harold Brown first and report back to the Board with information.  She asked the Board of Selectmen if they would be interested in meeting with a representative to discuss the program.  Mr. Lindsay, Advisory Committee member agreed that a representative should meet with Selectmen, Advisory Committee and Mr. Brown.
Evaluation form:  Ms. Ross provided the Board of Selectmen with an evaluation form.  Ms. Gerken will tally the information submitted by the Board of Selectmen.   Once the evaluation is complete one member of the Board of Selectmen will discuss with Ms. Ross.   Ms. Ross also provided the Board of Selectmen with a copy of her job description prepared by the HR consultant.  Ms. Ross asked the Board of Selectmen to review and provide her with any revisions.

Meeting with the Personnel Committee:  A meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, December 13, 2005 for the Personnel Committee and HR Consultant to present the proposed compensation/classification plan to the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee.  

The Board of Selectmen approved and Mr. Wysocki executed a document stating that he certifies that Betsy C. Cussen was elected to the office of Town Clerk at the Bolton Election on May 20, 2005.  

The Board of Selectmen approved and Mr. Wysocki executed a letter of support of the effort by Freedom’s Way Heritage Association to identify, recognize and document important and historical landscapes in the town of Bolton.  

The Board of Selectmen reviewed and approved the request from Deb Malone for a sign for Deb’s Island Chairs with the condition that it conforms to the sign bylaws.  

The Board of Selectmen set their schedule for the following months:
January 5 & 19; February 2 & 16; March 2, 16 and 30th.  

The consensus of the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee members present was that they would be interested in bringing the Taggart property back to town meeting if it were negotiated for less money.

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup, the Selectmen voted to become the "custodians" of the AppleArt being donated by Curt and Holly Plante, and delegated the responsibility for its traveling exhibit to Linda Day, Town Secretary.

Meeting adjourned.