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Board of Selectmen Minutes November 17, 2004
Board of Selectmen                                      Present:  Kenneth F. Troup
November 17, 2004                                                  Richard H. Heaton, Jr.
  Stanley M. Wysocki(8:30 p.m.)        

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.    Present for the Board of Selectmen meeting:  David Lindsay, Betsy Cussen, Martha Remington, Warren Wilson

Smith Property:  Town Administrator, Ms. Ross has contacted three firms regarding the hazardous waste research of the property and the cost of services would range between $10-15,000 to evaluate the sites. According to Chapter 30B we are required to seek quotes.   It is not listed on the DEP website as a hazardous site and Ms. Ross will try to obtain past history records.  The first step the firm would take is a phase I analysis that would include a site walk,  reviewing records, costing $800-$2,500 and the phase II would include sampling (approx. 3 drillings) unless there is a reason for more, estimat4ed to cost approximately $6-10,000.  The firm will help with the process and act as clerk of the works.

Ms. Ross will prepare a specification sheet to be sent out to firms seeking quotes.  Chapter 21J is a remediation fund that gas stations pay into annually to cover their business just in case of massive spills.  This covers 80-100% of the cost.  

Ms. Ross has talked with Mr. Avery regarding the appraisal process.

Mr. Troup reported that he talked with the Smith’s representative and subsequently received a draft option to purchase document from Town Counsel Elaine Lucas.  The document allows the town to go on property to perform activities and says it will give any records concerning maintenance of operation of premises. The agreement allows the town to exercise purchase of sale within 90 days reimburse for costs.  If we choose not to purchase, the seller would reimburse the town for the environmental studies.

Finance Team:  The Finance Team met today and reviewed the FY06 projects that will be revised and distributed to the Board of Selectmen by the end of the week. Budget forms will be distributed at a Staff meeting, Tuesday, November 23, 2004. Ms. Ross is coordinating the budget process with the Advisory Committee.

Public Records:  The Board of Selectmen received a letter from the Attorney General’s office in response to Ms. Ross’ letter providing information related to the public records provided to Ms. Koopman regarding the Tower Site on West Berlin Road.  The Attorney General’s office has concluded that we have fulfilled the requirement and the office considers the matter closed and will not take any further action.  Ms. Koopman can pursue with the District Attorney’s Office if she felt there was still issue with us not complying with her request.

Present for meeting:  Frank Krysa, Building Inspector, Scott Richards, individual leasing the property, Nan Norseen, owner; Warren Wilson

Mr. Troup stated that the meeting was called to discuss questions raised about the horticultural nursery being run on the property of Nan Norseen, Harvard Road.  Mr. Krysa stated that under Chapter 40A, Section 3 this type of nursery is allowed.

The Board received a letter dated November 9, 2004 from Scott Richards, who rents the property from Nan Norseen for the horticultural business. Town Administrator Jodi Ross stated that Conservation Commission would like the opportunity to do a site visit to be sure the operation is not affecting the wetlands. Ms. Norseen stated that the nursery is located on the other side of the property to eliminate any water runoff towards the wetlands.   Town Clerk Betsy Cussen stated that Mr. Richards is not required to be licensed with the Town Clerk as Nan Norseen is licensed with the Town Clerk.

The Board of Selectmen were in receipt of a letter from Mr. Krysa, Building Inspector stating that because the property was being leased (five acres) he was governed by Section 3 of Chapter 40A of the General Laws and is not restricted in such use, therefore because this operation is strictly a horticultural use, it appears to be allowed under Section 2.3.4 of the Bolton Zoning By-Laws.  Mr. Krysa also confirmed that although they bring in the product they are watered on site and therefore is considered under agricultural use.  

On a motion made by Heaton and seconded by Troup the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the liquor licenses with the understanding that the Board of Selectmen will request an activity update in six months for the Not the Betty, Inc. (Troup – yes, Heaton – yes)

Bolton Country Cupboard, Inc., Package Store/All Alcoholic, $1,500.00; Nashoba Valley Spirits, Ltd., Restaurant/Wine and Malt, $800.00; Firewater and Wine, Inc., Package Store/All Alcoholic, $1,500.00; Not the Betty, Inc. (Silvesters), Restaurant/All Alcoholic, $1,200.00;The International, Inc., Club/All Alcoholic, $2,500.00.

Lynn Sand, Chief Executive Officer of the 495/MetroWest Corridor Partnership met with the Board to explain a little bit about how the Partnership came about and its goals and strategies.  Ms. Sand stated that they are visiting the 32 communities they serve and explain what the partnership is doing to bring clout and identity to the region.

At this time they have not come up with a regional strategy on out in support of 40B’s although Mr. Heaton urged them to do so. Ms. Sand stated that a forum will be held on January 13, 2005 that would give the Board of Selectmen opportunity to express their opinion.  Ms. Sand encouraged the Board of get involved and be heard.

Russ Karlstad, present
Mr. Heaton reported that 5 responses have been received in regard to the request for proposals for the Master Plan.  The Master Planning Committee is reviewing the proposals at this time.

Scott Duhaime of the Conservation Commission met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the Taylor Property Chapter 61A.  The Conservation Commission has been informed by Tom Parker from the Conservation Trust that they are pursing a potential option.   The Conservation Trust has asked for more time to review before a formal decision is made by the Board of Selectmen.

Present:  James Anker, Moderator; Ed Sterling; Betsy Cussen, Town Clerk; Chris Slade, Advisory Committee Chairman;
From Mr. Anker’s prospective meeting went quite well.  Areas discussed:
-       A couple more microphones would be better.  
-       Signage outside and inside school indicating direction of entrance to auditorium would be helpful.
-       Moderator will be on same side of the stage as the Town Clerk.
-       Counters should be lined up ahead of time and organized prior to the special town meeting.  Providing a diagram of section to be counted would be helpful.  
-       Mr. Anker, Moderator did not have a problem with organizations outside the auditorium selling items but would like people to get permission from Moderator prior.  If  problems arise this will be discontinued.
-       Ed Sterling would like a copy of the warrant to display as the articles were discussed.
-       Lectern or music stand for presenters to put notes on when giving presentation.

Mr. Lindsay expressed his concern with articles being passed without an explanation given.  He referred to the two articles related to the administrative assistant increased hours and the Town Accountant sponsored by the Town Administrator. He recommended a one minute explanation of the article.  Mr. Anker was favorable to this idea.  The Moderator could also provide the reasoning for the vote required for each article.  

Everyone agreed that it was the correct decision to place the Main Street properties on the warrant.

Mr. Heaton referenced his email he had forwarded to everyone regarding what other towns such as Acton is doing where they convene to provide an organized forum in which citizens and residents may collective and interactively provide their feedback and input to the Town’s elected and appointed leadership regarding a selected forum of issues and concerns effecting the community.

Mr. Slade suggested that the Board of Selectmen also print their vote regarding the articles in the warrant.  Mr. Slade stated the Town of Winchendon does this and provided a copy of the Winchendon warrant for review.  The Selectmen were agreeable to the idea.
Ed Sterling suggested guidelines to follow for time allowed for presentations depending on amount of $ within article. (5 minutes per million)  Mr. Anker stated that any presentation beyond 10 minutes for presentations is too long.

Handouts are allowed as long as related to the warrant.  

Town Administrator Jodi Ross stated that some articles should be handled at an Annual Town Meeting versus a Special Town Meeting.  Emergencies should be treated at Special Town Meetings, and other articles be done at an annual town meeting.

Meeting adjourned.