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Board of Selectmen Minutes October 7, 2004
Board of Selectmen                                      Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
October 7, 2004                                                 Richard H. Heaton, Jr.
Stanley M. Wysocki

The Board of Selectmen met at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall.  Minutes of July 21, 2004 were read and approved.  Law Committee minutes of July 21, 2004 were read and approved.

Present for the meeting:  Martha Remington, Donna Hathaway, Chris Slade, Wendy Rogers,  David Lindsay, Harold Brown, Cia Boynton, Daniel Senie, Russell Karlstad, Ed Sterling, Tony Bryan

Mr. Troup opened the meeting by informing everyone that the Selectmen at their meeting on Thursday, September 30, 2004 had agreed on 4 major capital priorities in the following order:

1.      Renovation of Emerson School
2.      Police Station (Will present an update to the Selectmen at their meeting on Thursday, October 21, 2004)
3.      Library (They were in recently to provide the Board of Selectmen with an update)
4.      One in a life time purchase for land available for municipal purposes

The Board of Selectmen’s goal is to complete the Master Plan.  Free Cash was submitted at $650,000 but has not been certified.

The people present were provided with another copy of the town meeting/election calendar for the Annual Town Meeting.  (Linda left to make more copies of the town meeting/election calendar)   

Jodi Ross, Town Administrator stated that a new process of submitting department budget work sheets electronically will be implemented and all departments will be informed of the new process.  

Participants shared their capital projects or project ideas as follows:

Donna Hathaway, Dispatcher -  Will be requesting new dispatch furniture; as old desk is being held together by 2X 4’s.

Harold Brown, DPW – Would like to replace a one ton truck ($50,000), replace a six wheeler with used one or new ($50-130,000); replace Ford backhoe with new backhoe loader; septic for Emerson and Florence Sawyer School (septic is funded but question if funded adequately.  Plans to be submitted by October 29, 2004 to DEP and anticipate response is December); Renovations of Emerson; Cost of services related to road maintenance and road repairs (bituminous, salt, drainage) have increased.  If there is a severe winter it will be an expensive winter.

Cia Boynton, Public Ways Safety Committee – Extend the sidewalk from Salt Box to the Senior Center, eventually a sidewalk extension on the other side of the road all the way to the Savings Bank; a traffic study possibly by developers.  

Ed Sterling, Park/Rec – development of field proposed by Kevin Sweeney into additional fields; better way of maintaining the sports fields, eliminating responsibility of Mr. Brown, DPW;

Martha Remington, as a taxpayer, stated that she had been looking at annual reports and noticed Kettlehole Road had drainage work almost every year and she thinks that the town should make sure that when roads are accepted that the town make sure we are not having to rebuild drains so quickly.

Town Administrator Ms. Ross reported on the status of recommendations suggested by Future Management Systems as follows:  We have a new website up and running, and everyone will continue to see changes as time goes by; A financial team has been formed and meeting on a regular basis;  The town planner is starting on October 18, and will participate on the Master Planning Committee; Currently interviewing for a Town Accountant as recommendation of FMS and the State;  All town employees were given goals this year and will do a mid year evaluation in December and then in June;  Physical issues related to office space are being address with space for the police station and library addressed at the town meeting;   the Senior Center has been welcomed into the new Bolton Country Manor which will free up space for the Town Planner, Town Accountant and Treasurer.  

The Board of Selectmen reviewed the special town meeting warrant and numbered the articles.

Forbush Mill Road Mowing -  It was reported the funds requested for the mowing of Forbush Mill Road was for two mowings  per week.  A decision needs to be made as implications of mowing once or twice a work and impact on the request of approval of irrigation systems for both the Forbush Mill Road and Memorial Field by the Little League and Soccer Associations.  Advisory Committee member Chris Slade commented that he thought Park and Recreation was responsible for setting up rules and management of the properties, and therefore felt Park and Recreation should make these decisions.  Park and Recreation member Ed Sterling stated he supports the proposal but felt it was too complex for the DPW to handle.  At the request of the Board of Selectmen the Park and Recreation Commission will review and report back to the Board of Selectmen with their proposal. (i.e. after installation of the systems what is the ongoing maintenance). Contractual arrangements need to be approved with Selectmen.  Ms. Ross reported that Town Secretary Linda Day has submitted paperwork to request prevailing wages.  

Local Improvement –  This article is for $10,000 for funding improvements as voted by the Public Ways Safety Committee.   Chris Slade, Advisory Committee Chairman stated that the Advisory Committee would like to see this article withdrawn from the special town meeting and go through the normal budget process for FY06.   Public Ways Safety Committee members Cia Boynton and Dan Senie also felt that the request for these funds was not necessary as an article for the special town meeting.  The Board of Selectmen agreed to delete this article from the special town meeting warrant.

Police Station article – The Police Station Study Committee will be submitting a revised article with a specific piece of property stated in the article.  A summary will also be provided.  Mr. Lindsay stated his opposition to this article as it would cost $165.00 per household.

Town Accountant article – Ms. Ross will be meeting with Advisory Committee meeting on Tuesday, October 12, 2004 to discuss this position.

Acquire Main Street Limited Business Properties article – figures will not be received until around the 20th of October.

Monitoring Wells – Mr. Brown is seeking additional quotes for the installation of monitoring wells and has determined that it is possible that well # 6 does not need to be repaired.

Acceptance of Roads – The Board has scheduled the hearing for the layout of roads for November 4, 2004.

Amendments to Rate of Development/Amendment to Types of Uses Chart – the Board of Selectmen suggested that the titles of the articles be changed.

Mr. Doug Storey of the Bolton Affordable Housing Partnership (BAHP) met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the proposal of the BAHP to establish a housing trust fund in the town of Bolton.   He stated that the Board of Selectmen had approved the draft of the trust fund legislation but that the Affordable Housing Partnership then met and decided to make some revisions to the draft.  He stated that they met with the Advisory Committee on Tuesday, October 5, 2004 to discuss the draft and specifics related to authority for use of funds.  

A suggestion was made to have the Selectmen vote to endorse, deny it or call for a town meeting vote after they have had a public hearing with notification to the town/abutters.  Citizens would also have the opportunity to take the issue to town meeting with a citizen’s petition.   

The Affordable Housing Partnership will prepare the required articles for the special town meeting that would set the process for the use of the trust fund.

Present Mark Sprague, Andrea Gilbert, Board of Health members,  Russ Karlstad, Planning Board member, Frank Krysa, Building Inspector, Martha Remington, Bob Davis, Creighton Hamill,

The Board of Selectmen discussed the recent request from Pat Larson of 101 Wilder Road for a shared septic for existing mansion and new house that requires some variances from the local Board of Health.  

The Board of Health tabled the request at this time until it has been confirmed that the boundaries of the lots have been recorded.  Mr. Sprague, Chairman of the Board of Health stated that requirements of Title 5 state that any plan must have confirmed boundaries.  The lot lines presented did not fit what the Board of Assessors office have on file.  The Board of Health would like the Planning Board to confirm the lots lines.  

Martha Remington, resident stating that the lot presented at the Board of Health meeting was not the same configuration registered at the registry of deeds.
Mr. Karlstad, member of the Planning Board stated that the plan submitted to the Planning Board 4 years ago was because there was some kind of language in previous agreement that it should not be split off.  

Mr. Creighton Hamill stated that if he wanted more than one house on the lot he would have done that at the time.  He reiterated the deed reads – “one house” and was not in favor of going against those rules and regulations.

Important info regarding the lot included:  The Board of Selectmen were also informed that the lot has been recorded with the Board of Assessors as an unbuildable lot. An ANR lot does not deem it a buildable lot.   The deed states one house per lot.  

The Board of Health requested a letter from the Board of Selectmen (or Town Counsel) stating that the lots lines were invalid.  Mr. Krysa, Building Inspector felt that the owner would be required to go back to the Board of Appeals to change the decision.

Ms. Ross reported that HUD has approved the senior center moving into the building.  A lease was proposed with revisions recommended by town counsel.  A payment of $100 per month was agreed upon to cover heat, electricity, maintenance and we pay the phone, internet.  

Ms. Ross stated that the article submitted for the special town meeting is for unexpected expenses from November to June and to to enter into the lease agreement.  

Frank Krysa, Building Inspector was present.

Mr. Krysa stated that he feels that Sprint needs to come to the Board of Selectmen for a special permit.  Mr. Krysa feels that if the Board of Selectmen does not require a special permit this would allow anyone to pass over the Board of Selectmen for a special permit.    

Have the site plan submitted to the Board of Selectmen for review as submitted to the Board of Appeals.  If revisions are required by Board of Selectmen the Board of Appeals should then be notified.

Town Secretary Linda Day will provide Selectmen with a copy of the site plan for review.

The Board of Selectmen have already received a copy of the decision, and a plan to all three board members for review and comment for Selectmen’s meeting on October 21.

The Board suggested that Mr. Krysa think about revisions to the bylaw to close the gap in this bylaw.   

Election Date:  Ms. Ross informed the Board that Town Clerk Betsy Cussen gave her a date of December 20 for the election for the Main Street Property.  Selectmen would prefer November 29.  The Selectmen were not satisfied with this date and requested Ms. Ross inform her of this to determine a date in November if possible.  This will be discussed at the October 21, 2004 meeting.

Free Cash:  was submitted at $650,000.

495 Corridor:  The Board suggested holding off until some time in December.

Mr. Troup reported the schedule for Tri-Town Meetings which will be held the 1st Wednesday of each month:  
Stow – November 3;
Lancaster – December 1;
Bolton – January 5

The Board of Selectmen are in receipt of a letter dated October 1, 2004 notifying them of the intent to sell for or convert to residential use certain property located on West Berlin Road.  The Selectmen have 120 days to act on their right of first refusal option.  Town Secretary Linda Day will distribute a reminder to the Board of Assessors, Conservation Commission and Planning Board and request their comments.

Town Secretary Linda Day reported that she received a request from Alan Agnelli, Town Administrator of Lancaster for a meeting with Bolton to discuss the proposal for lock up services.  The Board of Selectmen would like Lancaster to provide the Board of Selectmen with a list of their questions.  Mr. Troup stated that he would be willing to meet with Lancaster and report back to the Board.

The Board of Selectmen requested that Town Secretary Linda Day contact Tom Miller to inform him of the Audit Advisory Committee meeting on Wednesday, October 20, 2004.

Meeting adjourned.