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Public Ways Safety Committee Minutes 11-12-08
Public Ways Safety Committee
Bolton, Massachusetts
November 12, 2008

Members present: Barbara Bing, Leslie Breeze (Co-Chairs), Mary Ciummo, Rob Hagopian, Deborah Kellett, Cia Ochsenbein

Called to order at 7:11 PM. Minutes from the October 22nd meeting were approved and accepted.

MINUTES, OCTOBER 8, 2008: Minutes not yet ready; Cia will follow-up.

TOWN PLANNING MEETING: The Town Planning meeting held last month was discussed.

RESPONSE FROM MASS HIGHWAY RE/SPEED LIMIT 30 AHEAD: PWSC received a positive response from Mass Highway expressing no objection to installation of Speed Limit 30 Ahead sign where contentious Cautionary 30 mph sign was removed.

·       DPW head is due to meet with PWSC 11/19/2008, at which time we will share this information and request that the new sign be installed as soon as possible, and absolutely before ground freezes.
·       Upgrading some other signs with newer retro-reflective surfaces was mentioned in letter. DPW will be asked to upgrade as feasible.


·       Discuss letter received from Mass Highway, item above. A diagram for new sign will be available for showing exact sign and placement. Rob will prepare diagram.
·       Give DPW another copy of information we have received on estimates to upgrade/replace the school Flasher at 117 x Mechanic and discuss how best to proceed.
·       Discussed and agreed to the five agenda items for DPW noted on Oct. 22 minutes.

PATHWAY AT REGENCY:  Pathway has been installed at Regency and looks good.
Discussed a thank you from PWSC with possible publicity. Cia will follow-up.

QUORUM: Discussed how number need for quorum is decided for Town Committees. We may wish to change our current requirement of four. Mary Ciummo will check with Town Clerk regarding any regulations.

STATUS OF DEVELOPMENTS: Brief discussion of status of some new/proposed developments about town. Leslie will check what’s current with Town Planner Burney.
FOLLOWUP FROM HARVARD: Rob reported on his follow-up with DPW in Harvard regarding their recent installation of a 4-way stop at 117 x 110. Harvard did not consult Mass Highway.

Discussed Rob’s rough draft of an inquiry to MA General Counsel regarding our wish for clarification of responsibility and oversight for numbered routes. Rob will re-draft and re-submit the new draft to the Committee.


1.      Cia Ochsenbein will prepare minutes for 10/8/2008.

2.      Mary Ciummo will confirm 11/19 meeting with Harold Brown.

3.      Barbara Bing will prepare a copy of the School Flasher correspondence to give to Harold Brown on November 19th.

4.      Cia Ochsenbein will follow-up the possibility of a public thank-you to Regency; she will contact Regency personnel, and Nan Schnitzler of The Bolton Common if Regency amenable.

5.      Mary Ciummo will ask Town Clerk about rules regarding quorum.

6.      Rob Hagopian will re-draft inquiry to MA General Counsel about responsibility for state routes.

7.      Rob Hagopian will prepare a diagram showing type and placement of MA Hwy approved sign.

8.      Leslie Breeze will check with Planner Burney re/status of developments.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for 7:00 on Wednesday, November 19, 2008.
Minutes submitted by Deborah Kellett