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Board of Selectmen Minutes September 15, 2005
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
September 15, 2005                                              Panny Gerken

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.  

The Board of Selectmen acknowledged the passing of Bud Estabrook who served in various capacities in town including serving on the Planning Board, and the Bolton Fair Committee for many years; Terry Miskell who served on the Board of Health; and Larry Mostoller who served on the Board of Selectmen and was the chairman of the K-12 School Committee.  Through Mr. Mostoller’s leadership the one-day Bolton Fair became the two-day Bolton Fair.  Mr. Mostoller led the efforts to put lights on the football field at the high school.   They will all be missed and condolences go out to the families.

Minutes of September 6 and September 7, 2005 were read and approved.  

Advisory Committee members David Lindsay and Burt Shnitzler were present.  Chris Slade & Scott Powell also arrived at 8:40 p.m.

06-06           $85,672.88
06-6A           $128,055.62

Present:  Tree Warden, Mark Caisse; Verizon representative Chris Parella and Mass. Electric Representative Iris Price; no abutters were present

The Board of Selectmen held a public hearing at 7:00  p.m. on the Petition of Verizon New England, Inc. and Massachusetts Electric Company to place 1 new JO Pole as follows:

Harvard Road:  On the northeasterly sideline, approximately 180 feet southeast of the centerline with Twin Maple Lane, place new Pole No. 55-1/2.

Mr. Parella stated that this petition is an essential component to feeding electricity to a five lot subdivision and it could not be fed properly with the existing poles.  Tree Warden Mark Caisse and DPW Director Harold Brown had no objection to the proposal.  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup the Board of Selectmen approved the petition with an amendment that the pole would be placed approximately 180 feet “northwest” of the centerline of Twin Maple Lane.  (Troup – yes, Gerken – yes)

Directional signs at Old Bay Road, Ballville Road and Wilder Road:  Ms. Ross reported that she received an inquiry from Jeff Boudreau regarding the blue and red directional signs at the intersection of Old Bay Road, Ballville Road and Wilder Road that directed people to Route 495.  It appears that these signs were placed by the International Golf Course (IGC) without permission.  Ms. Ross will contact Mr. Lynch of IGC regarding this matter.

Mileage:  Ms. Ross informed the Selectmen that the IRS has increased mileage to 48.5 on a temporary basis.  The Board of Selectmen agreed that the Treasurer and Personnel Committee who set the mileage could review the federal guidelines and make a determination on the mileage reimbursement for town employees.  The Selectmen noted that if the Personnel Committee states in their announcement that they are following the federal guidelines this will give them the option of changing the rate at a later date according to the federal guidelines regardless of whether it is increased or decreased.

School Assessment:  Ms. Ross informed the Selectmen that we have received a couple of names of individuals interested in serving on the School Needs Assessment Committee.

Wastewater Treatment Plant:  Ms. Ross reported that we have distributed approximately 28 RFP for the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Cruiser Sale:  Ms. Ross reported that the cruiser was sold to the highest bidder - Bay Ridge of New York for $3,349.00.  Other bids included $3,000 and $3,087.00.

Auction:  Ms. Ross reported that Lt. Nelson has requested permission to have an Auction to get rid of the several bicycles they have collected along with some other various items.  The Board of Selectmen suggested putting a notice in the newspaper, school newsletters and on the website; and contacting a charity that may be interested in the bicycles.

Gravel Removal Permit:  Ms. Ross referred to the letter from Mr. Stephen Poole, dated September 8, 2005 regarding a gravel removal permit.  She reported that Mr. Krysa, Building Inspector has determined that a gravel removal permit was not required.   

The Board of Selectmen approved of sending the letter that Town Planner Nat Tipton drafted to MAPC regarding the population information.

The Board of Selectmen reviewed and approved the temporary sign request from Randy Caviness for Integrative Animal Health located at 556 Main Street.  (formerly Murtha’s property).  Town Secretary Linda Day reported that Mr. Krysa approved of the temporary sign request, but, noted that Mr. Caviness will need to submit a building permit application for the permanent sign.

Martha Remington met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the shade trees that have been lost over the years in the historic district along Main Street.  Ms. Remington provided a list, of at least 2 dozen shade trees, that have disappeared in the last couple of years.  Mr. Caisse, Tree Warden stated that most of trees that have been removed are sugar maples and have reached their life expectancy.  The trees at the Library and across the street from the town hall were planted by the previous Tree Warden Gordon Slater.  Mr. Caisse stated that it is possible that there are grants available.  Mr. Caisse and Ms. Remington will work to prepare a plan; funds could be addressed at the May town meeting.  The Selectmen suggested that the Garden Club be contacted.  

Present:  Bolton Lt. Nelson, Sgt. Bagdonas; Lancaster Sgt. Burgwinkle; Fair representatives George Kenney

Sgt. Burgwinkel of Lancaster met with the Board of Selectmen to request their permission to close through traffic on Route 117 from Bolton Orchards to the Bolton Fair.  Vehicles not attending the Bolton Fair will be detoured down Route 110 to five corners and onto Center Bridge Road back to Main Street in Lancaster.  Vehicles going to the Fair will be allowed to travel Route 117.   The same traffic control will be done on the Lancaster side of the Bolton Fair where vehicles will be detoured onto Main Street at the Lancaster Middle School if they are not traveling to the Bolton Fair.  Last year the traffic backed up on the westbound side of route 117 was a bigger problem that the eastbound side and this plan will hopefully alleviate that problem.   Mr. Kenney, representative for the Bolton Fair stated that all parking is being done on the fair side of Route 117 and three lanes deep to move the traffic onto the property quicker and they are not charging for parking.  With all these changes and improvements in parking this should significantly reduce the traffic on Route 117.  

A detail officer will be located at the intersection of route 117 and 110; the traffic light will remain working at this time.  There will be two large billboard signs that will utilized for providing information on both sides of the fair.  The Selectmen suggested that as much publicity regarding alternate routes etc. be done including putting it on the radio and in the newspapers.  The signs will be put up early enough to inform people of seeking alternate routes.  

Sgt. Burgwinkel stated that if Route 117 does back up into the center of Bolton, they could open both lanes from the lights down to fair.  The only concern would be emergency vehicles and Lancaster fire and EMS have been made aware of this plan.

It was agreed that a detour sign will be placed at Forbush Mill Road.  

Ms. Remington, a resident of Bolton asked if the Fair could do additional advertising by advertising exits 26 and 28 also so that all traffic is not being directed to take exit 27 and coming through Bolton center.  Mr. Kenney was favorable to this suggestion and stated that last year it was a big challenge getting the fair moved to Lancaster last year, and they will continue to work on improvements for the future.

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup the Board of Selectmen approved the proposed plan and request that signage to use alternate route also be placed at Forbush Mill Road.

Present:  Lt. Nelson, Sgt. Bagdonas

Lt. Nelson explained the Central Special Response Team that has been organized by Milford Chief Tom O’Loughlin. The plan is to create a 100 officer response team for searches, perimeter security and crowd control.  50 officers would be designated from the northside and 50 officers from the southside.  The grant money will pay for the 40 hour training held once a month and to outfit the team.   The Town’s responsibility will be for the officer’s wages during training, replacement of officer’s shifts while at training and minimal equipment for an estimated $5,000 per officer participating.  Bolton is responsible for paying for the officer whether situation is in town or out of town.  They did not have any data to offer regarding how often the team would be called out.  There is not a team like this in Massachusetts.  This gives us the opportunity to network with other departments and share resources.  

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup the Board of Selectmen approved of one officer participating.

The Board of Selectmen approved of one officer participating in this special response team.  The Selectmen encouraged the Lt. and Sgt. to be careful to select in way that it does not cause any problems.  This is a positive approach to sharing resources, manpower instead of focusing on the community you live in.   

The Selectmen were provided with a packet of information on Homeland Security.  The Civil Defense Director is Bob Zailckas.  The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) was meeting on a regular basis and working on a flip chart that is still in draft form.  The flip chart outlines procedures in case of an emergency such as a spill.  The plan is to have the flip chart distributed to townspeople.  It also includes 2-3 pages for first responders such as police, firefighters, EMTs to have in their vehicles.  The new Chief should be charged with continuing this local emergency planning committee.   It was agreed that a LEPC meeting will be scheduled and they will meet again with the Board of Selectmen possibly at their meeting of Thursday, November 3, 2005.   The Selectmen agreed that the LEPC Committee should determine if they can continue to establish the local plan according to the guidelines, and if not, they would be willing to give up the grant.  

Present: Advisory Committee members Scott Powell, Chris Slade, David Lindsay, David Bosselait and Burt Shnitzler; resident Jeff Boudreau

Assessors Article:  Ms. Ross stated that she has received the resignation of Tony Bryan, Principal Assessor, effective October 7, 2005, and therefore the Assessors have submitted an article to transfer funds from the Salary account to the Purchase of Service Account to hire an outside consultant to complete the re-evaluation.  The Board of Selectmen approved of this submittal.
Rezoning of two parcels:  Town Planner Nat Tipton is working on the wording of the article to provide boundaries.   Mr. Bosselait stated that according to zoning bylaw 2.3.1 the town also needed to accept the Base Town Map at this town meeting.  Others felt that it could be done a later town meeting.  Ms. Ross will request Town Counsel opinion.

Creation of an Affordable Housing Trust Fund:  Ms. Ross reviewed the additional language that Town Counsel has provided for this article.  The Advisory Committee informed the Selectmen of their request for language change regarding the membership.  The Advisory Committee would like to see the language changed to read “…of Selectmen, the non-Selectmen Trustees to serve for a term of two (2) years, so arranged that the term of at least one (1) member shall expire each year.”  Ms. Ross will review the changes with Town Counsel.  

Local Emergency Planning Grant:  Ms. Ross will determine if additional funds need to be requested within this article for the flip chart being prepared by the Local Emergency Planning Committee.  

Transfer of Retirees to Senior Health Plan:   Ms. Ross will try to schedule Carol Cormier and Joanne Jenkins to attend the next Board of Selectmen meeting to explain this plan.  Ms. Ross will revise the summary for this article.

Ambulance Receipt Reserve Transfer:  Ms. Ross informed the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee that she was just informed by Marlboro Hospital that there was an outstanding bill of approximately $2,000 for the previous fiscal year for services of the ambulance.  Ms. Ross questioned whether it was necessary to place another article on the special town meeting warrant to pay this bill.  Advisory Committee member Chris Slade agreed to research this and determine if this is necessary.

Library Expansion:  The Group discussed the recent findings regarding the location of the proposed septic system for the library in relation to the abutters well.   This is being researched presently by the Library Building Committee.

Taggarty:  Mr. Troup provided revised language eliminating the appropriation of $50,000 to be transferred from available funds; and the actual borrowing of $1,500,000.
Mr. Troup reported that the Purchase and Sale Agreement is in the process of being drafted.

It was agreed that Town Secretary Linda Day will be responsible for the master warrant and all revisions could be forwarded to Town Secretary Linda Day via email.

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Gerken the Board of Selectmen voted to go into executive session at 10:00 p.m. under Chapter 23B(3) to discuss strategy with respect to litigation and Chapter 23B(6) to consider purchase the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property, if such discussions may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the governmental body and a person firm or corporation.  The Board will not reconvene to open session.  (Roll Call:  Troup – yes, Gerken – yes)

Meeting adjourned.