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Board of Selectmen Minutes May 5, 2005
Board of Selectmen                                      Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
May 5, 2005                                                             Richard H. Heaton, Jr.
                                                                                Stanley M. Wysocki

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.  
#05-22          $73,288.96
#05-22a         $89,187.24

Present:  James Anker, Moderator, Panny Gerken, Frank Chiodo, Betsy Cussen, Town Clerk, Scott Powell, Chris Slade, Advisory Committee members, Daniel Senie

Overall everyone felt that the Annual Town Meeting went very well.  187 residents out of 2999 voters attended town meeting.  The high school location worked out very well.  

Although not intended, having the titles of the articles on the projector screen turned out to be very helpful when originally the plan was only to project articles with revisions.  It was suggested that a deadline be given for those who have motions/revisions to the articles submitted.  

Printing the “Selectmen Recommendation” in the warrant seemed to be favorable.  Mr. Chiodo stated that he felt it was helpful going into town meeting knowing the Board of Selectmen’s position.  There were favorable comments regarding the capital projects information in the front of the warrant.

A question was raised as to whether more people would speak if a microphone was passed around versus everyone having to come out of their aisle to come to a microphone.

Town Administrator Jodi Ross suggested polling people on the website regarding the annual town meeting.  (i.e. Did having to come out into aisle to speak at a microphone discourage people from speaking).

The group spent some time talking about the Citizen’s Petitions and how they were handled.  Mr. Senie was disappointed with the action of David Lindsay of the Advisory Committee regarding the Citizen’s Petitions.  Mr. Chiodo stated that he talked with the Attorney General’s office who stated that anyone has the right to present such an article and also the right to take no action is equally legal.  Town Clerk Betsy Cussen had a problem with the article directing her to do something.

Tim Stagner  is working on a proposed bylaw change to maybe not limit but look at how to deal with this type of article.

A special town meeting has not been scheduled but it is reasonable to assume there will be a special town meeting.  The third week in October has been penciled in for a special town meeting and will be firmed up in July by the Board of Selectmen.  A calendar will be prepared to determine deadline for articles being submitted.  

Mr. Anker complimented Town Administrator Jodi Ross, Town Secretary Linda Day,  Town Clerk Betsy Cussen, and Ed Sterling for their work with the Annual Town Meeting.

Present:  Mark Sprague, Chris Rogers, Board of Health members; Chris Slade, Panny Gerken, Scott Powell, Advisory Committee members; Betsy Cussen, Town Clerk, Daniel Senie, Frank Chiodo; and Pat Bensetler and Martha Remington for a portion of the discussion.

Mr. Troup asked everyone’s opinion as to what the next step should be for the town now that a letter has been sent to DEP informing them that the town would like to consider other alternatives and to evaluate the installation of a sewage treatment plant in order to solve the Emerson and Florence Sawyer septic deficiencies.~

 Mr. Slade suggested the town have the consent letter in hand and then make a decision as to how to proceed.  Mr. Rogers stated that based on his discussions with DEP the biggest grievance is the town’s lack of action and that in turn is why DEP has issued the date of September 1, 2005.  Mr. Roger’s opinion is that we should be more proactive and not wait for the letter to arrive.   Ms. Gerken suggested that a member of the Board of Health be involved in any meetings going forward regarding this matter.  Mr. Chiodo stated he spoke with DEP-Boston and things were much more open than what DEP-Worcester is saying.  They are not the only deciding factor.  

Ms. Gerken suggested that everyone who has talked with DEP meet to discuss all the information they have obtained and agree upon what should be done going forward.  Mr. Heaton has lost sense of what we are trying to do, stating that the original problem was because of the schools and he is not sure that is the case anymore.  He would like to see a written document as to what we are trying to solve.

Mr. Slade suggested that we complete the study of the site to determine the effluent to be discharged before the town makes any discussions.  

Mr. Heaton feels a lot of people from town have been working very hard on this project but feels that we should bring someone in with the expertise to assist with this project.  

The Selectmen suggested a Board of Health participant with whom the Selectmen can coordinate.  The Board of Health agreed to discuss at their meeting on Tuesday, May 12, 2005 and get back to the Board of Selectmen with the contact person.  Request the group working on this project identify a chairman to coordinate the efforts to solve the problem.  put together the plan to bring forward to solve the problem.  

Town Administrator Jodi Ross stated that she has been informed that Mr. Brown, DPW Director has spent $94,000 for this project.

A follow up meeting will be scheduled in the near future; the agenda will include identifying a chairman of the task force committee (sewer rats 2) and consider when in the process an off site consultant would be hired.

Meet with Board of Health on Tuesday night to kick off the discussion.  

Conservation Commission member Karen Augustine, Board of Health members Mark Sprague and Chris Rogers; Advisory Committee members Chris Slade, Panny Gerken and Scott Powell, Town Clerk Betsy Cussen, Daniel Senie, Frank Chiodo Martha Remington, Pat Bensetler, Bruce Slater, Tim Fiehler, Mr. Jack Quinlan

Ms. Augustine stated that we are outside of the trapping season, but, the Conservation Commission has submitted amendment to their special permit for breaching of the dam.  The Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing on Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 7:00 p.m.  Ms. Augustine stated that there is approximately $1,400 left in their budget for beavers with an additional pipe costing approximately $400 leaving $1,000 for trapping of the beavers which could not be done until November 1st.  

Main Street abutter Ms. Bensetler expressed her concern that they have been trying, trying to get ConCom, why was the trapping not done in a timely manner.

Ms. Bensetler’s feels breakdown both dams completely.  

Mr. Fiehler stated that of the dams are breached, then pipes become a moot point and funds could be used for trapping of beavers.  

Present for the Meeting:  Town Clerk Betsy Cussen, Advisory Committee member Panny Gerken, Affordable Housing Partnership members Ed Plante, Doug Storey, Barbara Alberts-Pirani, Mickie Simpson, Conservation Commission member Karen Augustine, and Bruce Slater, Dan Senie

A site walk was done of the Aschettino property on Hudson Road which is located behind Country Cupboard and near the Boy Scout Camp.    Observation of Mr. Troup was the parcel was split about ½ way in by wetlands.   The back half which is more land locked could be left the way it is and put some type of housing on the front section.  This is what the current homeowner has been attempting to do.  

Mr. Senie stated that the Public Ways Safety Committee has been looking at this land to realign Route 85 and Route 495.  Mr. Storey also indicated this would be a nice location for apartments.  The Boy Scouts could not justify spending $550,000 for the property but would be willing to participate in discussions wit the town.  

Conservation Commission has requested that the vernal pool is protected and that if we do work with the Boy Scouts on this project we leverage as much as we can get from the Boy Scouts to get access or possible a conservation restriction on their land as a pathway to the pond.  

The Affordable Housing will do more research on the concept and the establishment of the trust.

Affordable Housing will meet with the Board of Selectmen on May 19th, a draft will be provided to the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Committee prior to the meeting.  The town should follow up with the owner to express interest on part of the town and try to come up with an agreement on the price, and also approach Kane for a right of way in exchange for providing access to their property.  

Affordable Housing will pursue an agreement to purchase the property and by special town meeting go forward if we decide to.

Agreed to assess viability, check with any testing done and initiate with discussion with landowner and we determine from this information if we will continue to pursue the property.

Due diligence without the commitment but with the intent.

The Affordable Housing Partnership is willing to take on the task to express an interest, ask for a period of due diligence and come back to Board of Selectmen before any offer is made.  Prior to doing anything determine the cost to do the due diligence.  This will be discussed at the meeting of May 19th.

Moen Update:  The Board of Selectmen voted to award the sale of the Moen property to the highest most responsible bidder Baker Development LLC for $262,000.  

Nicewicz/Schartner Land APR:  The Board of Selectmen signed a document stating that they have determined that advertising pursuant to Mass. General Laws, Chapter 30B, 16(d) will not benefit the interest of the Town of Bolton because of the following unique qualities or location of the real property to be acquired.  This will preserve in perpetuity approximately 181 acres of the Nicewicz and Schartner farms under the State’s Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) Program.  These are two of Bolton’s six largest active farms.

Installation of and sampling of Monitoring Wells:  The work has been awarded and the work to commence in 14 days.

Smith Property:  Ms. Ross stated that Loitherstein has reported asbestos on the roof and will provide an estimate for the clean up.

Municipal Plan Meeting:  Town Secretary Linda Day will help to coordinate a municipal plan meeting with town employees by Margaret Campbell and Dick Heaton of Master Planning.

Master Planning Financial meeting:  Mr. Heaton would like to meet with the Advisory Committee to present the master planning financial summary.  He will provide the Advisory Committee with a copy of the summary prior to the meeting. Town Secretary Linda Day will coordinate the meeting.

The Board of Selectmen reviewed and approved the request of the Friends of the Bolton Library for a sign for their Spring used book sale to be held at Emerson School on Saturday, May 7th from 9-1 p.m.  

The Board of Selectmen reviewed and approved the request of Jack Shapiro to conduct a Voluntary Toll Booth on Saturday, May 14th between the Library and the Murphy Insurance building.

The Board of Selectmen reviewed information from Outi Baker of the Bolton Artisans Guild informing them of the Guild’s plan to host an Artisans in Bloom on Saturday June 11 from 10-4 p.m. on the grounds of the Delta Equity Services in Bolton.

The Board of Selectmen were informed that the Werner’s have not complied with the order of the Board of Selectmen at their meeting of Thursday, March 17, 2005 to restrain their dogs at all times by a fence or chain link pen which is escape proof.  The Board will send a letter to the Werner’s ordering that the fence or chain link pen be installed by Thursday, May 19, 2005.   The Board will also inform them that if the town receives additional complaints about their dogs, the Board will be forced to re-evaluate the situation and may, at its discretion, order the banishment of the dogs from the Town of Bolton.  

The Board of Selectmen received a recommendation from the Planning Board of appoint Mr. Karlstad as an associate member. A question was raised regarding Mr. Karlstad being on the Board of Appeals and Planning Board and if this would be a conflict. Town Administrator Ross stated that Town Counsel confirmed that Mr. Karlstad could serve in both capacities without conflict.

On a motion made by Heaton and seconded by Wysocki the Board of Selectmen appointed Russell Karlstad as an associate member to the Planning Board effective May 10, 2005 and contingent upon the election of Stephen Garner as a regular member to the Planning Board.  Mr. Karlstad’s term will expire once the FOSPRD special permit hearing process has been completed for the Century Mill Estates.

Open Space:  On a motion made by Heaton and seconded by Wysocki the Board of Selectmen voted to accept the gift of land from Developer Steve Venincasa and his partner Bob Moss.  The Board of Selectmen executed a quitclaim deed for a 7.56 acre parcel of open space to be managed under the care and custody and control of the Conservation Commission and a 25 foot access easement off of Harvard Road.~ The open space parcel is to the rear of the new 5 house lot development off Harvard Road, just north of Twin Maple Road.~ The property under development was locally known for "Charlie Brown's" garage.~ The Commission and Planning Board worked with the developer to protect this upland forest habitat as mitigation for the development.~ The property is located on assessors map 6C, parcels 16 and 17.~ The Commission voted to accept this gift and signed the Quitclaim Deed at their meeting on Tuesday, May 3.~

The Board of Selectmen received a copy of the Interim Report – Adaptive Reuse Study: Future Electronics Facility as a Pre-K through Grade 5 School for the Town of Stow.
The Report does not include Bolton and Bolton is paying a portion of the cost for the report.

Mr. Troup agreed to attend the next meeting and will ask the following questions.
1.      Estimate of cost to configure as school?
2.      How many students can it hold?
3.      Issue of contaminations – is it a threat to the school?
4.      Comparison for building new school?
The next Tri-Town meeting will be hosted by Bolton on Wednesday, June 1, 2005.  Each town was asked to pull together population studies done.  Mr. Troup will check with the town administrator’s to see if each town is prepared for this meeting.

The Board of Selectmen reviewed their upcoming meeting schedule.
Thursday, June 2 & 16, 2005
Wednesday, July 6 & 20, 2005
Thursday, August 4 & 18, 2005
Thursday, September 1 & 15, 2005

Meeting adjourned.