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PWSC Minutes 7-26-06
July 26, 2006

Meeting opened at 7:08 at the Bolton Police Station
Members present - Dan Senie, Leslie Breeze, Deborah Kellett, and Barbara Bing, with Sergeant Andrew Bagadonas attending on behalf of the Bolton Police Department.

The minutes of the last meeting (June 28, 2006) were accepted and signed.

There was no meeting July 12, 2006 as it was cancelled due to a lack of quorum

Leadership: Don Cole nominated Dan Senie to take over the leadership of the PWSC. The motion was seconded by Barbara Bing and unanimously approved by the members.

The Group discussed selecting a Vice-Chair to assist Dan with the leadership duties.  Deb Kellett agreed to fill in as Vice-Chair for a one year term, but indicated no interest in extending the term.  

Harvard Road/ Manor Road/ Main Street intersection: We discussed the recent serious accident at that intersection.  Chief Alfano joined us and indicated that signage at that intersection does not appear to be the primary cause of the recent accident he witnessed.  Traffic lights may have an impact upon accidents such as the recent one; however the problem requires additional study by experts.
One solution proposed was making Manor road one way. An engineering study to determine the best solution is likely in order. The Chief thought that with:
·       A detailed list of accidents
·       sightline analysis
·       traffic flow analysis
As support for an engineering study, the Town will support a request.

Andy indicated he is wrapping up a speed study of Main Street.  He plans on having a report available for submission to Mass Highway on or about the end of July.  Further, he will provide us with the statistics of the accidents at Manor road.  

Still River & Main/ High School Areas: These are additional candidates for engineering studies

Road Paint: The members provided positive feedback on Harold’s recent road paint work.  The 30 mph indicators and new stop lines will enhance safety.  Barbara Bing will draft a memo thanking him for his good work and will request that the paint the white mid line yellow at the three-way stop near the tracks on Wattaquodoc road.  

The turn lane at Flatley was also discussed.  The lane as now configured appears inconsistent with other turn lanes such as in Stow on 117.  It was thought that an engineer would be appropriate to study that area before any changes from pre-existing conditions were made.  However, the committee indicated that Harvard/Manor and the High School were areas of greater concern and action on the Flatly area was deferred.

Movable cross Walk Signs at Main and Wattaquadoc: The current signs likely need replacement.  Dan and the Chief will discuss parts and specifications with Harold.  Currently, the signs continue there “walkabout”.  Andy suggested that when we get the new signs we should mark where they belong and he will get them to stay put. It was proposed that we get five signs three on the street with two as spares or available for parts

Radar Training: There will be additional speed studies performed by the Police with PWSC members assisting.  Andy volunteered to train us for ~ ten minutes at the next meeting or suggested we stop by whenever he is working. They also are willing to loan a handheld radar gun to the Safety committee on a short term basis

Selectman Letter feedback: It appears the Selectman did not act upon our recent letter.    They are scheduled to approve the Rules & Regulations at tonight’s meeting and it is hoped they will act quickly on our Requests.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35