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School Needs Assessment Committee Minutes April 24, 2006
Bolton School Needs Assessment Committee
Date:    Monday, April 24, 2006

[X] Addy Buffum
[  ] Richard Fly
[X] Ted Kirchner
[X] Tom Pokorney
[X] Leigh Shanny
[X] Karen Cavaioli
[X] Joel Bates
[  ] Ken Tucker
[  ] Bob Tower

[  ] Margaret Campbell
[X] Panny Gerken
[  ] Chris Slade

Meeting Location:       Florence Sawyer Conference Room Begin:  6:40 PM End:    07:30 PM        

1.      Minutes from the March 27th meeting were reviewed and approved.
2.      Ted reported on the bids for additions on the existing buildings.  Highlights included:
·       Dorr and Whittier , architects, issued a letter with three~expand Sawyer options.~~ The cost estimate was questioned and subsequent to the meeting corrected to~$6.5MM to $7.5MM (M=000) for~11,000 sq ft per first floor, 11,000 sq ft per second floor and~2500 sq ft of cafeterial and kitchen.  Ted will clarify. (Committee will assume a projected to be $7 to $10 million)
·       Dorr and Whittier suggests a time line of 30 to 53 months from the start of the feasibility study to construction turnover for the expansion option.~ A letter presents more details and additional information re a Greenfield new school investment and time line
·       Suggested additions to Florence Sawyer include a kitchen expansion, a cafeteria expansion, and a two floor wing off the rear of the building with basement storage.  
3.      Committee voted as to the recommendation of Emerson 1922 and 1952 addition.  Decision was unanimous.  The following steps will now be taken
·       Presentation of storyboards for this recommendation will now be put together for the Selectman’s meeting which will be public for anyone who wants to attend.
·       Storyboards will present population projections, other options considered, and reasons for recommendation
·       Proposed presentation to Selectman will be Thursday, June 1st, Town Hall around 7:00.

Meetings take place at 6:30pm at the Florence Sawyer Conference Room
Bolton School Needs Assessment Committee minutes taken by:   Addy Buffum