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Public Ways Safety Committee Minutes 6-11-08
Public Ways Safety Committee
Bolton, Massachusetts
June 11, 2008

Members present:  Dan Senie, Barbara  Bing, Cia Ochsenbein, Deborah Kellett, Rob Hagopian and Mary Ciummo.
The meeting was called to order at 7:10.  The minutes from the May 28, 2008 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Old Business:
1.      School zone flasher lights.  Barbara distributed the memo she had drafted to the Selectmen for our review.  After making changes the Committee voted unanimously to approve the memo as edited.    
2.      Passing zone signs on Main Street.  Rob’s memo was reviewed by the Committee and changes were made on-line.   Dan read the edited version to the Committee and we voted unanimously to approve the memo as edited.  
New Business:
1.      Mass Highway and Main Street.  Harold Brown reported to Dan that he was contacted by Mass Highway about the following issues concerning Route 117:
a.      Harvard/Manor/Main speed limit.  Speed limit will remain the same, based on Mass Highway speed study.  
b.      The yellow 30mph cautionary sign near the catholic  church is illegal and has to be removed.  Committee members noted that the sign was gone and will inquire to DPW about its removal.
c.      The state has no plans for redoing Route 117 from 495 to the Lancaster line.
d.      495N on ramp.  The state recognizes the need for a light and may be willing to put one in.
e.      Still River and Main Streets.  Mass Highway agrees that something should be done about this intersection but they’re not willing to pay for it.
2.      Dan recommended that the Committee send a letter to the secretary of transportation about  whether to get help from the state for the maintenance of Route 117 or release the road from state oversight and let the town control it.
3.      Curb extensions.  Dan spoke with Harold Brown about using cones at Still River and Main Streets to simulate traffic islands, and then observe the traffic flow.  
4.      4-way stop signs.  Committee members have noticed 4-way stop signs being set up in Lancaster on Route 110.  It was noted that Harvard also has a 4-way stop in the center of town on a state numbered road.  We need to investigate if towns are allowed put up stop signs on state roads.   Harvard/Manor/Main would be a good candidate for one.  Rob will contact Lancaster and Harvard DPWs for information.
5.      Cross walk movables.  It was reported that if there is any problem with the movables to contact the Police Dept. business office.
6.      Walking workshop.  There was a brief discussion about angle parking; a more in depth discussion about the workshop will be held at the next meeting.
Action Items:
1.      Barbara will send an e-mail to DPW about the missing yellow cautionary sign.
2.      Rob will contact Lancaster and Harvard DPWS about 4-way stops.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40; the next meeting is June 25, 2008 at 7:00pm.
Minutes submitted by Mary Ciummo.