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Board of Selectmen Minutes October 21, 2004
Board of Selectmen                                      Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
October 21, 2004                                                        Richard H. Heaton, Jr.
Stanley M. Wysocki      
The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.    Minutes of August 4, 2004 were read and approved.  

Representatives of Coldwell Banker Jen Robichaud and Mr. Donald Reed met with the Board of Selectmen and provided an overview of the change in signs located at the Cracker Barrel.  

Building Inspector Frank Krysa stated that the building is in a residential area and should follow the residential sign regulations.  Mr. Krysa stated that he notified them to take down signs until they had submitted a building permit application for the signs.

Martha Remington provided the Board with copies of letters sent to the Board from her in December of 2002 and Jeff Boudreau in August of 2001 regarding the signs at the Cracker Barrel.  She also shared pictures that were not kept for the file.  The Historical Commission confirmed that they would like the Cracker Barrel sign to remain.  Ms. Remington suggested that the sign should look a little more in character with the building.

Mr. Reed stated that the visibility of one sign was not enough and preferred two signs.  He was agreeable to provide a proposal that deviated from the present design to blend with the building.

Selectmen would like to delay the discussion until they have had the opportunity to view the signs.  They also suggested that a proposal be submitted at their meeting of November 4, 2004

Mr. Krysa noted that the sign can not hang over the public way. He also stated that the town should have an insurance policy indemnifying the town of any liability.

Mr. Troup stated that there is a draft article on the special town meeting warrant for the acquiring of the Main Street Limited Business Properties.  Purchasing the property would give the Selectmen control over the property which is zoned limited business and is adjacent to I-495.  Mr. Lindsay stated that he has heard that because of zoning you can assure it will be an attractive business.   

The Selectmen are researching whether there would be any impact on the septic system requirements for the schools if the land were purchased.  

Martha Remington of the Historical Committee stated that the three homes are part of the historical district and would not be favorable to them being demolished.  Ms. Remington, speaking as a private citizen, stated her concerns with the chance that the state would want to expand the south bound ramp and would maybe take the land. She also mentioned that although 556 Main Street (yellow house) has been for sale or lease for a while and would like to see trees protecting as well as the structures.

Ms. Ross, Town Administrator stated that the Principal Assessor $12,500 per year, looking at different scenarios it could range from a low of about $12,500 to $16,000.

A motion made by Mr. Heaton to remove the Main Street properties articles from the warrant was not seconded.  

Based on preliminary information on the appraisals for the three properties located at 550, 556 and 562 Main Street the article will be revised to include the amount of $1,715,000.   

If the article passes there will be a debt exclusion override election on December 13, 2004.

Mr. Pokorney member of the Park and Recreation Commission provided a presentation for the donation of an irrigation system at the Forbush Mill Road Field by the Bolton Youth Soccer Association (BYSA) and at the Memorial Field by the Bolton Soccer Little League.  

He reviewed the details of the irrigation system itself along with the benefits to the town, and the projected costs and the labor savings to the town.  

The Park and Recreation Commission also requested that the Board of Selectmen assign
the responsibility for annual operation and maintenance of irrigation of system to the Parks and Recreation Commission.

Ed Sterling stated that he met with Harold Brown and Shelly O’Toole and it is his understanding that they are in agreement with the proposals.

Mr. Bob Matthews, representing Little League stated that they would like the opportunity to meet with the Board of Selectmen to discuss their proposal of putting a girls softball field in the right hand corner of the Memorial Field.  He asked the Board to defer their approval until they have met with the Board.  Mr. Pokorney stated that the Parks and Recreation Commission were willing to wait to install the irrigation system in the area of the proposed girls’ softball field until the details were worked out.

The Parks and Recreation Commission was favorable to not installing the irrigation system at Memorial Field in the area of the proposed softball field until the details of the softball field were worked out.
On a motion made by Heaton and seconded Wysocki the Board of Selectmen voted to accept the recommendation of the Park and Recreation Commission for the installation of an irrigation system and Forbush Mill Road and Memorial field, and although the Board is looking favorable to transferring the responsibility and maintenance to the Park and Recreation Commission they would like opportunity to review with the Park and Recreation Commission and the Advisory Committee. (Troup – yes, Heaton – yes, Wysocki – yes).

Jeff Buffum, Chairman of the Police Station Study Taskforce provided a preliminary status of the Police Station Re-Study.  He stated that the Taskforce was chartered to validate what had been previously done by a study committee.  He reviewed the Taskforce Charter and provided an update on the status of the work of the Task Force to date.  They did a site evaluation and reviewed all the possible sites in town to put the police station.  They identified 4 sites that met the needs which included the Cell Tower site, the Freidus property, the Power’s land and the Mardirosian property all located along Main Street.  The primary choice was the Cell Tower site.  Space needs assessment came in at 13,000 square feet; and the taskforce immediately worked to reduce the size which resulted in a reduction of total size to approximately 10, 000.  

The current taskforce has spent approximately $15,000 to $20,000 to date on this Study.

The Task Force recommendation was to reduce the amount in the article to approximately $100,000.  They believe the cell tower site is a perfectly valid site and believe the site of station can be determined so that this can be reported on town meeting floor.  

Mr. Wilson stated he had chance to glance at the contract of the architect and they are responsible for supplying preliminary drawings and cost estimates.  Mr. Buffum stated that the architect is responsible for providing a sketch which will then drive the cost.  He also noted that the Taskforce has asked the Architect to stop work until the site issue is resolved.

Mr. Troup brought to everyone’s attention the recent negotiations with the Smith Family to purchase their property along Main Street which includes the gas station and properties on both sides of the gas station.  Discussion later in the evening will include a recommendation to add an article to the warrant to ask town meeting to allow the town to research the Smith property.    

Mr. Karlstad as member of the Planning Board and Master Planning Committee see the Smith property as the highest priority of the town.

As team has done a great job, and important not to go down in flames, encourage to submit article that will be approved rather than voted down.

Scott Lacy, was present for the meeting.  The Board of Selectmen reviewed the site plan submitted.  On a motion made by Heaton and seconded by Wysocki the site plan was approved.  (Troup – yes, Heaton – yes, Wysocki – yes)

Ms. Ross stated that two proposals were received in response to the Moen RFP:  
Gerald MacGregor, Agent for Steve Glover                $177,000.00
M. Evangelous                                   $150,000.00

A motion was made by Mr. Heaton to hold on to the property, not accepting the bid was not seconded.

The Board agreed to defer discussion until next Board of Selectmen meeting on Thursday, November 4, 2004 to allow opportunity to research this matter.

Ms. Ross, Town Administrator reported that the policy drafted by the Personnel Committee was close to being final and recommended that the policy be applied to employee Cynthia Bradbury for her efforts put forth during the time the Board of Assessors officer was without a Principal Assessor.    The Board of Selectmen requested a copy of the policy for their review.  

Ms. Ross, Town Administrator reported that she had received a copy of a letter from Ms. Koopman to the Attorney General stating that she has not received the information she has requested.  Ms. Ross will be following up with the Attorney General regarding this matter.

Ms. Ross, Town Administrator informed the Board of Selectmen that the Silvester’s Restaurant was closed and for sale.   A note will be forwarded with the liquor license renewal asking them for the status of the license.

Mr. Storey, Affordable Housing Partnership chairman met with the Board of Selectmen to continue discussions regarding to the Affordable Housing Partnership submitted an article for the special town meeting warrant that would provide a threshold for requirements that would trigger an issue to the Selectmen for approval, denial,  public hearing or decision to go to town meeting, or go directly to town meeting.

Mr. Storey stated that after discussion with the Partnership they were not in favor of this.  Their feeling was that the purpose to set up the trust fund was to further town’s goal of having affordable housing and should not place all types of restrictions on that and create a triple oversight process.  They would like to go back to the original proposal of creating a Board of Trustees, of 3-5 members, being appointed by the Board of Selectmen with the funds being spent according to the trust guidelines.  He also noted that they would like to see the positions appointed and not elected.

Mr. Storey proposed the Selectmen appoint the trustees to the position and they would review and approve the annual plan submitted that says what is intended.  

Mr. Heaton proposed the Trust Fund be set up more like the Conservation Trust.   He feels the Affordable Housing Partnership should be able to receive money that was approved by the town for use in affordable housing and should have latitude and responsibility of implementing a plan.  

Mr. Troup liked the proposal of Trustees voting on a decision of allocating funds and sending it to the Board of Selectmen for approval, denial, decision to have hearing or call a town meeting vote.

Mr. Heaton felt if the town has made decision to give funds they should have the authority to implement the project.   

Mr. Storey will draft revisions and provide the Selectmen with a draft for review.  It was decided that there will not be an article on the special town meeting warrant.  

The Board of Selectmen reviewed the special town meeting warrant with the Advisory Committee members (Christopher Slade, Scott Powell, Wendy Rogers and David Bosselait)

The Board of Selectmen executed the warrant for the State Elections to be held on Monday, November 2, 2004.  

The Board of Selectmen executed a letter to be forwarded to the Board of Health outlining the discussion of October 7, 2004 concerning the shared septic system proposal at 101 Wilder Road.  The Board reiterated their determination that the 101 Wilder Road lot cannot be subdivided to allow an additional residence to be constructed.  And explained their determination as follows:

The Board of Appeals in 1993 issued a variance to convert the existing dog kennel into an accessory apartment with the proviso that only those two existing structures would be permitted.  

Building Inspector Frank Krysa indicated that the variance applied to the full 5 acre lot as it existed at that time and that the proviso of no additional structures would require a new variance case before the Board of Appeals.  Until then, no building would be allowed.

The newly-created lot is assessed by the town as unbuildable, valued at $17,000, and is taxed at that unbuildable rate.

A stipulation in the deed between the seller of 101 Wilder Road (Creighton Hammill) and the current owner (Patricia Larson) in 1988 was that the lot could not be further subdivided.

In response to a request from Klaus Kleinschmidt of 132 Mary Catherine Drive, Lancaster the Board of Selectmen approved a letter to Mr. Klenschmidt stating that the Department of Public Works has scheduled the painting of fog lines throughout the Town and Wilder Road is on this schedule.   The variation of speed limits along Wilder Road is the result of the state process for setting speed limit based on the data received when conducting the study and therefore the speed limits can not be changed.  Mr. Kleinschmidt’s concerns regarding the speed limits will be forwarded to the Police Department.  

Appointment:  On a motion made by Heaton and seconded by Wysocki, the Board of Selectmen appointed Robert Zak to the Library Trustees until the Election on May 9, 2005.   (Troup – yes, Heaton – yes, Wysocki – yes)
Library – Letter of Intent:  Mr. Troup provided the Board with a copy of the letter of intent to the Massachusetts Public Library Construction Primary for the General Construction Project.

Appreciation:  The Board received a letter from the Central Massachusetts Regional Library System, Inc. extending their appreciation for the contributions of Kelly Collins to the organization’s Executive Board.

Free Cash Certified:  The Board was informed that free cash was certified at $758,893.00.

Department of Revenue:  The Board of Selectmen executed a document stating that it was understood that the one time municipal aid appropriated is a one time grant and shall not be recurring.

Meeting adjourned.