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Board of Selectmen Agenda Nov. 4 (revised)
Board of Selectmen
November 4, 2004
1.      7:00 to  7:15 p.m.  Bruce Slater, Great Brook Farms regarding rental equipment  
2.      7:15 to 7:30 p.m.       Chief Hyde, introduction of 2 Reserve Officers          
3.      7:30 to 8:00 p.m.    Public Hearing: Layout of Public Ways
           Roadway As Built plan of Danforth Brook Lane, dated February 25, 2004
As Built plan profile of Mt. Wachusett Lane, dated April 8, 2004
                                                As Built road plan of Quail Run, dated December 30, 2002       
4.      8:00 to 8:30 p.m.       Harold Brown, DPW – update on various projects  
5.      8:30 to 8:45 p.m.       Doug Storey, Affordable Housing Partnership             
6.      8:45 to 9:00 p.m.       Coldwell Banker Sign Proposal           
7.      9:00 to 9:15 p.m.       Moen RFP Proposals Discussion           
8.      9:15 to 9:30 p.m.       Town Administrator Report/Selectmen Business            
-       Personnel Committee – policy re: Employee Compensation During Department Head Extended Absence


The Board of Selectmen intends to layout the following roads as public ways and will hold a public hearing on Thursday, November 4, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. on the layout of the roads.  Danforth Lane, Mt. Wachusett Lane and Quail Run are shown on plans entitled:

Roadway As Built plan of Danforth Brook Lane, dated February 25, 2004
As Built plan profile of Mt. Wachusett Lane, dated April 8, 2004
As Built road plan of Quail Run, dated December 30, 2002

Articles will appear on the warrant of the Special Town meeting of Monday, November 15, 2004 for the town to accept these roads as public ways.  Any questions please contact Linda Day, Town Secretary’s office.

-       Minutes: Final – August 4, 2004 DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY OTHER MINUTES?
-       Copy of email from Tom Parker re: Main Street Property
-       Worcester Regional Retirement System – information
-       NRSD Committee voted to reduction of Regional Transportation $
-       DOR Ltr – Free Cash certified at $758,893
-       DOR Ltr – Tax Rate reviewed and approved by the Bureau of Accounts
-       Legal Spreadsheet through August
-       Ltr from EOEA – grant opportunities
-       MAPC – smart growth meeting
-       Ltr from Historical Commission re: Riverside, 396 Still River Road
-       Ltr from DHCD – Bolton is Housing Certified under Exec Order 418 for period ending 6/30/05
-       ConCom – Certificate of Compliance – Hudson Road
-       Building Permits approved for October 20 & 27

-       Ltr re: Great Brook Farms advertising
-       FYI – Sgt. Bagdonas will be introducing one Reserve Officer; Richard Goyette declined.
-       Copy of “Act establishing a housing trust fund in the Town of Bolton” emailed by DStorey on Nov. 3
-       Email from Adv. Committee members re: Moen property
-       Ltr from Mass Chapter re: the banner advertising local church info
-       Ltr from Pat Bensetler re: Sheep Field/Septic System
-       Ltr from Rick Hoffman re: little league baseball, along with a copy of email rec’d from Chris Collins (originally rec’d at your October 7 meeting)
-       Ltr from Jeff Boudreau re: agenda