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School Needs Assessment Committee Minutes March 13, 2006
Bolton School Needs Assessment Committee
Date:    Monday, March 13, 2006

[X] Addy Buffum
[X] Richard Fly
[X] Ted Kirchner
[X] Tom Pokorney
[X] Leigh Shanny
[X] Karen Cavaioli
[  ] Joel Bates
[X] Ken Tucker
[X] Bob Tower

[  ] Margaret Campbell
[  ] Panny Gerken
[  ] Chris Slade

Meeting Location:       Florence Sawyer Conference Room Begin:  6:40 PM End:    08:15 PM        

1.      Minutes from the February 13th meeting were reviewed and approved.
2.      Portables/Leases Committee (Karen, Richard, Addy) reported on their research:
·       Leasing pros and cons at sites like Trinity Church, Future Electronics, and Flatley Office Park
·       Portable information was discussed with information provided by Bill Spratt, NRSD facilities director
3.      Expansion Committee (Joel, Bob, Tom, Margaret, Ted) reported on their research:
·       Space needed is estimated to be 10 to 12 classrooms (250 students) adding rooms via portables or actual additions.  Some options would be onto Emerson playground black top, off the Florence Sawyer music room towards Derby, or where the barns used to be.
·       Ted and Bob also met with an architect firm (Dore & Whittier) to discuss options at both Emerson and Florence Sawyer.  This appointment is purely for consultation purposes.  No fee was paid.
·       Question came up as to how many classrooms can be added with the use of the existing cafeteria, gym, nurse’s station, etc.  Regulations should be researched in regards to any expansion option.
4.      Renovation Committee (Ken, Panny, Leigh) reported on their research:
·       Plans are available for the 1952 addition as well as the 1952 and 1922 addition. The 1952 renovation would give us space for about 160 to 180 children.  The 1922 addition would provide space for another 60 or 80 kids.  Both renovations would provide space for about 260 students.
·       We have the option of renovating just the 1952 addition at this time and postponing the 1922 addition to another time if needed.  Asbestos is a concern as well as the current heating system.  Renovating the kitchen also has to be done as well.
5.      Short term solutions at this time:
·       Portables and Leasing Options in town. (Emergency options to consider only due to high cost, lease limitations, and minimal portable placement options)
·       1952 renovation
·       1952 and 1922 renovation
6.      Longer term solutions at this time:
·       New wing at Emerson
·       New wing at Florence Sawyer
·       New School

7.      Next meeting:
·       Committee will start to focus on the presentation to the Selectmen, find the gaps of missing information and then assign more sub-committees to fill in the holes.

NEXT MEETING DATES:  March 27, April 10, April 24
Meetings take place at 6:30pm at the Florence Sawyer Conference Room
Bolton School Needs Assessment Committee