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Board of Selectmen Minutes February 3, 2005
Board of Selectmen                                      Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
February 3, 2005                                                        Richard H. Heaton, Jr.
Stanley M. Wysocki

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

#05-16            $   $93,745.79
#05-16A         $ 142,966.50

Representative Walrath had her annual meeting with the Board of Selectmen to inform them of issues before the state legislature.   For fiscal year 2006 she expected local aid to maintain the status quo.

Mr. Storey provided an overview, stating that at the annual town meeting last May 2004 an article was passed authorizing the Selectmen to propose a home rule petition to the legislature to establish a local affordable housing trust.  Mr. Storey recommended that the Board of Selectmen include an article on the Annual Town Meeting warrant of 2005 to adopt legislation to create a municipal affordable housing trust fund. Mr. Storey reviewed the document with the Selectmen that has been reviewed by town counsel that included the following requirements:

1.      Requires the Board of Selectmen be a member of the Trust fund board and envision the board report to the selectmen; with this legislation all 3 members of Selectmen would need to be member of Board
2.      The board is a minimum of 5 people, recommended 6.
3.      Does not allow for the trust to be exempt from procurement laws to make it easier for the trust to buy and sell property; we would not be able to do that.  

Mr. Storey agrees with Representative Walrath that we should accept the proposed legislation.

On a motion made by Heaton and seconded by Wysocki the Board of Selectmen voted to accept the proposal from the Affordable Housing Partnership to submit an article for the annual town meeting to accept the proposed legislation.

Present:  Chris Slade, Panny Gerken, David Lindsay, Scott Powell, Wendy Rogers, James Anker, Betsy Cussen, Harold Brown and Shelly O’Toole, Bob Zak, Ken Swanton, Mark Sullivan,  Bradley Reed,  Doug Storey, Russ Karlstad, Nat Tipton, Daniel Senie, Mickie Simpson, Steve Garner

Capital Projects Discussion at Town Meeting:  The Selectmen are looking for opportunity to have discussion of future projects at the annual town meeting that may not necessarily be on the warrant.  The Group discussed ways to have such a meeting that would allow the opportunity to hear about the entire picture prior to making a decision about a portion of the picture.  

Mr. Anker, Moderator stated that in past the Advisory Committee has given an overview of the budget and the financial situation in general preceding the budget discussion.  He felt identifying any future projects could fit into this portion of the town meeting.  

Other suggestions included having a meeting one hour prior to the start of the town meeting; recessing town meeting after it has begun to have such a discussion and therefore not bound by all rules of town meeting.  It was also suggested that the Selectmen communicate with the residents via direct mailings and using the local newspaper.  Many were more favorable to giving residents the opportunity to hear of projects long before town meeting and therefore felt a “State of Town” Meeting prior to the Town Meeting would be more beneficial.   The Selectmen will work on having such a meeting.
Master Planning 2005:   Mr. Heaton provided everyone with a copy of the Bolton Vision Statement and a list of the Master Planning Committee members.  He stated that the Master Planning Committee have retained Daylor Consulting to create a master plan and reviewed the planning process for this project.  A list of key departments to be contacted by the Master Planning Committee and key questions were provided and reviewed.  A suggestion was made to add the Advisory Committee and Cemetery Committee to this list.

A list of capital purchases under consideration were provided that included:
1.      Expansion of Emerson School (Fall STM)
Ms. Gerken provided an update on status of the expansion.  It is more realistic to expect at a fall town meeting.  
2.      Waste Treatment Facility for Emerson School (Fall STM)
Mr. Brown provided an update on status of the facility.  The cost will be considerably more than appropriated.   
3.      Construction of new police station (Fall STM)
Police Task Force has reduced the size to 8,000 sq. ft.
4.      Expansion of existing library
        Application has been submitted and wait until July for results (Fall STM)
Mr. Zak stated that at meeting with Board of Selectmen and Planning Board – in process of re-accessing library.  Estimates came in significantly larger and have not had opportunity to determine why.  Will submit application with larger outlay than presented last week and will continue to look at.
5.      Purchase Smith Property (ATM)
6.      Truck for DPW: 6-wheeler International
7.      Addition to Town Hall
8.      Purchase Taggart Land on Forbush Mill Road

This list total $12.5 million, $840 per household.
Russ Karlstad and Doug Storey, Planning Board members met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the confusion regarding the Schartner/Nicewicz APR that was approved at the 2004 Annual Town Meeting.  The confusion arose when Mr. Nicewicz met with the Planning Board to carve a backland lot out of the APR land.  The Planning Board did not realize that land had been set aside and their feeling was that they were not fully informed of the intent.

Mr. Swanton, Conservation Trust member stated that the APR totaled 180 acres but if you looked at the entire acreage, and each farm had additional land behind the farm houses that they did not put into the APR program.  Planning Board members did not feel that they were informed of family members keeping land themselves and felt strongly that they should be included in discussions in situations such as this.  

The Planning Board stated that if people have questions the process was flawed and the important thing was to improve the process to include proper information be dispersed to the public and a clear understanding of what land is involved.

Mr. Swanton will arrange a meeting of TPL and Conservation Trust with the Planning Board.

Legal RFP:  Advisory Committee asked Ms. Ross to go out with a legal RFP this spring for legal services.  Brackett and Lucas charge $120 per hour and have years of experience with the town.  With some issues if we went with a new firm they would have to research some of the history.  The Selectmen agreed an RFP should be done.

Request for office space:  Imago School of Maynard has out grown their facility and is interested in using any available town buildings.  (12 classrooms and 3 offices with a gym and parking for 200 cars.)  The School will be contacted and informed that we do not have any space available.  

BatCo Agreement:  The BatCo agreement was distributed to Selectmen for review.  The Nashoba Regional School District office is not aware of this agreement.   Dick suggested a Proforma be attached to the proposal showing operating costs.  The Selectmen would like time to review.

Stow PEG:  The Town of Stow has asked permission to view our programming in Stow.  A one page agreement has been prepared for Selectmen to review and execute.  This discussion was deferred to next meeting.  

Stephenson:  The Stephenson purchase and sale is moving along. Their attorney is reviewing the language.  My understanding is that Stephenson wants some additional language insuring that the land will remain conservation, and Elaine recommends additional language protecting the town in the event that the land contains hazardous waste.

Firefighters:  Ms. Ross is waiting to hear back from Dennis Murphy with quotes on raising the firefighter’s accident policy.  Wysocki will review the information.

Performance evaluation:  Ms. Ross reminded the Board of Selectmen that her one year review is due; she doesn’t feel her job can be adequately reviewed on the town’s evaluation process and provided samples of performance evaluation forms from other town to review.  Ms. Ross agreed to email the Selectmen status of her goals and any other accomplishments over the next week.

Lieutenant Position:   Ms. Ross stated that the Lieutenant is no longer covered by the union and receives benefits of the personnel bylaw although the chief feels the lieutenant should get all benefits those covered by the union contract.  Ms. Ross asked the Board to inform her if he is entitled to the union benefits.  The Board agreed that Lt. Nelson should not receive benefits received by the union until receiving permission from the Board of Selectmen.  

Town Hall Study:  Ms. Ross stated that she was able to get price down to $15, 900 from $18,000.  She has $2,800 in the present budgets to start phase I of the project, however,   Ms. Ross asked for the Board’s opinion as to the whether she should start Phase I prior to the additional funds being approved.  Phase I would include examining the space, and addressing questions of office employees and pulling together old documents to review and take a look at what we have and what we need.

Mr. Heaton suggested we hold off on this project until we have a better understanding of what buildings are available for office space.  Ms. Ross stated the only building that will be available is the Houghton building but we would have to split town hall offices between the two buildings.  Another alternative would be to build an addition on the back of the town hall for meeting space with offices also located on the first floor.  Ms. Ross agreed to provide a written summary of options for answers to the Town Hall space issues and recommendations.

Gifts of Land:  The Board of Selectmen executed documents (approved at their meeting of January 27, 2005)  for Warner Road Development Company, deed signed May 2004 for approximately 33 acres of land for conservation purposes; William Cooke and Leo Garneau, deed signed October 2004, for 2.19 acres of land for conservation purposes; Danforth Brook LLC, deed signed November 2001, for approximately 44 acres of land ; Butternut Farm LLC, deed signed January 27, 2005, for approximately 16 acres of land.

Great Brook Farms:  The Board of Selectmen are in receipt of a letter from Bruce Slater of Great Brook Farms dated January 24, 2005 regarding his proposal to address the conditions of the rental operation and concerns of local neighbors.  

Meeting adjourned.