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Board of Selectmen Minutes June 6, 2005
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
June 6, 2005                                                    Panny Gerken
                                                                Stan Wysocki

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Selectmen Ken Troup acknowledged the passing of long time Town Secretary, Lois Alex.  She will be missed.

Jodi Ross stated that Martha Remington has been in contact with the beaver trapper.  There can be no trapping between June 1st and July 15th.  Ms. Remmington has contracted with Ruth Callahan to begin trapping on July 18th.  The emergency trapping permit is effective for 10 days.

David Lindsay wanted to make sure that there was enough money available to complete the trapping process without a transfer from the Advisory Committee.  Carol Gumbart of ConCom stated that there should be plenty of money to cover the cost of the trapping the beaver.

Motion to adopt the Amendment – Gerken, Second – Troup, voted and approved.
Pat Bensetler thanked the Board

Susan Latham met with the Board to request that the Board of Selectmen sign the Warrant.  Once the Warrant is signed, she and Town Clerk Betsy Cussen will send letters both by certified and regular mail.  Ms. Latham will make personal calls.  Only once all other options are exhausted, does Ms. Latham take anyone to Court.

Ms. Latham requested that once Court papers have been served, that the resident can no longer register their dog at Town Hall and must appear in Court, unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Motion made by Troup, Seconded by Gerken and voted to sign the Warrant.

Ms. Remington met with the Board and stated that they had put up stakes where the bollards were proposed to be placed and the stakes were removed in a very short time.  Ken Troup had taken photos between the time they were installed and removed and provided them for Ms. Remmington and the Board.  It is unknown who removed the stakes.  Ms. Remmington placed the temporary stakes in increments of 12 feet.  Ms. Remmington will be placing the order for bollards for delivery, most likely, to DPW.  The Historical Commission will hire someone to install them.

Ms. Remington stated that some of the granite posts in front of the Houghton Building are broken to the ground.  Jodi Ross stated that she will contact Harold Brown for repair.

Jodi Ross showed the Board the new Assessors Maps that were prepared by Assessor Tony Bryan.  They are color coded by property type.  In the past, this task was contracted out at a cost of approximately $4,000.

Martha Remington is requesting that the Selectmen sign a letter of support to be included in the Freedom Way.  Voted and approved.

Town Administrator Jodi Ross asked the Board for their intention with regard to the Senior Citizen Transfer Station Sticker Program.  After discussion is was decided that to qualify a resident must be a Senior at least 61 years old on or before July 1, 2005.  Each senior household will receive 40 free transfer station stickers.  Voted and approved.

Jodi Ross requested that an extension to June 8, 2005 for the real property transfer be executed.    Motion – Gerken, Second – Wysocki, voted and approved.

Resident would like to refinance their property and have requested permission from the Selectmen to do so.  Motion – Gerken, Second - Troup voted and approved.

Appointment cards were signed for the appointments approved at the May 18th meeting.
Also voted and approved were the appointments of the EMT’s.

NOT THE BETTY – Liquor License Pledge
Attorney Frain was present.  He stated that Silvester’s Restaurant was purchased by a Corporation.  The Corporation pledged the license to Hudson Savings Bank.  The notes held by Hudson Savings Bank were assigned to another entity.  They are requesting that the pledge of the license be assigned to the current promissory note holders.  Motion – Gerken, Seconded – Troup, voted and approved.

Present:  George McKenna and Town Accountant Julie Costello
Mr. McKenna met with the Selectmen to review the Independent Auditor’s Report on Basic Financial Statements and Required Supplementary Information for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2004

Mr. McKenna brought to the attention of the Board four observations that required correction:
1.      Payroll Reporting
2.      Bank Account Custody
3.      Property Tax Receivable Reconciliation
4.      Town Clerk and Tax Collector Bank Accounts
It was reported that these observations have been corrected.

There is a request to construct soffits and fascia on an existing tent.  Frank Krysa was present at the meeting.  He feels that they would need to apply for a new special permit in order to enclose the tents.  At the time the special permit was originally issued, the neighbors had concerns as to whether these tents would become permanent structures.

The Church is asking for a new sign.  Frank Krysa feels that the current sign is in violation.  They are requesting that the sign be 3 x 5 sign and be illuminated.  

The Board requested a sketch of what is proposed by the Church by the next Board of Selectmen Meeting on June 15th.  Mr. Krysa also stated that a building permit is required for a sign and most are not obtaining one.  Ken Troup feels that it should be a single application.

Jodi Ross will meet with Frank Krysa to create the necessary sign package.

Frank Krysa wanted to bring to the attention of the Board that very heavy equipment has been brought in to the development and it appears that loam will be removed from the property.  The Board asked Mr. Krysa to inspect the property and report back to the Board.

There is an ongoing flooding issue.  Ken Troup stated that there previously has been no funding for this issue.  The Board has been contacted by an abutter asking what the next step would be.  The Town is trying to determine whether it is flooding because of pre-existing condition and a non-working systems at Quail Run and whether the Town should fix it.  Chris Slade feels that this is a gray area.  Ken Troup stated that investigation has been completed over a period of time since the Quail Run development was completed in 2001.  Chris Slade stated that unless the Town is sure that it is a fault of the Town, they should not assume responsibility for the issue and the town’s responsibility to fix.

Kevin Callinan is the resident across from the Quail Run intersection and stated that Quail Run has contributed to the problem.  It is a continuing problem and a flood problem.  He is directly affected by the problem.  He feels that it is a safely and possibly a health issue and the town’s responsibility to fix.

Panny Gerken has asked that this matter be scheduled for a future meeting to include member of the Planning Board at the time the subdivision was approved.  Ms. Gerken is requesting time to be brought up to speed on the issue.  The Board will be in contact with Mr. Callinan with a possible July discussion.

Tom Murtha met with the Board to explain that he has a buyer for the property.  This buyer would like to remove indoor runs as the potential buyer would like to have additional vets in their employ.

Jodi Ross asked if new or more retail area would be created.  Dr. Murtha stated that it is the retail that is typically in a veterinary office and no new or additional space would be created.  Panny Gerken asked if an increase in the number of vets increases the traffic through the vets’ office.  Dr. Murtha said no, it is the industry standard.

Dr. Murtha stated that there were no requirements for plantings.  The now deceased Mrs. Bracy requested plantings.  Building Inspector Frank Krysa stated that the plantings were on the site plan submitted to the Board of Appeals.  The process of removing the plantings would have to go before the Board of Appeals.

Jodi Ross stated that the he permit can be transferred.  Ken Troup stated that he doesn’t see anything that requires a new special permit.  

Dr. Murtha will be meeting with ZBA regarding Trees and the Board of Health regarding Design Flow.

Present:  Rick Merrill, Bob Johnson, Clerk, Ed Sterling, President, Ed Favre, Tech Director, Cathleen Held, Director of Production

The members of BatCo stated that they hope to have a video server that can run on its own.  BatCo members listed three objectives for initial operation of cable access in Bolton:  (1)  To set up a facility with the capability to air tapes and records programs; (2) To be able to take tapes from others to air them, and (3) to produce programs.  Ms. Held stated that equipment is required and necessary to broadcast programs to the town (objectives 1 and 2).  Mr. Sterling stated that televising “live” may not be technically possible.  It may have to be recorded and played back.  Mr. Favre stated that paying for professionals to tape would come out of the funds that are available.  BatCo members also noted the difficulty they are having in finding secure space for equipment storage and eventually to set up the broadcasting facility.

Ms. Gerken stated that she would like some clarification with regard to the contract.  She wanted to be sure that section 7.1 of the Comcast contract would be adhered to.  Mr. Favre stated that he helped to negotiate the contract and stated that a paragraph was included to limit the ways the money could be spent.

Mr. Troup asked about timing.  Ms. Held stated that broadcasting could be accomplished within 6 months.  Mr. Favre feels that broadcasting could be up in less than a month.  Ms. Held stated that they would love to produce programs but feel that they would teach prefer to teach others how to produce programs.

Mr. Troup feels that other communities do more than what is being proposed.  He asked if at some point it could or would be expanded.  Ms. Held stated that she is hopeful that this process will light up.  However, since they are all volunteers, they do not want to be forced.

Mr. Favre got some good examples from towns that are similar to ours. He suggested that the town could make use of attorney that we used with cable.  BatCo is requesting changes to the agreement.  Articles and bylaws were drafted and they believe that they are model documents.

Ms. Ross stated that the original agreement was taken from other agreements in other towns.  An attorney that is familiar with this process helped to create the original document.  Ms. Ross believes the present document has been whittled down to the point where it no longer has value.

Mr. Merrill will provide a document with proposed changes electronically.  Mr. Wysocki will participate in the changes.

The Board of Selectmen met with the Master Planning Committee that was already meeting in the other room preparing for its June 13 public forum.  MPC members said they were not yet in a position to make specific planning recommendations, although they may have some recommended additional analyses or studies.  Ms. Gerken asked if they planned another survey to ask about some of the planning options being considered. No decision about a survey has been made.  Ms. Ross noted that if there were a survey done, the town’s website could be used for on line polling. Several people noted the problem of multiple hits without any controls potentially affecting poling results.  

MPC is recommending a school needs committee to look at what is needed when.  The Selectmen agreed this was a good idea.  MPC members indicated that the most difficult issues for them are the municipal facilities and the town center.  They said they have found other groups (such as the police station group or the library building committee) reluctant to discuss other alternatives because those groups are concerned about negating all the work they have already done.  Mr. Wysocki said that MPC needed to have good answers if they are disagreeing with what the library is proposing.  MPC members aid their big concerns are the rear setback and the size of the building for the lot.  

Meeting adjourned.