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Public Ways Safety Committee Minutes 07-23-08
Public Ways Safety Committee
Bolton, Massachusetts
July 23, 2008

Members Present:  Deborah Kellett, Cia Ochsenbein, Leslie Breeze, Rob Hagopian, and Mary Ciummo.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00.  Minutes for the July 9, 2008 meeting were reviewed and approved.

Old Business:
·       Action items from last meeting:
o       Leslie will contact Linda Day about posting the position on the town-wide e-mail subscription site.
o       Angled parking diagram.  Leslie will drop off angle parking info to Cia.
o       Meeting with police scheduled for August 13 has not been confirmed.
o       Updated policy document has been e-mailed to all Committee members by Deb.
o       Lancaster 4-way stops.  Rob has contacted Lancaster police and DPW but all are on vacation; info to come.
o       Updated speed study road list has been e-mailed to all Committee members by Mary.

New Business:
·       Discussion of topics for meeting with police:
o       Speed study.  Discussion about the effectiveness of speed studies on side roads when area of concern for police is 117. We should probably focus on 117 and concentrate on signage.
o       Cautionary signs before Manor/Harvard on 117.  Leslie will contact Barbara to see if she is working on signage with Harold and Vin.  Rob will send pictures of recommended cautionary signage to Barbara.
o       Library crosswalk and angled parking.  Crosswalk can be done now; with placement of movables, road will be narrower.
o       Stow roundabout.  We should ask Andy if he has any information about the roundabout going in on 117 in the Lower Village.
o       Leslie will prepare agenda for meeting.

·       Meeting with town planner.  Leslie has e-mailed Jennifer introducing new chair members and presenting a list of our issues.  It was decided that she could meet with our committee on our regularly scheduled Wednesday evenings at 7:00.  Cia will contact her about a pathway fund.

Future Business:  
·       DPW drainage clearing on 117 could present possible safety issues.  It was noted that the cleared area makes the road appear wider but it was also noted that the cleared area creates an area to walk.  Planting trees or installing singing shoulders were discussed.

Action Items:
·       Leslie will contact Linda Day about posting position on the town-wide e-mail subscription site.
·       Leslie will drop off angle parking info to Cia.
·       Leslie will contact Barbara about signage with Harold and Vin.
·       Leslie will prepare police meeting agenda.
·       Rob will get Lancaster 4-way stop info.
·       Rob will e-mail signage pictures to Barbara.
·       Cia will contact town planner about a pathway fund.

The meeting adjourned at 8:10.  Upon confirmation, the next meeting will take place at the police station on August 13 at 7:00pm.

Minutes submitted by Mary Ciummo.