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Board of Selectmen Minutes August 4, 2004
Board of Selectmen                                      Present:        Kenneth F. Troup
August 4, 2004                                                  Richard H. Heaton, Jr.
Stanley M. Wysocki

The Board of Selectmen met at the Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.

#05-3           $  70,341.63
#05-3a          $264,621.81

Ann Sutcliffe of Annie Moore Road donated to the town a Map of Bolton, surveyed by Silas Holman in the year 1831.  Ms. Sutcliffe stated that she is moving to New Hampshire to restore a tavern and felt it important that the map stay in Bolton.  The Board of Selectmen thanked her for the donation of the map.

Present for the meeting:  Harold Brown, DPW and Andrea Gilbert, Board of Health member

Mr. Brown informed the Board of Selectmen that he has reviewed the plans as a result of the request from DEP that we install replacement groundwater monitoring wells at the Bolton Sanitary Landfill.   

Based on his review of the plans he has determined that wells MW2, MW3, MW4, MW4D, MW5D were decommissioned and were shown on the plan submitted to DEP that was later approved by DEP in their letter of compliance dated October 28, 2002.  Mr. Brown also stated that the location of wells MW6 is 30 feet further to the west than shown on the plan and is not being monitored.  Mr. Brown agreed to talk with Mr. Davis regarding this well.

After much discussion it was agreed that the town should write a letter to DEP explaining the status of these wells and proposing the replacement of wells MW7 and MW7D as shown on the plan.  The Board of Health will discuss at their meeting on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 and determine who will be the author of the letter to be sent to DEP.  The letter will also address well MW6 and the options related to monitoring and/or replacement.

Mr. Brown met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the letter received from David Boyer of DEP.  DEP has used the month of the highest water readings as a base point.  The average was 1226 gallons per day at Emerson School and 8250 gallons per day at Florence Sawyer School.  This exceeds the design of the leaching field by 750 gallons at Florence Sawyer.  Mr. Martin of Ducharme and Wheeler is addressing the issue directly with Mr. Boyer of DEP.

Present:  Martha Remington, Al Gordon, David Lindsay
For the record the Board announced they had received a letter from Pat Bensetler. Martha Remington, representing the Historical Commission stated they are concerned with the dam that is located behind the Historical Commission building on Main Street.

The Board of Selectmen held a public hearing at 7:30 p.m. under the provisions of Bolton Water Resource Protection District bylaw that was filed by the Bolton Conservation Commission for the installation of beaver flow pipes, fencing and maintenance on Great Brook to control water levels created by beaver dams.

Beavers have built a dam on the brook behind the Historical Commission’s Sawyer House, Pat Bensetler’s and the Quinlan’s property along Main Street and north and east of the Emerson School.  

Conservation Commission members did not attend the hearing and therefore the Selectmen were not able to confirm the costs for the installation of the beaver flow pipes.  
On a motion made by Heaton, and seconded by Wysocki the Board of Selectmen approved the installation of beaver flow pipes on town land up, not to exceed $2,500.00  
(Troup – yes, Heaton – yes, Wysocki – yes)

Meeting with the District:  Town Administrator Jodi Ross will attend the meeting August 12 at 2:00 p.m. in Superintendent Wood’s office to discuss the school budgets and related matters.  

Minuteman Nashoba Health:  The Board of Selectmen voted to designate Jodi Ross, as the Town of Bolton’s representative member to the Minuteman Nashoba Health Group and Linda Day as the alternate member.

Alcoholic Beverage meeting:  Town Secretary Linda Day will attend a regional training session on Thursday, August 12 regarding new initiative to improve the business practices of local licensing authorities across the Commonwealth.  

Long Range Planning Committee:  The Board of Selectmen agreed that the Long Range Planning Committee will be dissolved because of the formation of the Master Planning Committee.

Department Goals – October 7 letter:   The Board of Selectmen will hold a budget session meeting in September in preparation of the October 7, 2004 meeting.  The Board of Selectmen will review the list of goals to be forwarded to others for review and comment.  Mr. Troup stated he had some questions regarding Mr. Heaton’s compiled list and Mr. Heaton will review and provide a response.

Martha Remington stated that the Historical Commission is interested in following the status of the Florence Sawyer School septic system design and would like to receive any information related to this matter.  

Jason Talerman, Doug Storey, David Lindsay, Elaine Lucas, Gerard Ahearn, Chris Slade
Mr. Heaton led the discussion regarding Chapter 40B profit sharing.  Mr. Heaton would like to see the Town adopt a principle of profit sharing with 40B developers.  He introduced Jason Talerman from Kopelman and Page who is one of the leading 40B lawyers in the state and has been responsible for working several plans with several other communities.  Mr. Talerman gave an overview of activities through out the state.  Mr. Talerman stated 40B’s should not necessarily be reviewed as a different process from other land uses.  The concept of impact fees, mitigation, and profit sharing is not new and good developers have always approached towns with their willingness to work with a town.  All new projects have an impact to the town, and every project opportunity to provide housing or seek out what may be beneficial to the town.

Mr. Talerman stated that it was not favorable to have the guidelines be so specific related to the percentange of cost of 40B projects although it was ok to have as a guideline.
He suggested that the guidelines be worked on prior to approval by the Board of Selectmen.

The Affordable Housing Partnership drafted an act establishing a housing trust fund in the Town of Bolton.  On a motion made by Heaton and seconded by Troup the Board approved the document.  Mr. Storey will contact Town Counsel for guidance in submitting to Representative Walrath for legislative review and approval.

At the request of the Affordable Housing Partnership on a motion made by Heaton and seconded by Troup the Board of Selectmen appointed Kevin O’Brien to the Affordable Housing Partnership.

Chris Slade, Advisory Committee and Russ Fitch, Veterans Agent, David Lindsay
Mr. Slade informed the Board of Selectmen that Mr. Fitch had exceeded his approved expense budget for FY05 and had submitted a transfer to the Advisory Committee for expenses in the amount of $953.47.   (Salary $900.00, Expenses $100.00) The Advisory Committee’s feeling was that any department that is going to exceed their budget should inform the Advisory Committee prior to doing so.   But, Mr. Slade stated that Mr. Fitch informed them that the Selectmen had given him the go ahead to exceed his budget, and therefore the Advisory Committee wanted the opportunity to talk with the Selectmen prior to voting on the request.  

Mr. Fitch stated that what he originally proposed for the FY05 budget and was defeated at town meeting would be sufficient.   He is waiting to hear from two other towns for the Veterans Agent position.  The budget would then be divided by the 5 towns.
Mr. Fitch stated he divided the expenses of phone and computer between himself and the three towns he currently works for.  He also informed the Selectmen that he intended to charge the town $800 for use of his office located in his home.  

Town Administrator Jodi Ross said that after the town meeting a committee was formed to evaluate what the town needs and what should be recommended for FY06.  Ms. Ross stated she was only aware of two open cases in Bolton.  Mr. Fitch said that there are 800 veterans in Bolton.  

When Mr. Fitch was asked if he would stay within his budget he said the funds would be gone by August and then the Town would have to deal with the problem of what to do with the Veterans.  Mr. Fitch stated the Selectmen are not aware of the Veterans situations – prescriptions, hearing aides, and the Selectmen should be ashamed of themselves.

The Selectmen were willing to place an article on the warrant but Mr. Fitch stated he wanted to handle the situation himself by obtaining signatures for an article on the special town meeting warrant.

Mr.  Lindsay, disagreed with idea of article on the warrant and thought that the Selectmen should come up with what is best for the town.   

Mr. Troup agreed to talk with Bill Fatieger who was a member of the Adhoc Committee in an attempt to have resolved so that action can be taken at the special town meeting.

Mr. Heaton suggested the appointment of the Master Plan Committee be deferred.  He announced his interest in serving on the Committee.  

Mr. Heaton distributed requests for information and received informal proposals from approximately 9-10 firms specializing in Master Plans for towns.  The information from the companies will help the new Master Plan Committee determine its approach.

Meeting adjourned.