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Board of Selectmen Minutes August 25, 2005
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Stan Wysocki
August 25, 2005                                         Kenneth F. Troup
                                                                Panny Gerken

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 8:00 a.m. The Board of Selectmen voted by roll call vote to go into executive session at 8:01 a.m. in accordance with MGL 39, Section 23B to conduct contract negotiations with non-union personnel.  They stated they would reconvene to open session.

The Board of Selectmen reconvened to open session at 8:43 a.m.

Snow and Ice – The Board would like to discuss in detail at a regular meeting with Advisory.  Mr. Troup stated that a hypothetical storm was interesting but wondered if in a six inch storm, just because it’s snowing, do you need a full crew in?  Mr. Brown stated that when there are 2.5 to 3 inches of snow, the whole~ ~crew gets called in.  He feels that the men and trucks must stay in the station as it is a mistake to send them home, as they~may not return when needed. ~~.

Mr. Troup asked if there were any ways to evaluate our snow and ice removal procedures and learn from the report in order to save money in the future. ~Mr. Troup asked Mr. Brown to continue to think of ways to cut costs.  Mr. Brown stated he would consider this.~~ ~Ms. Gerken asked what he had learned from this analysis. ~ Mr. Brown stated that the DPW equipment is too old, and the cost to maintain the equipment is very high.  He also feels that subcontractors are the way to handle snow removal.  Mr. Brown agreed to continue studying the problem and meet with the Board at another time with Advisory.

Mr. Brown discussed the drainage issues facing the town.  He stated that~water~runs off of Wattaquadock Hill Road onto residents’ property and their yards are flooding.  In the construction currently underway, Hallmark Properties is putting in new drainage and increasing the pipe size.  This will allow Mr. Brown to add more drainage and catch basins, and a berm, well.  It is anticipated that this is a three to four year project, but will cost additional dollars.

Mr. Brown stated that this area also overflowed when~he was a child.  Mr. Brown feels the problem has existed for a long time and is very complicated to solve.  The Board discussed addressing the drainage problems in the town as a whole and investigating liability and possible remedies.

Mr. Brown discussed trees that are leaning into the West~Cemetery off of Green Road.  He is worried about the historic headstones.  Mr. Brown is questioning whether the trees should be replaced.  The stone~walls are also falling in.~ ~
Mr. Brown discussed a new project that may affect the town’s water issues – a new development by Toth on Golden Run Road. ~ Mr. Wysocki asked that the Town find out what Toth is doing or intending – such as how big of a subdivision.  Ms. Gerken asked Ms. Ross to find out from Dennis Murphy the status of the Vaughn Hill drainage claim.  

Mr. Brown discussed the position of the custodian, and the need to replace her while she is out on either vacation or sick leave.  When we come to budget time, do we want a part-time custodian to come in? Or should we consider the option of a contract cleaning service?  The buildings the present custodian cleans are the following:  Town Hall, Police, Fire (twice per week), Treasurer/Accountants office and the Library.

Ms. Gerken asked that Ms. Ross meet with Mr. Brown to figure out what we need for cleaning services in the municipal buildings such as how many times the buildings are vacuumed, when trash is emptied, when the buildings are dusted, etc.  Ascertain building by building, what is needed and the frequency so that the costs of a cleaning service could be evaluated.

Ms. Ross stated that the Conservation Commission has asked what effect changing from residential to limited business would have on the Slater property.  Mr. Wysocki stated that there might not be a requirement of 50% agriculture, and Mr. Slater of Great Brooks Farm might have more latitude to do different business things.

The Board voted to allow a Petty Cash account for the Ambulance Department with a $200 limit, with receipts kept and submitted for accounting purposes.

Ms. Ross handed out Town Administrator evaluation forms from other towns and for Bolton.  Ms. Ross also gave copies of her contact to the Selectmen in preparation for contract negotiations, as her final year in her contract is up in the middle of FY07, which is budgeted for this fall.

Ms. Gerken asked to add the formation of a school needs assessment committee to the 9/1 agenda.

Meeting adjourned 9:45 a.m.