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Board of Selectmen Agenda 08-18-16
Thursday, August 18, 2016
7:00 p.m.
Houghton Building, 697 Main Street

7:00 to 7:20 p.m.
Update on facility issues at Emerson and Florence Sawyer Schools
7:20 to 7:30 p.m.
Discuss proposed town budget meeting with the Board of Selectmen, Advisory Committee, Capital Planning Committee, Town Administrator, Treasurer and Accountant
7:30 to 7:40 p.m.
Discuss process for updating the Open Space and Master Plan
7450 to 7:50 p.m.
Request from Police Chief Nelson to promote Patrol Officer Jonathan Couture to Sergeant
7:50 to 8:00 p.m.
Discussion regarding cable coverage for town boards and committees
8:00 to 8:15 p.m.
Town Administrator Report
  • Update on Minuteman
  • Update on best practices for capital projects
  • Update on comp time for contract employees
  • Update on invitation to the Department of Transportation to attend the Selectmen’s meeting to discuss safety concerns on Route 117/Green Road
  • 7.
  • 8:15 to 9:15
  • p.m.
Board of Selectmen Business
  • Public Service Announcements (Stan Wysocki)
  • Update on Wilder Road Culvert
  • Review the proposal for structural engineering of the portico at Town Hall
  • Discuss suggestion that both repair and replacement proposals are requested for all currently planned and future capital projects
  • Review and approve edits to Legislation bill H3640 regarding recall elections in the Town of Bolton
  • Review and execute the lease agreement between the Bolton Senior Housing Corporation and the Town of Bolton for 600 Main Street  
  • Request for approval of an additional $100 in longevity pay for services of employees who have accumulated over 20 years of service
  • Discuss pay changes for the ambulance squad
  • Execute the Warrant for the 2016 State Primary
  • Request from Pamela Powell, Town Clerk to appoint the Election Workers
  • Request from Planning Board to appoint Peter Driscoll, Associate Member  
  • Review and approve revised Form 43 for an alteration of licensed premises to allow alcohol to be served on the deck at Fotini’s Restaurant (Anastasios Kessaris), 544 Wattaquadock Hill Road
  • Request from Bolton Access Television to release funds for the Bolton Access TV operations (Frank Lazgin)
  • Minutes
  • 8.
  • 9:15 p.m.
  • Executive session pursuant to MGL c. 30A, §21(a)3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining for the Fire Union, as the Chair finds that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the Board’s bargaining position.