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PWSC Minutes 1-25-06

Public Ways Safety Committee
Bolton, Massachusetts
October 25, 2006

Members present:  Cia Ochsenbein, Deborah Kellett, Barbara Bing, Mary Ciummo, and Leslie Breeze.

The meeting was called to order by Deb at 7:12 p.m.
It should be noted that the October 12, 2006, meeting was canceled because of lack of a quorum
Minutes from the previous meeting were not available.

Report on and follow-up to meeting with Board of Selectmen on October 19, 2006:
Traffic Rules and Orders were approved.
The BOS approved all 5 items listed on our memo of June 28, 2006.
The crossing sign and speed limit sign near church have been switched, as recommended.
The two new “yield” signs on Main St. are up, attached to crossing signs; we’ll check on the one for Wattaquadock.
Movable yield signs:   Discussed with BOS having signs placed in middle of road on Main St.  They approved getting 3 for Main St., with placement of one west of Mechanic St. and one on each side of the Wattaquadock intersection.  BOS also approved a movable for the Mechanic Street crosswalk.
**Cia will write a memo to Harold Brown, Vin Alfano, and Andy Bagdonas re our recommendations for the movables:  Buy them now.  Have them in place well before street cleaners come in spring.  In the early spring, Andy will mark the spots on Main St. where they need to be placed.
N.B.  Our committee needs to discuss this issue and placement of movables by March 1st!
Sidewalks:  BOS approved patching them.  
** Deb will write a confirming memo to Harold and Jodi (send first to Don, to send on to others) – a reminder that this item was approved.  A further suggestion is that Round Up be applied to the weeds in the sidewalk cracks, as the weeds are enlarging the cracks.
Enforcement of No Parking on sidewalks:  The Traffic Rules and Orders, just approved by the Board of Selectmen on Oct. 19, 2006, clearly states in Article V (Stopping, Standing, Parking), Section 5-1 (General Prohibitions) that parking is not allowed (b.) “Upon any sidewalk”.  
**  As a follow-up to the BOS meeting, Barbara will write a memo to Chief Alfano – as a reminder that officers need to enforce this section of the Traffic Rules and Orders

New sidewalk:
Cia brought site plans for our review.
Jodi voiced a concern to Cia that there might be a conflict with the Eagle Scouts’ effort to rebuild the stone wall that was destroyed when Florence Sawyer School was built.  We determined that there would be no breach of that wall; Cia will tell Jodi to have the scouts go ahead with their project.
Greg Roy, from Ducharme and Dillis, Civil Design Group, Inc., will meet with Conservation Commission on Nov. 14th regarding the plans as they relate to wetlands on the opposite side of Main St.

Warrant for Annual Town Meeting:  
The warrant closes on November 13th
Dan had recommended that we have a draft sidewalk article – leaving the numbers blank until we have more exact amounts.  We agreed.  Deb will send the draft on to Dan for him to send to Jodi.

Possible grants?  Cia will see Jodi and Nat Tipton about the possibility of their pursuing grants for getting the sidewalk built.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for 7:00 on Wednesday, Nov. 8th
Minutes submitted by Barbara Bing