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Board of Selectmen Minutes August 18, 2004
Board of Selectmen                              Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
August 18, 2004                                         Dick Heaton
                                                                Stan Wysocki

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.


#4 – $66,966.18
#4a - $164,021.30

Selectmen wished the Bolton Fair well and were sorry that the fair had to move.  The Selectmen stated that they will be supportive, regardless of where the fair is held.

Town Administrator Jodi Ross informed the Selectmen that she had distributed the Commonwealth Capital Application to the various departments to complete and is awaiting its return.  This application allows us to apply for funding.  Carol Gumbart, Administrative Assistant for Conservation Commission is attending a seminar on this matter.

On January 1, 2004 the IRS raised their mileage reimbursement to $.375.  Town Administrator Jodi Ross is asking for the Board of Selectmen to vote to increase the mileage reimbursement amount.  A new form has been prepared for employees to use when submitting mileage reimbursement.  The Board voted in favor, effective July 1, 2004.

Bill Spratt, Director of Buildings for the Nashoba school requested permission for a new sign at the high school.  The Board voted and it was unanimously approved.

Janet & Gil Burns of  Sugar Road. requested that deer crossing signs be posted at either end of the conservation area along Sugar Road because deer have been hit recently.  Harold Brown of the Highway Department feels that we have deer crossing throughout the town and putting up signs at any one location would set a precedent.  The Board is in agreement with Mr. Brown, but if the residents or the Conservation Trust would like to post the signs themselves, the Board has no objection.

Town Clerk Betsy Cussen sent a Memo to the Board requesting that the process of forming and dissolving committees be more formal.  In addition, she would like appointments to Board and Committees to be formalized.  The Board is in agreement and will be more forthcoming in providing information.  
Specifically, the Board appointed a Long Range Planning Committee.  The members of this Committee have not been reappointed and the Committee was dissolved.  Jodi Ross will check to see if dissolution is required at town meeting if it was created at town meeting or can be an action by the Board of Selectmen and report back to the Board.

In response to correspondence received from Town Residents regarding allowable uses for the property, the Board noted that they previously sent correspondence to Mr. Slater regarding to this matter (9/20/02).  It was decided that Ms. Ross would send a letter to Mr. Slater advising him that the Board of Selectmen have not changed their position, and therefore, this is not allowed and they must cease.  The equipment that is not used by Great Brook Farms for loading and moving of bark mulch and other garden related items that are sold must be removed from the property.    Great Brook Farms is a single business and can not have sublessors.  The Selectmen will request that Mr. Slater submit an updated business plan to the Board of Selectmen for the next meeting on September 15, 2004.

Present:  Harold Brown, Mark Casse and Chris Parella of Verizon
MA Electric is requested to replace the existing pole and move the new pole away from roadway.  The existing pole has a push brace.   This would move the pole in 12 feet, and would clean up the corner.  Mark Casse, the Tree Warden, stated that the area was cleaned up and is at the edge of pavement.  He is in favor of moving and or replacing the pole.  The Pole application unanimously approved.

Present:  Bill Fateiger, Bolton Conservation Commission, David Lindsey, resident.
Mr. Fateiger stated that the quote from Beaver Solutions was for 3 pipes and fencing to separate from the culvert at the school, which would be the third pipe.  It is the feeling of Beaver Solutions that by dropping the water, it will spur more beaver activity.  There are two dams, one pipe will be installed at each dam and one downstream from the culvert and that will work with the fencing by the sheep field.  There will be fencing 10 feet on either side of the walkway.  The fencing is protective of culverts, not in connection with the dams.

The total amount to be spent would be $3,675, broken down as half for labor and half for materials.  The questions is do we need to protect the culvert.  The culvert is historic.  This would protect anything that is put there, either new or old.  ConCom budgeted 5,000 for beaver issues for this year.  

David Lindsey does not want this to open ended.  Modify the dollar amount to $3,675.  Voted and approved.

The Selectmen attended the Historical Commission meeting for the hearing on the former Wisell Property, 722-723 Main Street.

Doug Storey is suggesting that Comprehensive Permit be applied for to speed up the process.  He indicated that Affordable Housing Committee would be willing to work with the Drizells to complete the process.

Dick Heaton arrived at 8:40 pm.  Ken Troup conveyed to Dick Heaton what was presented at the Historical Commission meeting with regard to the former Wisell property at 711-713 Main Street .  Dick Heaton wants a LIP proposal for the Comprehensive Permit to be submitted to the Selectmen.  The owner wants a determination from the Selectmen to see if they would support a Comprehensive Permit.  Stan Wysocki wants the present owner to come in and speak with the selectmen.  No decision to be made but all parties will be clear on what the town, ie Selectmen are expecting in a LIP proposal.  Dick Heaton feels that Doug Storey should be present to represent Affordable Housing Committee.

The Library Building Committee has requested a meeting with the Selectmen on September 16, 2004 to discuss the proposed Library expansion.  The Selectmen are open to an update, however, if there is a proposal that they are looking for approval on, they are requesting that is be based on a population figure of 7,500.  Using  a population figure of 9,600 is no longer pertinent to today’s growth and economic issues and the Selectmen do not support expansion of the Library based on that figure.  The Selectmen do not believe that the current property can support  expanding the library to the size that is proposed.  

Correspondence will be sent to the Library Building Committee requesting that they include the following in their presentation:

-       proposal based on a 7,500 population
-       Board will need the proposal by middle of September if they are going to submit in October
-       Other Boards and Committees need a copy
-       Proposed can not require variances to the property lines
-       there must be adequate parking on the property for the facility being constructed

David Lindsay asked if the decision can be made ahead of time so they don’t spend $10,000 on something the Selectmen won’t approve.  Ken Troup stated that the Library Committee does have the option to take their proposal beyond the Board of Selectmen and to the town at town meeting for approval if they don’t agree with the Selectmen’s recommendations.

Jodi Ross reported that the Veterans Agent does not feel that he can accomplish the job within the budget that was voted on at Annual Meeting.  Ms. Ross would like to share an agent with another town and stay within the budget.  After discussion it was decided that Ms. Ross would ask surrounding towns if they would be willing to share the agent.  Ms. Ross will report back to the Board.

Discussion to take place at the next Selectmen’s meeting on September 2, 2004.

Ms. Ross will follow up on the status of the alleged law suit and report back to the Board.

The Special Town Meeting has been set for November 15th and this was a reminder that all proposed articles must be submitted by September 15th.  Ms Ross  reported that the calendar was reworked and Town Secretary Linda Day feels that it is important to stay on schedule in order to have the warrant prepared in the required time.

The prior veterinary practice property and adjoining property are currently for sale.  The listing realtors have contacted the Town to see if the town has any interest in the properties as they potentially have other offers.  The blue house has also indicated that they would be willing to sell to the Town.  Mr. Troup has spoken with local realtors to get an indication of value.   Mr. Heaton feels that this is a very important item that should be decided by the residents of the Town at town meeting in November.  All are in agreement.  Voted and approved that Two Articles with be presented at Special Town Meeting, one for each property.  The Selectmen will ask the owners to keep the properties off the market until the Special Town Meeting in November.  

The Board of Selectmen approved the request of Rick Collier to change the sign in front of St. Xavier Church.  Voted and approved.

The Board received a request from the Zitola Election Committee for the Selectmen to host a debate.  The Selectmen are not interested in hosting a debate in conjunction with Mr. Zitola running for office.  They noted that there are private organizations that do support this sort of thing and they suggest that they contact the Friends of the Library.   

The Town Planner position has been offered to a candidate by Ms. Ross.  She has not been able to speak with the candidate but will report back to the Board as soon as she does.

Mr. Heaton requested support from the Board of Selectmen to conduct a pilot with Nashoba Regional High School to better plan school expenses over a longer period of time inasmuch as the school budget is the highest percentage of our budget.
This pilot program would most likely take a year to complete and meetings would occur quarterly.   This would not be something that would be used as a tool in setting the FY 06 Budget.    Mr. Wysocki supported the request.  Mr. Troup didn’t feel that it should be a town project and feels that Mr. Heaton should work on an individual basis, not representing the town.

Mr. Troup is willing to approve this request provided that this project does not become all consuming for the Town of Bolton and push other important project to the back burner.  And further that a planning tool is being created rather than a planning tool that is already in place being used and honed.

Correspondence received from the surrounding Towns of Stow and Harvard indicating that they are not in a position to provide the Town of Bolton with lock up.  After discussion it was voted that the Town of Bolton will pursue discussions for a new police station.

The Town Goals that were set 2 years ago will be given to Department Heads as a beginning point.  The Selectmen are looking for a few, straight forward goals and would like it to be kept simple.

Meeting adjourned.