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School Needs Assessment Committee Minutes 10/27/2005
Bolton School Needs Assessment Committee
Date:    Thursday, October 27, 2005

Present:  Ken Tucker, Joel Bates, Richard Fly, Karen Cavioli, Addy Buffum, Leigh Shanny, Tom Pokorney, Chris Combs, Bob Tower, Panny Gerkin, Chris Slade
Absent:  Margaret Campbell

The first meeting of the Bolton School Needs Assessment Committee met at 6:30 p.m. at the Florence Sawyer School Conference Room.

Initial meeting, there were no minutes to approve.

Discussion Topic (s):
·       The Committee decided to meet 2nd and 4th Mondays, (Nov. 14, Nov. 28 and Dec. 12 for 2005), beginning at 6:00p.m.  Two January dates were also given.  Other dates will be added.
·       Panny provided the committee with subdivision information projections.  
·       Ken presented actual enrollment data from 1993 to the present, as well as a room use document.  Ken shared the estimate versus the actual enrollment data.
·       Leigh suggested that the committee break into sub-committees to parse out the work necessary to complete a recommendation (if needed) in time for Town Meeting.
·       Addy questioned whether the town of Bolton might have population study information so as to not duplicate efforts.
·       Chris suggested being open to looking at threshold numbers as a trigger for action.
·       Addy asked about several rumors.  There are drawings, designs and cost estimates to renovate the ’52 and ’22 sections of the Emerson building.  There is space on the grounds for an additional school building but the construction may not be cost effective.  
·       Richard suggested that the administration provide additional information relative to space needs that would be unaddressed in enrollment terms.   
·       Chris Combs nominated Tom Pokorney as chair of the committee.
·       Panny nominated Leigh Shanny as chair of the committee.
·       Leigh and Tom agreed to co-chair the committee.
·       Addy agreed to serve as secretary.
·       Chris agreed to serve as time-keeper.
·       The potential Agenda for November 14
o       Review and approve minutes
o       Bring ideas for the next meeting
§       Data sources
§       What defines our needs
·       What might impact the town?
o       Population estimate
o       Boundries
o       Recommendations
§       What data do we need to collect
o       Creating sub-groups
·       Ken will get NESDEC information from the District
·       Bob will contact the central office for current information relative to school building programs, regulations and funding options.
·       Ken and Joel were asked to make a recommendation to the committee relative to maximum capacity.  
·       Ken asked for a correlation between houses coming online (occupancy permits and population) and the school enrollment data.  
·       Chris was asked to report back on the current findings of the Bolton master planning committee.
·       The committee was asked to brainstorm what might happen to the town of Bolton relative to various scenarios.
·       Panny will bring in the Emerson plans

On a motion made by Panny and seconded by Addy the Bolton School Needs Assessment Committee voted to approve Tom and Leigh as co-chairs of the committee.  All voted in favor.

Future Meeting Dates:  November 14, November 28, December 12, January 9 and January 23.  Meetings will be held at 6:00 pm in the Florence Sawyer Conference Room.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Bolton School Needs Assessment Committee minutes taken by:   Joel Bates