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PWSC Minutes 1-10-07
Public Ways and Safety Committee

Bolton, Massachusetts

January 10, 2007

Members present:  Deborah Kellett, Barbara Bing, Leslie Breeze, Cia Ochsenbein and Mary Ciummo.

The meeting was called to order.  Minutes from the December 13, 2006 meeting were accepted.

1.      Sidewalk bid package.  Shelley and Jody have prepared a bid package which is to be mailed out January 11th.  Bids are due February 8th.  Greg Roy at Ducharme and Dillis is to deliver 10 copies of the sidewalk design drawings to Shelley.  Cia will follow up with Shelley to ensure that she received the 10 copies.

Cia reported that the Town secretary is confused about what account to pay the Ducharme bills from.  The Town claims there are not enough funds to pay the December bill from Ducharme and Dillis.  At the 2004 Town Meeting, PWSC originally asked for $10,000 but lowered it to $8,000 because $2,000 could be used from the Main Street Safety Task
Force account.  Deb will check PWSC minutes from before the 2004 Town Meeting for any discussion about the extra $2,000 and will e-mail Cia with her findings.  We recommend that PWSC ask the Town for an accounting once or twice a year to avoid further discrepancies.

2.      Century Mill Recommendations.  The Committee reviewed and approved the updated drawing of the South Bolton/Century Mill intersection.  Because it is a citizen’s concern, the Selectmen need to establish a priority for it.  PWSC should respond to all citizen concerns to show that we’re receiving and responding to them.  For consistency and fairness, there should be a standard acknowledgement for these responses indicating that the Committee has received the concern and its status.  For each concern, one Committee member should be the designated contact person and respond by e-mail.  For the Century Mill issue, Barbara will be the contact person.  She will forward the memo and updated drawing to the Selectmen and Andrew Keane and will notify Mr. Keane to check with the Selectmen’s agenda for a discussion of his concern.

3.      Toll Brothers Sidewalk request.  This issue needs further discussion.  The Committee agreed that it prefers Toll Brothers to build a sidewalk on their property rather than have them pay for a pathway somewhere else because by the time Toll Brothers compensates the Town, it may not be much money.  PWSC needs to respond to the Board of Appeals by its January 17th meeting and a Committee member needs to attend this meeting.  The Committee also agreed that we do not need to respond further to Curt Plante’s concern about handicap requirements on the Toll pathway other than Cia’s previous response.

4.      Manor, Wattaquadoc, Main Streets traffic and Public Safety building.  A 1980’s traffic study proposed one-way on Manor and partial one-way on Wattaquadoc.  The Committee needs to keep abreast of the police building committee activities.  Leslie contacted Mass Highway about one-way change requirements.  Because Main Street is a numbered route and not a state highway the Town can do what it wants but Mass Highway recommended that they review any plans.

5.      Barbara recommended that at the beginning of each meeting old business be reviewed and action items reported on.

Next meeting January 17, 2007 at Town Hall.

Respectfully submitted by Mary Ciummo.