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Police Station Study Committee Minutes March 2, 2007
Public Safety Building Task Force

Minutes:~ Friday, 3/02/07

Location: Bolton Police Station

Attendees: J. Buffum, M. Diaz, V. Alfano, M. Giunta, J. Mentzer, D.Farrel

~~~~ The meeting started at 7:45am. The purpose of the meeting was to vote to select a recommended Architect to prepare floor plan drawings, elevations, site plan, and Town Meeting presentations for the proposed Public Safety Facility. Two of the three vendors contacted answered the RFQ (Request For Quotation) sent out the previous week. The firms of Jakunski Humes and Allen Lieb Architects responded with the proper information packets. The Committee voted unanimously to select the firm of Jakunski Humes to prepare the initial packet. They were selected for the following factors:

-       We preferred the check and balance of their use of an independent cost analysis firm.

-       Their overall presentation was superior, instilling strong confidence.

-       They specialize in Police and Public Safety facility design

-       Outstanding references and customer satisfaction

~~~~ Jeff Buffum will contact Jodi Ross, Town Administrator, and advise her of our choice, and complete associated paperwork. Jeff will also contact A. Lieb, and advise them of our decision. He will contact Jakunski Humes, and have them coordinate a meeting with Chief Alfano to start the in-house interview procedure. J. Buffum will notify group of next scheduled meeting which will most likely be every Wednesday night at 7.30pm from now to July. He will handle public meeting notice procedure.

Motion to adjourn made at 0845 by J. Buffum, seconded by V. Alfano.

Respectfully Submitted,

Vincent C. Alfano