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Board of Selectmen Minutes March 3, 2005

Board of Selectmen                                      Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
March 3, 2005                                                           Richard H. Heaton, Jr.
Stanley M. Wysocki

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.  

#05-18           $79,723.68                                                                                                    
#05-18A         $93,378.59

Present for the meeting:  Board of Assessor members Steve Bonina, Jeff Nichols and Dominique Sexton and Principal Assessor Tony Bryan

Articles:  Mr. Bryan, Principal Assessor explained the purpose of the article related to entering into an inter-municipal agreement to join a technology consortium for consulting and support services for the Town’s computerized assessment system.  The Board questioned the need for it to be approved by the Town Meeting.  Mr. Bryan also explained the article for acceptance of Massachusetts General Law Chapter 59, Section 5(54) related to small personal property accounts.  Mr. Bryan will provide a summary for this article. Town Administrator Jodi Ross confirmed that the Advisory Committee does support the articles.

Mr. Nichols stated that we are in a revaluation year and will be doing a lot of the work in house.

Mr. Bryan also informed the Board of Selectmen that they are modifying the division of work within the Board of Assessors office and therefore have adding duties to the existing Clerk’s position to include personal property and 61A properties.  The Board of Assessors is working with the Personnel Committee to upgrade the position to an administrative assessor which will help the efficiency of getting the job done in house.  

New construction figure at this point of time same as what we had last year which is $275,000.00.  

Present for the meeting: Harold Brown, Shelly O’Toole, Marty Fitzgerald, Panny Gerken, Tom Pokorney and Nathaniel Berry

Articles:  Drainage Study on Vaughn Hill Road – Mr. Brown feels that the drainage issue on Vaughn Hill Road is the one that is giving the most problem right now.  In addition there are other drainage issues that include Golden Run Road, Wilder Road (water drainage from one side of hill onto the Larson property) and Wattaquadock Hill Road (catch basins to stop sheeting of water across the road and take care of some of the icing on the hill).  Mr. Brown pointed out that this is only for the study, and then the design and construction would follow.  Mr. Troup asked if it would make sense to study all four drainage issues at the same time.  The Board of Selectmen agreed that the study should be expanded to include all drainage issues.  Mr. Brown will provide a new $ amount for the article.
Mr. Troup asked Mr. Brown if he would have a problem if the septic article was not placed on the annual town meeting.  Brown said no.

Mr. Brown provided the Board of Selectmen with the latest specs for the International Truck.  Both trucks will be purchased off the state bid list.   Mr. Slade asked if the 1 ton truck should be within the DPW budget as a line item or as an article so that it can be bonded.  The Board of Selectmen will discuss further at a later time.

Parks/Rec – Mr. Brown provided the Board with a calendar showing the schedule for mowing of the fields which would be every 5 days when the field is used.  Nate Berry who just graduated for a turf management course was also present for the meeting.  A budget of $8,600 and use of subcontractors to do mowing every 5 days when the field is used.  Irrigation is done in house, fertilization and liming done outside.  The schedule provides for 3 days of irrigation.    Mr. Pokorney and Ms. Fitzgerald stated that the number of mowings provided on the schedule is adequate.  Mr. Pokorney noted that the timing of mowings may need to be adjusted depending on the actual schedule of activity.  Waste bids were provided to the Board of Selectmen for their review and signature.  

On a motion made by Heaton and seconded by Wysocki the Board of Selectmen awarded the bid to BP Trucking of Ashland, MA, at $79 per to for FY06; $80 for FY07 and $81 for FY08.  Trucking cost is $100 per load for FY06 & FY07 and $105 for FY08.

Present:  Public Ways Safety Committee members Cia Boynton, Don Cole, Dan Senie, Bev Mentzer, DPW Director Harold Brown and Administrative Assistant Shelly O’Toole, Parks/Rec members Tom Pokorney, Ed Sterling, Marty Fitzgerald, and Advisory Committee members Chris Slade and Panny Gerken.

The Board of Selectmen received the minutes of a council on aging meeting and an additional letter from the COA stating that they are in support of a warrant article for the May town meeting for funds for the planning, surveying and design of the sidewalk project.  

Ms. Boynton asked the Board of Selectmen to accept the article submitted for the sidewalks on the south side of Main Street.  Ms. Boynton stated that their feeling is that there is a lot of support in the community for the sidewalk, and she also contacted seniors who are in support of the sidewalk.  

Mr. Slade suggested other businesses be asked to help out financially with the project; Ms. Boynton stated that they had also considered asking Flatley to help financially with the sidewalk.

Ms. Boynton would like to meet with Ms. Ross to analyze the four bids.  

Ms. Boynton informed the Board of Selectmen that the Committee is flexible on the amount of funds to be provided for the signs.  The Committee was informed that there is approximately $5,000 in an article for the proposed signs.

Ms. Boynton stated that members of the Public Ways Safety Committee met with the Truck Committee of Wattaquadock Hill Road.  There are a lot of upset people that feel that there is a significant amount of truck traffic on Wattaquadock Hill Road.  Suggestions were made to put a 4-way stop sign at Old Bay.  They will be doing a truck count in April and would like to do weight and truck safety checks.   Once the truck company traveling Wattaquadock Hill Road is determined they will talk with them.  The Public Ways Safety Committee will discuss the stop sign requests with Chief Hyde to get her opinion.  

Present for the Meeting:  Russ Karlstad, Ed Sterling, Tom Pokorney, Cia Boynton, Panny Gerken, Chris Slade

Mr. Heaton stated that as a result of the master planning activity the recommendation was made to include school planning in the capital planning for this year.  

At tri-town meeting discussed setting up a task force to research the school needs for the future.  The District  has about 3,000 students in school presently and will continue to grow which means some significant building plans.   It may be time to consider having a regional middle school.  In course of discussions, the town was informed that Future Electronics is in the process of moving out of their facility.  

Mr. Heaton suggested appointing two people to the task force.  Mr. Heaton stated that he would like to participate and suggested that Panny Gerken also be appointed.  Ms. Gerken asked for a day to consider the recommendation of Mr. Heaton that she be appointed.  

On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Wysocki the Selectmen appointed Mr. Heaton and Ms. Gerken to the Committee.

Mr. Troup suggested an article be placed on the town meeting warrant to evaluate the purchase of Future Electronics.  The Superintendent is the point person for discussing with Future Electronics.  
Mr. Troup also informed everyone that the Nashoba budget was discussed at the Tri-Town Meeting.  There is a 12% increase in Bolton’s assessment, slightly less in the other two towns.  The School Committee has a working session scheduled for this evening, with another meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 8 and will be voting on the budget at their meeting on Thursday, March 10th.  

Present:  Russ Fitch, Panny Gerken, Russ Karlstad, Tom, Ed Sterling, Cia Boynton, Chris Slade
Regionalization of the Veterans Agent:  Ms. Ross stated that after town meeting last May she was asked to look at options related to our Veterans services.   Ken Troup and Bill Fatieger agreed to help in this effort.

Ms. Ross stated that she was working with other communities on regionalizing the Veterans Services.
Clinton has a full time Veteran’s Agent that has been there a year or two.  They are interested in regionalizing with the Towns of Lancaster, Bolton, Berlin and Sterling and they would petition the state to form a district for the veterans.  Clinton would continue to fund a full time veteran’s agent and the towns would contribute to help hire a part time assistant.  The cost would be $18,000 with benefits, and the 4 towns would split the cost based on town’s population.   Bolton’s budget would be $4,000 per year to provide the service to the veterans.  Ms. Ross has talked with towns of Berlin, Sterling and Lancaster.

On a motion made by Heaton and seconded by Wysocki  the Board of Selectmen voted to support this proposal for a regionalized Veterans office subject to acceptance of other towns we would participate.  
Feedback from Mr. Fatieger is most important.

Pondside:  Ms. Ross reminded the Board of Selectmen that the Board of Appeals was looking for comments regarding Pondside by March 11th.  The Board agreed that they would provide individual comments.

NRSD Lease agreement:  Revisions to the ATM article as result of Tri-Town discussion will be forwarded to Selectmen for review.  

Moen property:  As of today 9 Moen Request for Proposal packets have been picked up.  Advertising has been done; sign has been placed on site.  

FEMA funds approved for the blizzard.

Stephenson Purchase and Sale:  On a motion made by Troup and seconded by Wysocki approved and executed the Stephenson Purchase and Sale Agreement.

Present:  Cia Boynton, Marty Fitzgerald, Russ Karlstad, Tom Pokorney, Ed Sterling, Chris Slade
Mr. Favre met with Ms. Ross and would like to propose that he be named as the liaison to BatCo and the Board of Selectmen to work with both sides to get the business plan the selectmen are looking for to come up with agreement both sides are favorable to.  

Mr. Sterling stated that Mr. Favre exists as the sole member of the Cable Committee.  He feels the Cable Committee should still exist in some form to communicate with Comcast.  Selectmen would like to talk directly to the group and not a middle person.   Stow is moving to PEG channel, have paid part time cable coordinator.  

Mr. Heaton did not feel a legal document was needed to accomplish what the group wanted.   Ms. Ross explained that in her and town counsel’s opinion an agreement is needed as a control mechanism.  

The Selectmen will provide the BatCo Group with their proposal and draft agreement next week.  

BatCo can decide if they would like to meet with the Board of Selectmen on March 17th or meet with them at a later date to allow more time for BatCo to do more research.

Thomas Murtha, 556 Main Street:  The Board reviewed the request of Thomas Murtha III to renew his prior permit for the purpose of re-opening a veterinary business or veterinary related business at 556 Main Street.  Mr. Murtha also requested an additional permit or amended permit that would allow for the leasing of approximately 1800 sq. ft of office space in the front portion of the building closest to Main Street/Route 117 for general professional office space and/or limited use related space (i.e. retail for small business, not national franchise-type retailers.)

The property previously was granted a limited business special permit by the Board of Selectmen.  
On a motion made by Heaton and seconded by Wysocki the Board of Selectmen voted to accept the request for renewal of the prior permit for the purpose of re-opening a veterinary business and move forward with scheduling a hearing pending review by Town Administrator Jodi Ross, and, request that Mr. Murtha submit additional information for the proposal to lease to office space and schedule a separate hearing at later date.  

The Board reviewed a request of Mr. & Mrs. Ferrante to re-open their antique shop as a home occupation.  The Ferrante’s will be scheduled to attend the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 7:00 p.m.

Override situation - $5-600,000 short fall if school does not decrease their budget.  
The Selectmen reviewed the annual town meeting warrant.  On a motion made by Heaton and seconded by Wysocki the Board of Selectmen made the following recommendations:
1.      Unpaid bill for FY04    
2.      Annual Reports                                                  Approved
3.      Fiscal Year 2006 Operating Budget                       deferred to next meeting
4.      Vehicle exhaust system at Fire Station - $6,200 (Fire Dept.)            Approved        
5.      Participation in the town’s health care plan (Fire Dept.)               Approved
6.      Contribution toward funeral expenses $5,000 (Fire Dept.)                Approved        
7.      Small Personal Property Accounts (Assessors)                    Approved
8.      Drainage Study Vaughn Hill Road $70,000 (DPW)   deferred to next meeting
9.      Truck -$140,000 (DPW)                                           Approved
10.     Amendment to zoning bylaws (Planning Brd)                       Approved
11.     Amendment to Wetland Bylaw (ConCom)                             Approved                
12.     Senior Housing lease agreement  (Town Adm)                      Approved                
13.     Public Ways Safety      - sidewalk                                      Approved
14.     Amendment to Bylaw (Advisory)                                   Approved                
15.     Dispatch Console $12,977                                                Disapproved
16.     DPW One Ton Truck $51,100  (DPW)                deferred to next meeting                
17.     Police Station Article                                                  Approved                
18.     Smith Property Update
19.     Construction of removable edging of several bollards (Hist. Comm) deferred to next meeting
20.     Establishment of a Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund      Approved
21.     Funding for Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund             Approved
22.     Moen Property  (Town Administrator)                             Approved                
23.     Technology Consortium   (Assessors)                             Approved
24.     NRSD capital/maintenance agreement
25.     Evaluate Future Electronics
26.     Election

The Board of Selectmen voted to appoint Stephen Garner as the Bolton representative to the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC).  The term should commence on the date of appointment and continue for three years.

The Board of Selectmen approved and executed a consent for refinancing for Clifford Anderson and Cassandra Boell of 67 Bolton Woods Way.

Town Secretary Linda Day informed the Board of Selectmen that two building permit applications have been submitted for modifications to the cell towers at 41 and 564 Main Street.  The applications indicate removal of and replacement of new antennas and work within the shelters.   Ms. Day stated that based on the wireless communications bylaw it appears a hearing is required.  The Board of Selectmen requested that Building Inspector Frank Krysa review the applications as they felt if there weren’t any significant changes a hearing was not required.

Meeting adjourned.