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Board of Selectmen Minutes June 15, 2005
Board of Selectmen                                      Present:        Stanley M. Wysocki
June 15, 2005                                                           Kenneth F. Troup                                                                                 Panny Gerken

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. Parker met with the Board of Selectmen and provided a plan showing the area of the Conservation Restriction and Public Trail Easement.  On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup the Board of Selectmen voted to execute the Conservation Restriction for the above mentioned property.

Joel Loitherstein and James Previte of Loitherstein Environmental met with the Board of Selectmen to provide an update on test pits performed.  Chris Slade, David Lindsay, Russ Karlstad were also present for the discussion.

Mr. Loitherstein stated that groundwater analytical results showed petroleum related concentrations.  There are erosion channels on the surface where rust is present along with an oily sheen.  Arsenic and lead were also found. Buried metal was found in many areas of the site.  Results showed contaminated soil and a strong odor where automotive parts were found.

Based on the results Mr. Loitherstein’s opinion was that the site was a “fairly bad” clean up site but manageable.  He anticipated it would take approximately 2 months to get all material off the property; a couple of years to close the project.

Mr. Swanton of the Master Planning Committee stated that the Committee was looking at the front area of the property as a potential site for a town common and asked what should be done about the back of the property where much of the metal is located.  Mr. Loitherstein suggested that all the metal can be removed from the site.  Mr. Loitherstein also informed the Board of the State Brownfield grants to help with this type of a project.  
Mr. Loitherstein stated that the owner is liable for the clean up of the property for up to the value of the property if they can’t find a buyer and if the Town were to take over the property for non payment of taxes, the town would then be obligated to clean up the site.
Loitherstein will report back to the Board of Selectmen on July 6th with costs associated with the project.

Present:  Ken Swanton, David Lindsay
Mr. Swanton informed the Board of Selectmen that the State does not have the money this year so that the project is not moving along.  Town Administrator Jodi Ross reported that she heard the closing will occur in fiscal year 2006, possibly July, which is when the State originally proposed it.

Present:  Larry Delaney, David Lindsay, Doug Storey, Marty Fitzgerald
Conservation Commission recommended a restriction on the parcel of land being gifted to the town.  Some of open space used for municipal purposes.  Mr. Delaney stated the hearing was closed on the FOSPRD special permit.  The plan right now is to set aside some of the open space for fields.  However, the exact location within the open space for the field(s) determined at this time.  There is potential to create more land that can not be developed down the road.

The Board of Selectmen reviewed the request of Mr. Anthony Garreffi for a replacement sign at the Road House Restaurant (formerly known as Silvesters) on Wattaquadock Hill Road.

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup the Board of Selectmen approved the sign.

Veterans’s Agent:  Ms. Ross reported that there is a slight change in the three towns using Gerry Coppenrath.  Clinton has asked that each town pay their designated portion through their own payroll to the assistant Michele Mariano (who is a certified Veterans Agent) rather than directly to Clinton.  All three towns have agreed to do this.   This is being looked at as a one year trial agreement for FY06 to see if this satisfies our Veterans needs.  The risk is that if the position is cut the Ms. Mariano could file unemployment.

Legal RFP:  Town Administration Ross provided the Selectmen with a revised copy of the legal RFP based on comments provided by the Board of Selectmen.  The Board of Selectmen approved of the document as written and Ms. Ross will proceed with mailing.  

Treatment plant:  The Town has opted to pursue a sewage treatment plan rather than recirculating sandfilters.   Costs associated with the installation and maintaining of a treatment plant are being looked into.    The capacity of the treatment plant at the high school is 12,000 per day, but they now produce 4-5,000 gallons per day.  The installation cost was approximately $800,000 with the annual operating costs being $30,000.  Ms. Ross stated she spoke with David Boyer, of DEP and the consent order is presently being reviewed by DEP attorneys.

Moen property:   Ms. Ross reported that we closed on the Moen property.  Town Secretary Linda Day is putting together the expenses that Ms. Ross will speak with Ms. Moen about; and then issue her a payment.

Banner Request:  The Board of Selectmen reviewed and approved the request of the Bolton Youth Soccer Registrar to place a banner on the fence along Main Street reminding everyone to register their children for the fall soccer program.  The banner will be in place for the remainder of the month.

Appointments:   The Board of Selectmen made the following appointments:  

Affordable Housing Partnership                  
Barbara Alberts Pirani (2)              Term Expiration June 30, 2007
Doug Storey (2)                 Term Expiration June 30, 2007
Jim Bilancieri (1)                      Term Expiration June 30, 2007
Edmund Plante (1)                       Term Expiration June 30, 2007

Animal Control Officer                  Term Expiration June 30, 2006
Susan Latham

Assistant Animal Control Officer                Term Expiration June 30, 2006
Phyllis Tower   
Board of Appeals                                Term Expiration June 30, 2010
Jacqueline Smith        

Civil Defense Director                  Term Expiration June 30, 2006
Robert  Zailckas

Conservation Commission                 Term Expiration June 30, 2008
Amy Wilson
Scott Duhaime

Council on Aging                                Term Expiration June 30, 2008
Doris Campbell
Shirley Sefton
Eileen Griffin Wright
Ruth Johnston

Fire Chief                                      Term Expiration June 30, 2006
John Stephenson

Forest Warden                           Term Expiration June 30, 2006
John Stephenson

Historical Commission                   Term Expiration June 30, 2008
Gregory Thomas
Martha Remington

Inspectors                                      Term Expiration June 30, 2006
Frank Krysa, Building Inspector 
Arthur West, Assistant Building Inspector
Fred DeLorey, Plumbing and Gas Inspector
Robert Janda, Assistant Plumbing and Gas Inspector
James Boodry, Wiring Inspector
Peter Casello, Assistant Wiring Inspector

Master Planning Committee                       Term Expiration June 30, 2006
Richard Heaton
Russell Karlstad
Stephen Garner
Margaret Campbell
Michelle Simpson
Mark Sullivan
Bradley Reed
Ken Swanton
Chris Slade (non voting member)

Personnel Committee                     Term Expiration June 30, 2008
Jeanne Shapiro

Police Department                               Term Expiration June 30, 2006
Chief of Police Celia Hyde
Lieutenant Warren Nelson
Sergeant Andrew Bagdonas
Patrolmen Michael Slepetz, Kimberly Denaro, Christopher Harrington, William Dempsey, Ian Spencer, Yvette Washington
Reserve Officers Hank Staake, Jason Puri, Derek Koumpis, Timothy Charland, A. Luke Hamburger, Alana Santillo
Special Officers Curt Plante, Harold Brown/ as Highway Superintendent and John Stephenson/ as Fire Chief

Police Station Study Committee          Term Expiration June 30, 2006
Martha Babbit
Jeffrey Buffum
Celia Hyde
Stanley Wysocki
Dennis Mahoney
Thomas Kelly
Andrew Bagdonas
Donna Hathaway

Public Ways Safety Committee            Term Expiration June 30, 2008
Leslie Breeze
Deborah Kellett

Senior Tax Rebate Committee             Term Expiration June 30, 2008
Roland Ochsenbein
Sheila Chmielowski
Peggi Child

Town Accountant
Julie Costello                                  Term Expiration June 30, 2006

Treasurer                                       Term Expiration June 30, 2006
Joanne Jenkins

Tree Warden                                     Term Expiration June 30, 2006
Mark Caisse

Veterans Grave Officer                  Term Expiration June 30, 2006
Harold Babcock

Wheat Rep                                       Term Expiration June 30, 2006
Brooke James

The Board of Selectmen also voted to appoint the Cultural Council members as recommended by the Cultural Council Chairman Kate Weiss-Gordon.
Member                                         Term Began       Term Ends
~       Alberts-Pirani, Barbara         ~~      Member  ~~      10/01/1999      ~~      10/01/2005      
~~      Bensetler, Pat  ~~      Member  ~~      12/05/2002      ~~      12/05/2008      
~~      Burke, Laura    ~~      Member  ~~      01/01/2001      ~~      01/01/2007      
~~      Hoffman, Kerry  ~~      Treasurer       ~~      10/01/1999      ~~      10/01/2005      
~~      Tripp, Susan    ~~      Member  ~~      11/01/2001      ~~      11/01/2007      
~~      Weiss-Gordon, Kate      ~~      Chair   ~~      06/26/2002      ~~      06/26/2008      

Susan Menbrimo  Term Expiration June 15, 2011
32 Hudson Road
Bolton, MA 01740

Peter Vincent           Term Expiration June 15, 2011
171 Kettle Hole Road
Bolton, MA  01740

On a motion made by Gerken and seconded by Troup the Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Susan Miles, term expiration June 30, 2008 and Jeff Boudreau, term expiration June 30, 2007 to the Board of Registrars.

Public Safety Tower, West Berlin Road:  The Board of Selectmen authorized Selectman Kenneth Troup to choose and determine the cost for three replacement trees for the public safety tower property.  Mr. Troup will report back to the Board with his decision and cost of trees.

Legal:  The Board of Selectmen received an updated legal expenses spreadsheet through April, 2005.

Ms. Gerken reported that the next Tri-Town Meeting will be hosted by Stow on September 7.  She reported that at the last Tri-Town Meeting they discussed the population studies and most people felt that each town should review the situation within their town and that the region act as gate keeper for notifying the town if the population was an issue in given town.  Tri-town Subcommittee on space has disbanded and will work with the regional Facilities Committee.  Ms. Gerken asked the population numbers for Florence Sawyer be looked at midsummer.  Ms. Gerken suggested a School Needs Committee be formed this fall.  Options on redoing the Center School in Lancaster were discussed.  They have just started to look at rehab costs.  

The Board of Selectmen reviewed a letter from Michael Zelenkov of 175 Main Street for permission to placing a wooden fence between their house and Route 117.  Due to the proximity of Route 117 the fence will be put on town property.  The Selectmen suggested we contact the State regarding this request prior to responding to Mr. Zelenkov.

Meeting adjourned.