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Public Ways Safety Committee Minutes 10/22/08
Public Ways Safety Committee
Bolton, Massachusetts
October 22, 2008

Members Present:  Leslie Breeze, Rob Hagopian, Deborah Kellett, and Mary Ciummo.

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m.  The Minutes from the October 8, 2008 meeting were not available.

Old Business:
·       Leslie’s meeting with Harold Brown concerning the letter to MassHwy. about signage replacement on Main Street east of Harvard and Manor Roads:
o         Harold stated that DPW does not have money for new signs but does have some signs in storage that can be recycled.  It was recommended that all the signs be replaced.  Rob will check out the signs.  Rob’s diagram will be instrumental in showing them exactly what we want.
o       Fog lines. Harold stated that fewer roads will be done because costs have gone up.

·       Cia has posted PWSC meeting dates through to May 2009.

·       Leslie will contact Linda Day about re-posting the open position in the Common and on the Town website.  

·       Rob has drafted a letter to MassHwy. concerning authority over 117 and has e-mailed it to all members.  He would like comments by e-mail; and it will be discussed at the next meeting.

New Business:
·       Our Nov. 19th meeting with Harold should be simple and focused. Discuss how we can help him as well as our wants.  Some discussion topics:
o       How can we get money built into his budget in order to get our things done.
o       How can we maintain the fog lines that we have.
o       How many signs can DPW replace a year.
o       If we talk about intersections, include the Routes 85 and 117 island.
o       We need to point out that even though we don’t have a budget, we’re willing to go to town meeting for money.

·       PWSC Active Items list.  Reviewed and updated complete list.

·       Regency sidewalk.  It is to be noted that the sidewalk is under construction.

Action Items:
·       All Committee members:
o       Make a list of topics to include in our meeting with Harold on Nov. 19.
o       E-mail to Rob any comments on letter to MassHwy.

·       Leslie will:
o       Contact Linda Day about position posting.
o       Check out status of Riverside development.

·       Rob will:
o       Update the sign diagram for Main St. east of Harvard/Manor and check out the condition of the signs at night.
o       Check out sidewalk at Regency.
o       Check out status of Riverside development.
o       Contact Harvard DPW.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for November 12 at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Mary Ciummo.